God Hears Our Cries

God said:

I hear My children cry out:
“To God, dear God, I speak to You, and I know You hear me and You talk to me, and You love me. Why am I not the happiest person in the world? God, why aren’t I?”
I answer:
Habit. It is the premise you start from, that you do not have Me, that you have to attain. You have attained. You have attained Me. What you actually have attained is your awareness of Me, but not just of Me, of our Oneness. There is some residual within you of Our sitting across from each other that you like over Oneness. You have been alone so much in your life, and you love having a Companion like Me.
At the same time as you love Our Togetherness, you also love Our Oneness. Even as Our Relationship is Oneness, and you know it, you love to feel the softness of silk between your fingers, and you also love to feel the lesser softness of linen. You feel you would miss the linen, and you may want to keep it as long as you can.
You want Everything which is Oneness, yet you want the diversion of multiplicity. You want to face Me, as it were, more than you want to be the Foundation of the Universe. You are hesitant about power. Power may have a connotation that you are less than comfortable with. There is part of you that wants to look up to a taller Power, and have you shorter.
So, even as you like to look across at Me, you very much like to look up at Me.
You like having a Great Father in Heaven. In your mind, to ensure that, you must then be at a distance, even a short distance. In that sense, it is not all that easy for you to let Me in. At the same time, you have let Me in. You have gathered Me up in your arms, yet, you have not yet wholly embraced Me for fear of losing yourself.
At the same time, you have not put Me down either. You keep Me held between Heaven and Earth when, all the while, you are destined to come with Me to Heaven in this lifetime of yours as My Companion here, My intimate Self here. It is not that you have renounced Heaven, yet you hold it aside for a little while. You want a little more of Me while you see yourself as you think you are.
Be sure to grasp that I am not talking about the death of your body. I am talking about Our Oneness even as your body carries you. Still, there is something within you that cries out to be individual and to stay a seeker. You like the chase. You like the expectation of being found. Yes, you like expectation. You don’t quite yet fully welcome the sense of the chase being over. Not that it would be a let-down to be with Me as One, yet you don’t quite yet want to leave a realm that is so familiar to you regardless of how you may complain about it.
You would like to keep your feet in two boats. You do not yet quite want to leap over the rainbow. You may think you don’t like relative life all that much, and yet you cling to it, as if you are saying:
“Just a little longer. Just for a little longer, God, let me be a human being who struggles rather than a human being who has transcended struggle and gained full residency in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Do you imagine that in order to join Me, you would be losing your place in the Sun?
Whatever you may believe, you love the circularity of Earth Life very much. Nevertheless, very soon, you will take My hand and you will say:
“God, I am ready. I am ready to restore myself to my rightful place which is entirely with You. It’s not that I will leave myself in the dust. I will be joining My Self. I won’t be giving my identity away. I will be gaining my True Identity, and joining, as it were, a cast of thousands who have lost their fear of Oneness and become One with You, God. I will be joining Reality, not an abyss. I must give up my fear of the Unknown. It is not even Unknown. I fear the Silence that knows no bounds. I do not have to feel like I am giving up anything, for Heaven has always been my Home. It is where I belong, absorbed in You, God and Your Love. This is where I find my Self.”
Beloveds, it’s not that you disappear. It is that you finally appear as you are. In any case, you and I will be enjoined in your growing awareness soon enough. Come to Me. Here I AM.

Read Comments

Five words from the heart.

I am on my way!

you finally appear as you are

And ALL GOD's Children say aye my Father.
This message made me laugh so heartily.
You have gotten it right.
I love being Human. I LOVE this World that I live in.
And truth to tell I like having one foot in both World.
Dissolving in Oneness and this world turns to Illusion and what is left? Not even a footprint or a memory.
I am trusting you more than ever now.


And your comment made me

And your comment made me laugh heartily as well. What a human response! And your oh so powerful last sentence, Victor! Love it.

I wonder if, God, I am trusting You more than ever belongs to be the wording for a tee shirt!



Gloria, in the fifth

Gloria, in the fifth paragraph which begins "At the same time as you love . . .", the second sentence reads, "Even as Our Relationship is Oneness, and you know it, you love to feel the softness of silk between your finger, and YOU, ALSO love to feel the lesser softness of linen."

In between the two words in all caps is a comma that doesn't make sense. A grammar stickler might insist that there is in fact a comma missing and "also" should be set off in commas, but I don't think that is needed and there are already a lot of commas in that sentence.

Also it would make more sense if "finger" was "fingers" in that sentence. And notice i did not set "also" off with a comma in my previous sentence. The mind and voice do that anyway with the word "also".

Thank you, dear Charles, for

Thank you, dear Charles, for your impeccable proofreading. Everything now fixed on this Heavenletter. This is important.

You will make good your love.

What I say goes, and I say you are love, not stormy love, but love upon which everything and everyone hinges. Let your love hang from the rafters and enter every heart. Heir to your love, no one will be lonely ever again. No heart will ache. No heart will be without your love. Your love will anchor itself in each heart. Your heart will be a pirate ship. You will overtake and gain admittance to every ship that sails. You will leave love as your signature. You will make good your love. You will be a pirate ship that leaves love in its wake. Wouldn't you like to be that, a pirate who turns the tables on himself by giving great treasure? Don't you want to sail the seven seas with love?
- from Heavenletter #3326

Yes I Do!!

Today's heavenletter speaks so directly to me. I do sooooo want to be done with this struggle, and yet I have been quite hesitant to fully embrace our Oneness.

The truth is it could not happen soon enough for me.

Thank you God for hearing my cries! :-)

It must be that we have been

It must be that we have been hesitant to fully embrace our Oneness.

You will be a pirate ship that leaves love in its wake. Wouldn't you like to be that, a pirate who turns the tables on himself by giving great treasure? Don't you want to sail the seven seas with love?

From the depths of soul We rise.

From Heavenletter #2949:

Can you imagine My joy in you? Would you deny Me even one moment of joy? Would you deny Me anything I ask? Would you deny Me you?

There is nothing to say. There is everything to be. There isn't anything that We are not.

We return to the good earth, and We dig deep. Everywhere We find treasure, untold treasure. We take it out, and We leave it there. Let someone else find it. There is more where that came from.

The biggest treasure is the treasure within. That's where We matter most. This is where We find Ourselves. We are valiant and untrodden there.

From the depths of soul We rise. We rise and We stay. We go everywhere, and never leave. We multi-task the Universe. We are everywhere all at once, and yet there is nowhere to be.

Who leads and who follows? Who is in front when no one is behind?

Are We in a mirage or a miracle? And Who cares? What is the difference when We are love, and We stand on Our tiptoes reaching high and bending low to pick everyone up?

We turn somersaults in the air, and We land in Heaven.

Adam Michael's word!

Adam, your words scour the heavens and bring to us that which lights the very heavens with light and the brilliance of God.. Thank you for the choice, beautiful words that tell us so much that God wants us to know!


Thank you George!

God's words through Gloria of course, but WOW, Thank you!!
It brings me great joy to make the words my own and share them with you.

You certainly put the light to my candle just now. :-D

Love and Gratitude,

Beloved God... why, oh why You sound so simple?...

Beloved God... why, o why You sound so simple and non complicated to me with Your so simple words?...

Maybe as I found within Your words, that it was me, it was I who was complicating my own existence, by simply ignoring my own god-Self?...
By simply ignoring my complications of life, thinking about tomorrows that would be even more complicated and more difficult than yesterdays?...
By not breathing air of today, expecting that tomorrows air would be much more clearer, much more crispier than one right know?...
By searching some distant God from past, who was complicated, too descriptive and judgmental on occasional times?...
Or it was I who was accepting some new age future God of forgiveness and compassion?...

Or, I simply make my own life simple as it is already created by You?...
If I simply accept there is no tomorrows, there was no yesterday, there was no forgiveness and compassion?...

What if I simplify my existence by breathing Your Love with every breath I do, knowing that You are so simple as breathing?...
What if I simply see Your love as something truly belongs to me as godly human?...
What if I start breathing now Your Love, without worry is there is going to be enough air and oxygen in 2021?...
What if there is no tomorrow?...
What if tomorrow never comes?...
What if I am the one who have to see God within my own heart?...
What if I become You, simply by not complicating my own breathing of YOUR LOVE?...

With Love, Predrag Saint Germain...

You are a poet, dear

You are a poet, dear Predrag.

What if I become You, simply by not complicating my own breathing of YOUR LOVE?...

There are no real words to express my love thought to you!

I was unable to walk today but friends helped me to my computer. I wonder how to say real living words about about a message written just for me. You say so well my thoughts by writing: "God, I am ready. I am ready to restore myself to my rightful place which is entirely with You. It’s not that I will leave myself in the dust. I will be joining My Self. I won’t be giving my identity away. I will be gaining my True Identity, and joining, as it were, a cast of thousands who have lost their fear of Oneness and become One with You, God. I will be joining Reality, not an abyss." How could I say it better. Life has been a moving wonder for 90 years and I thank it and thank you for reading my poor words? Love


Beloved George, you give us

Beloved George, you give us so much wisdom and joy. Thank you and a thousand blessings.

Thank you for Hearing Me God

Here I come. No more hiding. No more hatred. No more pain. I embrace the legacy of Heaven that is mine to claim. I am the Oneness of the Wholeness of the Universe and I am carried safely in the strong Arms of Laughter.

Hiding, no more. The

Hiding, no more. The Oneness, the Wholeness, the Oneness of the Wholeness, I am. Laughter, Arms, strong. Safely carried. Heaven, claim, embrace! They're very nice words, combined in a very nice way -- love them very much.

thank you

Beloved Felicia. I see You and I Thank You for Shining Your Light to Guide My Way. I Love you with all my Heart.