Be the Glory

God said:

Hear ye, hear ye. I am speaking to you. There is not a moment when I am not. There are moments when you hear. Will you kindly speak to Me? Carry Me with you. Talk to Me as you would to a high-priced consultant. Here you have Me at your fingertips, as it were, and may not avail yourself of Our consultancy.

Even if you cannot hear Me in words, you can hear Me in feeling. You feel an urge to go in this direction or that direction. Something urges you forward or something stops you. Could it be I? Could I be at your elbow?

Certainly, there are times when you don't know what direction to take, and, yet, there are more times when you do know, and, yet, a little nudge from ego takes you down a path that does not serve you, or Me or anyone at all, well, except as a warning sign of a path not to go down.

One who steals justifies his stealing, as if stealing were just a slight turn in the world, as if your perceived need warranted it. If you steal in any sense of the word, you have made yourself needy. If you take honor that is not yours, you have stolen. If you take an invention that you did not invent as yours, you have stolen. If you take credit which is not yours, you have done a disservice to yourself. You walk on hollow land.

Can you imagine that I would advise you to take that which is not yours?

And, once, you have done the deed, do you think I am no longer at your elbow? I am right with you as ever, nudging you now. I will pick you up. I will embrace you as before.

No longer are you to hide behind any mask. Theft is a mask. Cruelty is a mask. Heartache is a mask. Cleverness is a mask. Wit is a mask. Take off your masks, and you will find sincerity ready to come forth.

Sincerity is good. Sincere regret beats haughty pride, for regret shows recognition that you have passed a hurdle. Of course, let go of regret quickly. Regret is not a harbor. It is not an inn to stay in, not for even one night. Regret can also be a kind of pride. Pride at regret and pride of virtue are their own stumbling blocks, and are hard to get past. No longer rank yourself, and stop ranking others. Confide in Me. I am with you now. Tell Me your story, not someone else's. There is no delight in making comparisons.

Come out of the shadows. Put down your defenses. Do you defend yourself from Me? I know you better than you know yourself. I know in Whose image you are Made. You don't seem to believe it. You refuse to believe it, so inculcated have you been in the mirage of fault. You pick out your faults in a blink of an eye, and, sad as it is, you run away from the Wholeness that you are. Really, would you rather be a broken twig than a whole growing tree?

In Whose image do you want to be made other than in Mine? And in Whose image would I want to make you other than Mine? There is not even another image for Me to make you in. I am the only Image there is, and I am way beyond image, and you are greater than image. I am telling you that you are the real thing.

Take off your cloaks and masks, and just be the glory that I made when I made you.

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God bless you all, with all

God bless you all, with all my heart

God bless you, sweetest

God bless you, sweetest Angel.
much much love !!

In Whose image do you want

In Whose image do you want to be made other than in Mine?

Love You.