Be the Diviner of the World

God said:

Stay close to Me, beloveds. In rain or in shine, stay close to Me. I am not to be saved for only a rainy day.

I am ever-present, so make Me ever-present in your life. Make Me obvious. Let Me be your Friend Who goes everywhere with you. Let Me be your Friend Whom you welcome. Let Me be your friend Whom you invite. Let Me come with you today.

Talk to Me, your Life Companion. We have known each other longer than you have known anyone else. We come from the old country together, as it were.

The fact is that We have never been apart. This is established. We entered life together. We always had Being, and now We have activity as well. You could say We started a business together, and We are partners, partners who have great trust, partners with Our own surety. We have Our bond, and Our bond is love.

If you say We have a contract, then the contract is love. Despite what you may think, I never let you down, and you cannot let Me down. You may disappoint yourself but Me, never. I see clearly. I see past all the subterfuge you give such cognizance to. You are one of the good guys. Now all you have to do is become a good guy in your own eyes. Never mind about the times you tripped and fell. Never mind about the times you forgot Who you were and forgot to come from the height of Heaven. You see, sometimes you have even thought you were a snake, and sometimes, so it seems to you, you betrayed yourself. But lack of vision is not betrayal. It is simply lack of vision.

Today We widen your vision. Today you will see more clearly. Today you will see what you have previously missed. You are going to enjoy seeing with new eyes. We're not fooling around with glasses any longer. To expand your vision, all We have to do is to remove the film that is over your eyes.

Are you agreed to expand your vision? Are you agreed to see life in the world and how it is configured in a new way? Are you agreed to step out of the past? Are you agreed to accept your place as Prince or Princess of the Universe? As My child, would you give up your inheritance? You say you wouldn't, but isn't that what you have done? For potage, you gave up your royal robes. You put yourself out for adoption. You picked up crumbs off the street and settled for them when, all the while, a feast in your honor is waiting for you.

No longer deny yourself the riches of Heaven. Whatever bad moves the world may have made, you have denied yourself. Now you know you can be the diviner of yourself. You can be the diviner of the world. You can lay out the plat of the world for all to see. You are the architect of life, and you can design the world as you like. You do not require opposites, beloveds. You require singularity, singularity of purpose. I consign you to create the world as you would like it to be. You have been used to it the old way, and now you envision and beat the gong of a new way.

You are going to be a permanent trendsetter. You are going to make the real goods. You are going to be on the forefront of the New World. You will be sending out the invitations soon.

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I can see clearly

You are the architect of life, and you can design the world as you like. You do not require opposites, beloveds. You require singularity, singularity of purpose.
Dear God, I praise and thank You for ALL that You have is mine. I accept my singularity with You and Together We walk in this world. I am no longer fearful, no longer do I have neediness for I am complete in You. The JOY is swelling in my Heart and the Peace is so blissful that I would rather be physically there than in the world man has made.
Help me to remember all the more, this I DO KNOW, I have come to be born here NOT to forget!
All Blessing of Love and Light on all Creation, Johanne

Thank you Johanne for

Thank you Johanne for posting one of the very best parts of today's message. "You do not require opposites beloveds"
I think so many of us believe we need the dark to have the light and I have never agreed with that- we might have
agreed to play that way for a while but I'm ready for new game rules, glad to see God is too! Much Love from Faith



"make Me ever-present in

"make Me ever-present in your life." Make Peace, make Love, Make Joy ever present in our lives, and see what happens.......How Grand!!!

On another subject of today's Heavenletters. "You do not require opposites", I agree when you get to a certain level of awareness this is true. We are slowly heading that way, but we are far from there.

Folks we do need opposites as a contextual field reference. For if all is only light how can you compare and feel your experience without an opposite?

Let's say you are invisible floating in a pure white room. There is no reference point for you to focus on. A small black dot appears and now you have a reference point of sorts.

Other wise you can't focus on the light if there is nothing else you can't reference as distinctive other than that which is light.

Yet that is not even the issue here.

What I hear people saying behind the words is this.

"We don't desire negative opposites." "Just positive opposites." We do not need negative opposites anymore (actually others do, but for our purposes here we don't, not anymore.)

So we have what I call various degrees of goodness. You have a great day with friends. Tomorrow you go on a vacation to your favorite place. Later you do other fun happy joyous things. Maybe you go to a conference of exciting new spiritual technologies.

The point is, if we have the exact same happiness without variation we don't have anything to compare it with. It won't be happy as it doesn't exist except as differ degrees of it, all good of course. Just some good, some better, some great, some greatest.

I'm not sure if I'm getting this across the way I intended but it was worth a shot.

There is the singularity of

There is the singularity of BEING in GOD. There is no need of opposites when this is in your awareness. Our experience of opposites through life will ultimately lead to this AWARENESS because this is the purpose of the world and time.
There is no need for "conceptual" either because we are complete in God. "Concepts" are manmade points of reference.
God tells us His LOVE is the only reality and we are meant to line My heart

I have so enjoyed this week's HL Gloria. I read them and let them fill my being.

LIGHT and LOVE to the world within God & Son!

4 Heavenletter Haikus for

4 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said you can be
A permanent trendsetter
You can be the way

God said We have Trust
We have Our bond that is love
We have Our purpose

God said the fact is
We have never been apart
You always had Me

God said you will be
The diviner of yourself
And make the New World

Love, Light and Aloha!


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