Allowing Others to Be

God said:

Love others, and rely on yourself. When it comes to your life, you have the baton. You can swing it as you like.

However, be not annoyed with other souls who do not keep up with you, or who rush ahead of you. Be not annoyed with anyone, beloveds, for each and every one is a soul making his or her way on Earth as best he or she can, just as you are.

No one is to hassle you, and you are not to hassle anyone. Allow instead. Allow all on Earth to have their flaws. It is not for you to make over others to your liking, not your friends or family or strangers.

You would not grab people in the middle of the street, sit them down, cut their hair, remove their make-up and put your preferences on them. Yet when it comes to habits of being, you may grab them by the collar, as it were, wherever they are and whatever they may be in the middle of, and you try to remake them. You only want to improve them and their lives, it's true. Better to improve yourself, beloved. Better to Improve yourself and your ability to keep your hands off.

You would not steal another's possessions, and yet you would steal others' lives right from under them and reshape them to your liking. You may be absolutely right, and, yet, beloveds, you have to keep your perfection to yourself. Hands off.

You are only trying to help, and yet you are trying to make life and others conform to your choices. You fight a losing game, beloveds. You have not always been so good at improving yourself and adhering to your own standards.

There is one person in the Universe that you can perhaps improve at will. You know who that is. And, yet, even leave yourself in peace.

No longer try to make anyone perfect in your eyes.

Accept everyone as you would accept a new puppy!

Accept everyone, beloveds, as they are. They have gone to the trouble of appearing before you. One way or another, they have entered the range of your life. Let them be. Be their friend and not their reformer.

Do not think that others have to be saved. Save yourself from being a make-over artist. Whatever you try to fix in another can only be cosmetic. Do not try to fix. Anyway, if you want to change others, the best way is to love them as they are. That way you give them a hand up. That way you serve them. Have you not been trying to serve yourself?

From where does annoyance in your own heart come? It does not come from another. No matter how much it may seem so, annoyance is always of your own making. Your reaction is always yours. It is not someone else's. It is yours.

You are not a traffic cop on his motorcycle who has the right to pull cars over and give them tickets and make them appear in your court for sentencing. Sometimes you have to overlook, beloveds. Look beyond.

In the field of life, people can drive any car they like. They have to allow you to drive, and you have to allow them to drive. If you don't like the way they drive, pull yourself over for a while, and let them go as they like. Stay out of their way if you have to, or be annoyed, if you must, yet know that annoyance is not the point of your life. You are not meant to bump into other cars and tell them which way to go and how to get there.

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Ears are for hearing...

Eyes are for reading:

"Do not think that others have to be saved. Save yourself from being a make-over artist. Whatever you try to fix in another can only be cosmetic. Do not try to fix. Anyway, if you want to change others, the best way is to love them as they are. That way you give them a hand up. That way you serve them. Have you not been trying to serve yourself?

From where does annoyance in your own heart come? It does not come from another. No matter how much it may seem so, annoyance is always of your own making. Your reaction is always yours. It is not someone else's. It is yours."

God said (in Farsi):

HEAVEN #3220- بگذاریم دیگران همانی باشند که هستند

خداوند گفت:
دیگران را دوست بدارید و به خود متکی باشید. سکان زندگی در دستان شماست. می توانید آنرا به هر طرف که دوست دارید بچرخانید.

نرنجید از روح هایی که پا به پای شما حرکت نمی کنند، یا کسانی که پیشاپیش شما در حرکت هستند. عزیزان، از هیچکس نرنجید چرا که تک تک آدمها، روح هایی هستند در تلاش برای پیش رفت بر روی زمین، همان گونه که شما در تلاش هستید.

هیچکس قصد آزار و اذیت شما را ندارد، و شما هم قصد آزار کسی را ندارید. بپذیریم... همه ساکنان زمین را با تمام عیوب و کاستی هایشان بپذیریم. هیچکس وظیفه ای بر عهده شما ننهاده تا افراد خانواده، دوستان و افراد غریبه را بنا به خواسته ها و سلایق تان تغییر دهید.

مسلما راه کسی را در خیابان سد نمی کنید تا او را بنشانید، موهایش را کوتاه کنید، آرایش اش را پاک کنید و بعد به سلیقه خودتان او را آرایش کنید. اما در مورد عادات زندگی کردن، هر آن ممکن است گریبان دیگری را بگیرید و سعی کنید از او شخصیتی جدید بسازید. درست است که شما فقط می خواهید افراد و زندگیشان را بهبود ببخشید. عزیزان، نیکوست خودتان را اصلاح کنید. عزیزان، بهتر این است که خودتان و مهارت خویشتن داریتان را بهبود ببخشید.

مسلما شما اموال کسی را نمی دزدید، اما زندگی دیگران را به غارت می برید و آن را طبق علایق خود از نو می سازید. اما عزیزان، بایستی کمالاتتان را برای خود نگه دارید. خود دار باشید.

شما فقط سعی می کنید کمک کنید، اما در عین حال سعی می کنید زندگی و دیگران را با چیزهایی که مورد پسند شماست همساز کنید. عزیزان، پایان این بازی چیزی جز شکست نیست. شما همیشه قادر بوده اید خودتان را تغییر دهید و به اصول و معیارهایتان پایبند باشید.

در تمام عالم فقط یک نفر وجود دارد که می توانید به دلخواه خود او را اصلاح کنید. می دانید او کیست. با اینهمه، باز در آرامش باشید.

بیش از این سعی نکنید کسی را بی عیب و نقص و کامل ببینید.

افراد دیگر را بپذیرد، همان طور که یک سگ خانگی جدید را قبول می کنید.

عزیزان، همگان را همان طور که هستند بپذیرید. آنها برای روبرو شدن با شما متحمل زحمت و سختی شده اند. به هر طریق آنها وارد دایره زندگی شما شده اند. بگذارید همانی باشند که هستند. دوست شان باشید، نه کسی که در صدد تغییر دادن آنهاست.

تصور نکنید که کسی باید مراقب دیگران باشد. مراقب خودتان باشید تا مبادا تبدیل به کیمیاگر عیوب دیگران شوید. تلاش شما برای اصلاح نقایص دیگران نتیجه ی واقعی در بر ندارد. سعی نکنید نقایص دیگران را اصلاح کنید. اگر به هر ترتیب می خواهید دیگران را تغییر دهید، بهترین راه این است که آنها را همان طور که هستند دوست بدارید. از این راه دستی به آنها نشان می دهید. به آنها کمک می کنید. آیا تا به حال سعی نکرده اید به خودتان کمک کنید؟

چه چیز باعث شده قلبتان جریحه دار شود؟ کس دیگری باعث رنجش و ناراحتی شما نشده است. صرف نظر از اینکه چقدر این قضیه در نظر شما بدیهی جلوه می کند؛ رنجش و آزردگی همیشه در نتیجه اعمال خودتان است. عکس العمل تان همیشه متعلق به شماست. متعلق به کس دیگری نیست. آزرده شدن عکس العمل شماست.

شما پلیس راهنمایی سوار بر موتور سیکلت نیستید که حق دارد ماشین ها را به کناری بکشید، به آنها برگه جریمه بدهید و آنها را در دادگاه مجازات کند. عزیزان، گاهی وقتها باید نادیده گرفت. به دور دستها نگاه کنید.

در میدان زندگی مردم با هر ماشینی که دوست دارند رانندگی می کنند. آنها باید به شما اجازه رانندگی کردن بدهند و شما هم باید به آنها اجازه رانندگی بدهید. اگر رانندگی آنها را دوست ندارید برای مدتی ماشینتان را به کناری بکشید و اجازه بدهید آنها رد شوند. اگر مجبور بودید، از مسیر آنها دور شوید و یا ناراحت و آزرده شوید اگر که خود را ملزم به آزرده شدن کرده اید، با این حال بدانید که ناراحتی و آزردگی هدف زندگی شما نیست. هدف شما این نیست که با ماشین های دیگر تصادف کنید و به آنها بگوید از چه مسیری و چگونه به مقصد برسند.


Infinite gratitude and thanks to you and you and you and...

Upon awaking each day, after giving gratitude and expressing my thanks, I eagerly seek to see what precious jewel of enlightenment awaits me in the Heavenletter for the day!

Without fail my spirit is fed a delightful and magnificent morsel that satiates my daily desire for divine order. I am humbled and honored to be a recipient of this manna each day. Thank you a million,billion, gazillion times x infinity!!!

I love you more and more. I love me more and more, I embrace the truth that I am love, loving and loved. And so it is. Asante Sana.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said love others
And accept them as they are
That way you serve them

Love, Light and Aloha!

not trying to fix others

i was wondering: how should one then think, and do, about those who perpetrate terrible things, like animal abuse, environmental destruction and such, aside from giving to those charities who try to resolve those things, and of course oneself being kind to nature etc? thanks so much for the wonderful messages !

Dear Gitta, in Heavenletters

Dear Gitta,

in Heavenletters themselves as well as in our discussions, this is a topic that comes up again and again, of course. I wouldn't say the answers have all been given already, I rather feel we are led toward them step by step. But there are a few things I can say from what I have read so far; perhaps others can add their own understanding.

God says that behind every destructive or even cruel act there is some deep caring for something, and a huge disappointment. Any form of hate and destructiveness is a distorted form of love that simply needs love, not punishment, to get a chance to recognize itself for what it is.

Second, God encourages us to find the impulse for destructive actions withing ourselves and to see that we are not all that different. Thus, for instance, we have in Heavenletter #1756:
You must not hold anything against anyone. This is not about someone else. It is not about a deed they committed. It is about you. I am looking out for you. You are the one who has to let go, and you have to let go now.
Furthermore, you do not own the offense. It does not belong to you. The greater the wrong that was done, then the greater must you balance it. You have to go the other way, drop retaliation and heartache, and pick up a bigger vision. It is you who must make amends. You must make amends with your heart. You have been punishing it.
You do not own the offense, yet, in another sense, you own every offense. Every offense is against you. Any malicious act that has ever been committed to anyone in the universe was also done to you. Whatever has hurt any family, has hurt yours. If another country is wounded, your country has also been wounded. Others, other families, other nations – they are others in name only. Whatever hurts another also hurts you.
You must absolve all the hurt ones in the world, and you must also absolve all the hurters in the world, for they too are your brothers. There is no crime committed that, in your heart, you have not committed.
Greatly offended, your heart was murderous. You knew better than to actually commit murder, but you committed murder with a vengeance in your heart. You know what a murderer feels like, because you have felt as he has felt. You too have felt wronged, with every right to denounce. You too, somehow, have felt above the law of love.
A third thing I would like to add is a passage on "innocence" (taken from Heavenletter #1200) I found quite remarkable:
Someone might say, "God, if you are so laissez-faire, aren't You making it allowable for one to even murder another?"
Even murder has to be allowable, or free will would have been canceled.
One who slays another Human Being's body can only do so out of ignorance. If he knew what he was doing, he would not do it. If he understood that there was free will, he would not kill, for he would know that another has free will as much as he, and he would not interfere.
You may not like this idea, but both the murderer and the murdered are equally innocent, and both are equally dear to Me. Make no mistake, I do not favor murder. Not at all. But I do see it for the expression of hurt it is.
Do you really think that My love could be a hindrance and that even one who murders would be better off without it? Would punishment serve him better? Who needs My love more? Is there anything that works as well as My love, or even comes near it? Do you think My love is a bouquet to be tossed here and there, reserved only for those you approve of?
My love falls on all the same. I am not an elitist. I am God.
How easy the world would be if My love were more well-known! Make My love famous. Let My love ring from the hilltops so that everyone hears it like a clear bell, and turns toward the ringing of My love, and no one turns away.
Just a few things that come to mind immediately, Gitta. Perhaps they contain at least part of the answer for your wonderful and very pertinent question. Another extremely important part is in what you are saying yourself – "being kind to nature etc."

"There is nothing but light and love"

Dear Gitta, as hard as it may seem to grasp, there is no one perpetrating nothing., nobody to save and nothing to solve. And we should better not to think so much.
P.S. being kind is quite all we can do.

Ebook on God's viewpoint concerning war war

Dear, Gitta, in addition to Jochen and Emiliia's ideas and references, there is another resource that you may not be aware of. I have completed the rough draft on a short ebook concerning war and how the topic is handled in the Heavenletters. It seems this manuscript may be helpful to you as you work with your question. If you send me an email with your email address, I will send the current draft as an attachment. (Of course, anyone else who wants to look as this rough draft is welcome to do the same). Love to all....Chuck


Thank You for such a neat, clear and correct Direction-Teaching which will be easier for a lot of people to understand and accept, and in so experience the opening of their hearts!

"Be not annoyed with

"Be not annoyed with anyone", okay, but what about someone I am annoyed with? Should I not be annoyed with him -- because I am! Some of the Great Spiritual Ones were annoyed. He was.

Trudy <3

Dear dear Trudy, please

Dear dear Trudy, please understand why I took out the specific names in your comment.

As for annoyance, we don't want it to be our banner to hold onto!!! We let go of it as quickly as we can. We are not virtuous to hold onto the past.

Somewhere in Heavenletters God has further said we are not wonderful to forgive. Better not to have taken on the offense in the first place. What good does taking on a resentment do? What good does it do for us or anyone.

We're not saints, you and I, beloved Trudy. We think something is wrong or stupid. Someone else sees it differently.

Meanwhile, we do our best to step out of what does not benefit us or anyone.

What was that which was said about not throwing the first stone?

Loving you,
