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Time to Be Joyful

Godwriting 3-19-2011

L: Dear Lord…

G: Hi, Laura, it’s been awhile.

L: Yes, sorry, life has been busy and full.

G: I know. I am moving things forward for you, yes?

L: Yes. Feels like things are starting to come together more.

G: Yes, it’s true. It’s true for everyone. Things are coming together to bring the world closer, to bring all people closer. I know there are natural disasters happening, but this is what you were born for – to bring greater and greater Light and let My Presence be known to others.

L: How am I to do that?

G: Just as you are doing already. Just continue along your path of doing what brings you joy. And through your joy, others will become joyful. That’s how it goes. Everyone needs to take responsibility to bring more joy into their lives.

It is a time for gaining greater inner clarity. A time for fixing what needs to be fixed. A time for adjusting and shifting and sorting out things to bring in the Higher Good. Everyone needs to do this, not just you. More and more people are finding it a time of re-adjustment. They think it’s just something they are going through, but they don’t understand. Everyone, I mean everyone, is going through this. Everyone’s issues are up and they need to be dealt with so the world can move forward to imbibing greater and greater Light and Love.

This is My Message for the world: Clean Up Your Act! Clean up the environment—external and internal. Clean up. Be ecofriendly. Be green, as they say. Look inside at the trash you have accumulated, are holding on to. Let go and let God. Let Me be in the driver’s seat and you can relax. Relax and let go.

Let go and let My Love flow. Let My Grace flow. Grace, God, Guru. All is My Love. There is only One and it is I. Have faith. Keep the faith, as they say. Keep the faith in Me, in the Absolute, in the One who flows through all things. I am the One and Only. I am the Love and Beloved. I am the Grace of God. Flow. Flow. Flow through all things.

Allow your life to be a dance in My Name. I am the Name on your dance card. I am the card itself. I am the dance itself. You cannot separate Me from the dance and the dancer. I am that I am. I am the One and Only. Remember Me in all things. I transcend all and am in all. I am that I am that I am.

L: Thank You, Lord, for Your sharing today.

G: Tell your group there that I love them and am watching over all things. I am taking care of life, of all of creation, and all is going according to plan. Keep going, evolving. Keep loving and praying. Send blessings to all. There are many in need. Pray for the world. Hold everyone in your hearts. And know all is well.

L. Thank You, Lord. Amen.