Do You Believe in Twinkling Stars?

God said:

Beloveds, ascending may feel like descending to you. When you are no longer bounded by space, how could you know whether you are ascending to Heaven or whether Heaven is quickly alighting on you? And what does it matter anyway? Earth and Heaven are announcing themselves as One. A partnership was formed long ago, and Heaven seemed to be the silent partner. Of course, We know that silence is stronger than noise. Anyway, now Heaven, silent no longer, is rising to the surface. Invisible no longer, Heaven is rising, and it is rising within you.

No longer will you feel it necessary to try to identify what is Heaven’s and what is Earth’s. That is much the same exercise as separating Us from each other, wondering whether an idea was yours or Mine, and which of Us said what. Beloveds, when there is no separation, that is when there are no boundaries. When you accept your boundlessness, boundaries, those imagined things of the past, become obsolete. All boundaries are imagined. There is no boundary that is not imagined. Even iron bars are imagined. Simply because you can touch them doesn’t make them real. How powerful your mind that puts borders around light and identifies what is bordered as real and what is borderless as unreal. Yet, My beloveds, do you not believe in the sky? And twinkling star light?

Imagined iron bars and arbitrary restrictions of any kind have been like magnets, pulling your thoughts to them, as if there were nothing else to think about but these useless chains of the world wrapped around your ankles, hobbling you. Beloved, even footless, you are a traveler, not in space, but in spacelessness.

You cannot separate space from time, nor spacelessness from timelessness any more than you can separate love given from love received, or separate love from life, or your heart from Mine. You cannot tell timelessness and spacelessness apart. They are not apart. They are the same. It all depends upon how you look at it. Everything depends upon how you look at it. Anything seems to exist altogether because you are looking at it.

Let the boundless start magnetizing you. Let love and light and beauty magnetize your thoughts. When you can think of gold, why think of iron? Why do you think about what you mostly think about? It seems that you have taken the surface of life and sorted it into characteristics that you name problems. You have categorized all kinds of problems, sorted them quite nicely actually, but what for? So that you can pick them out better?

If you must sort, will you now kindly sort out beauty? If you must make things finite, play the game of making beauty finite. Identify beauty wherever you go. Focus your magnifying glass on beauty. Attend to beauty. Pile it up. If you must classify, classify beauty. Of course, there is no way you can limit it. You simply can’t draw a line around beauty.

You cannot adjudicate love either. Prisms of love are infinite. A candleholder holds a candle, but it does not limit the light. You are a holder of limitless love. You are not a limiter of it. Because love is within you doesn’t mean that you are to restrict it. Love is the flag within you that is to be unfurled, certainly not folded up. The idea that you can roll love up and keep it somewhere out of sight is another imagined idea of yours. There is no closet big enough to store love in. There is no heart that is not unfurling now.

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All boundaries are imagined

No longer will you feel it necessary to try to identify what is Heaven’s and what is Earth’s. That is much the same exercise as separating Us from each other, wondering whether an idea was yours or Mine, and which of Us said what. Beloveds, when there is no separation, that is when there are no boundaries. When you accept your boundlessness, boundaries, those imagined things of the past, become obsolete. All boundaries are imagined. There is no boundary that is not imagined. Even iron bars are imagined. Simply because you can touch them doesn’t make them real. How powerful your mind that puts borders around light and identifies what is bordered as real and what is borderless as unreal. Yet, My beloveds, do you not believe in the sky? And twinkling star light?
There are moments where I'm not sure any more whose ideas my ideas are. Seeing iron bars as boundless light seems much more difficult even if you suspect that they are just that. Or take these beautiful crystals on my desk (I always forget their names, but my wife knows them), the cute little stuffed pig, 5 euro cents, feathers, exotic pods and seeds ... and what about these hands and the keyboard? When they are borderless, just light, and I realize that they are – will my fingers go right through the keys?

All boundaries are imagined.

At the end oft this letter dripping with the love and presence of its Author, I realize it has already inspired me once. This time, with stunning immediacy of every sight, it leads me along the Ligurian cost, up the alleys of Cervo and down the paths of the magnificent Giardini Hanbury, all of it unknown and deeply known, no need to understand anything and not even an awareness of that need's absence.

And then it's sorting and categorizing again, drawing lines, wanting to know, looking for solutions.

Imagined iron bars and arbitrary restrictions of any kind have been like magnets, pulling your thoughts to them, as if there were nothing else to think about but these useless chains of the world wrapped around your ankles, hobbling you.

An occasional sense of boundlessness may not be the real thing yet, but it does feel more real today than it ever did before.


I have understood that thoughts are powerful. Beyond understanding. They are extremely powerful. And I also am noticing that I have lost interest in the power of thought. Is this arrogance?

I am not as interested in thoughts as I used to be. I want there to be only Silence, without an I to even identify that there is only Silence. I am pulled. You are irresistible, and the truth is that I do resist, or something does, but I keep getting pulled back into You, implying that I could be anywhere except inside of You.

I am noticing that gradually I am losing interest in the things that used to interest me. Including the "me" that was interested to begin with. I am happy about this. It feels good to release me, and whatever that can be released can't be Me to begin with. I am noticing some doubt arising regarding writing Me with capital letters. Something is doubting. This is exactly the seeming one that is being washed away. I am glad.

Thank You God/Self.


As I read what I wrote, I noticed that something is afraid of losing interest in things that are actually inherent to me. Like singing. But the truth is, that singing is so much more enjoyable when You are The One singing, and nothing interferes. When there is only One. Anything that is inherent to Being, and the unique flow of You through and as Me cannot be removed. Truth Is Truth. And Truth is revealing Itself to Itself. Thank God.