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Divine Direction

Divine Direction

God Said:

Scott, thank you for asking me about direction in life. Direction seems to be a mixed bag for most humans. What should I do with my life? Where am I supposed to go, or to be? It is a never ending stream of questions coming from you all the time. It is wonderful that you are asking me. I would rather be asked, than to not be asked. I would that you involve me in the least of your activities. I am anyway; why not invite my presence too?

Guidance is something inherent and natural to all. It is your estate so to speak and your birthright as my children. All are led in some way or fashion but they are not always conscious of this leading. Most the time you are unconscious of my leading. My leading and guidance for your life again is a partnership between us.

There are many kinds of ways humanity is involved in this guidance. Some, are asleep and do not think that they can be guided and so the “button” of guidance, is turned off in their lives. These are the people that become victims in life. They think that God, “A” does not love or care for them, or “B” God does not want to be concerned with such trivial matters, as HE (male reference) has bigger and better things to do with HIS time.

Then there are others of my offspring that choose a more pro-active approach with God for their guidance and direction for their lives. They have a belief in a divine being that does answer prayer. These are they that believe that God does indeed care but that God is still outside them. These believe in God or Source, but they think God is “out there” somewhere. “Somewhere over the rainbow, or someone out there in the blue yonder”, far away from them.

Then there are others that take a step even further than this and view God as inside themselves or within them. These have taken a more intimate approach to our relationship and partnership. They don’t feel God is “out there somewhere”, but intimately in them as a dynamic life force. These do not buy into the religious systems and what man has conditioned them to believe. They found out through numerous ways and means that God has always abided within them.

Even as young children they were aware of this presence of the divine within. They looked out at nature and sensed the divine everywhere in nature and in the beauty of creation. They had this inward knowing. If they did not have this knowing at first, at some point in their lives, either through divine events or circumstances, this presence was made known to them and they awakened; as if from a deep sleep. They begin to pray and cultivate an intimacy with the divine. They believed not only did God hear them, but that, God also spoke to them.

It is much easier to believe in talking to God, then God talking to you. Today, if you say this to someone they think you are a candidate for the “nut” house. Others on the other side of the spectrum, think God talks incessantly to them in a pride way. Like, “I am the only one who ever hears from God”. And, these same individuals use this to their own advantages, as if they were special gifts from God. Of course, most of these charge for their services and expect you to come to them whenever you need guidance.

I want you all to know that there are some gifted and intuitive beings out there that can be of great service when you are “dead-locked”, so to speak, and don’t know which way to turn for help or guidance. These are my gifts to humanity and there is nothing wrong with these charging for this valuable service. Just be very careful that these same “gifted” ones keep you from receiving your own valuable guidance direct from Source.

Many of these teachers or “guidance counselors” that have these intuitive gifts are very well meaning but have never surrendered their personal wills to the divine. They have even convinced themselves that they are special and should be treated specially at the expense of all others. These are the teachers that you should be careful of. Many of these have wonderful gifts, but are now abusing their personal power and are wielding it as if it were a sword to you, holding you at bay…and even hindering your personal guidance direct from Source-God.

Your greatest teacher is always the teacher within you…ME! I will speak to you, maybe not audibly, maybe more silently, maybe through your dreams, maybe even through others, or that still-small voice that is within. It really does not matter how I communicate to you does it? What is important is that you get the message and the guidance you need to proceed forward in your life.

Do you remember the story of Balaam the prophet of God who was charged with the duty of cursing the beloved of God? Do you recall how his donkey talked to him and warned him not to go further because the angel of God was in front of him? Yes, God can even talk, or channel, through an animal. God talks and channels through any vessel or being that is available.

Are you available to your God? Do you want to be a channel or vessel of the divine? You can be…all you have to do is make room for God in your life. Have you made room for God? This room starts in the room of your heart, not your mind. So many have made room in their minds for God, but unfortunately, have no room in their hearts for God. There is a big difference between learning about God and knowing God. My children seem to equate knowledge with wisdom and that is erroneous in your thinking. Wisdom comes from experience, and a knowing from within.

Have you experienced all of God the divine that you want in life? Are you satisfied where you are at? I hope not, because there is so much you need to know and understand about me. I am in- fathomable and without knowing in totality. It is not possible to know me in intimacy and know me fully and completely. I will show you an eternity of my unfolding and your divine unfolding too.

I ask you to be childlike in your earthly journey. God does not give its secrets to those who think they “know it all”; I give my secrets to those who want to hear them and have a desire to disperse these secrets to all of my sonship. These are they that have learned meekness like my servant Moses, who became the “meekest man on the face of the earth”. He was one who knew how to submit his will to God, and be truly “bridled” by God. Bridled by God, does not mean a slave of God, because a slave does not have the intimacy of one who is born free. You are born FREE my beloved. I created you in this totality of freedom of who I am. You are free to make your own choices in life, right, wrong, or indifferent. You are the master of your fate and the captain of your ship. God does not have to be involved in any facet of your lives if that is what you want.

Consider yourself fortunate though if you do involve the divine in every area of your life. Consider yourselves fortunate indeed if I can be your intimate partner. This is the kind of relationship I thrive on…intimacy. Don’t forget that my beloved. Intimacy has the connotation of being vulnerable and transparent. Intimacy means being “real” with God and not trying to “pull one over on me”, as you have tried to do with your brothers and sisters of earth. You cannot fool me…I know you intimately! Do you know me as intimate is my question for you my beloved? Do you really know me, or do you only know what others have said that I AM?

It is time my child to take on the spirit of meekness and submit your will to the divine. Talk about guidance, and leading and direction? It will be effortless. It will be as natural as breathing. Our hearts will beat as one. What a love we could have. I know what I want, how about you my beloved children? Are you ready to be open, transparent and meek? Are you ready to become children again? Are you ready for a relationship of your life like no other relationship you have ever experienced? I AM!



Submitted by: D. Scott Arant

I have two questions to make

I have two questions to make about this profound Godwriting:

1) God says: It is not possible to know me in intimacy and know me fully and completely. And then afterwards: You cannot fool me…I know you intimately! Do you know me as intimate is my question for you my beloved?
This confuses me a little, I thought it was impossible to know God fully and completely, unless you know Him in intimacy.
2) Do you mind, Scott, if I translate these wonderful insights of yours into Italian?

With unconditional love,
Safe in My arms you're only dreaming. -
Al sicuro tra le Mie braccia state solo sognando.
Love is the Answer.-Amore è la Risposta

Hi Paula, Sorry for any

Hi Paula,
Sorry for any confusion this Godwriting tm has brought you.
My feeling is that what was really being said was that we should always strive or flow into intimacy with the divine. This should always be one of our goals in life. However, the divine let's us know that it is impossible to ever fully know it in totality of intimacy because it is an ongoing unfolding. This is what makes God so interesting. You will never in all eternity really know all about God. There are too many facets of the diamond to fully comprehend it.

I hope this clarify's the spirit of the writing. :)

And, yes, I would be absolutely delighted if you wanted to translate this message or any of the Godwritings tm created to date.

You are such a light bringer... :)


A wonderful heavenly

A wonderful heavenly Godwriting, I am so grateful and happy that you are here dear Scott, right here and right now. Thank you !

How I love these here and I hope one day to be able to "disperse these secrets to all of God's children":

God does not give its secrets to those who think they “know it all”; I give my secrets to those who want to hear them and have a desire to disperse these secrets to all of my sonship.

I know what I want, how about you my beloved children? Are you ready to be open, transparent and meek? Are you ready to become children again? Are you ready for a relationship of your life like no other relationship you have ever experienced? I AM!

Love and blessings and a big big hug

Thank you Sweet Berit, You

Thank you Sweet Berit,
You are an angel in disguise... :)
