After the Rain

God said:

Put your shoulders back. Be brave. Face the winds that blow, and do not tremble. Consider yourself the figurine at the prow of a ship. No matter what the weather, the figure stands tall and greets the seas the same. Let this forward-moving figure be a model for you. You are not a rag doll who flops around and has no shape of its own. You have backbone, and you stand straight. Let the winds blow. They have their destiny. You have yours. The winds are not the making of you. Let them lash at you and splash the seas, and still be you undaunted. Winds will die down and leave you alone. Let them huff and puff. You are tied to the helm of your life. And I, Master Seaman, I steer the ship that moves you forward.

Keep your eyes fastened on the direction you are moving in. Come hail and high water, you are on your course. Your course is straight before you. It is not behind you. It is not to the left of you nor to the right of you. It is full steam ahead.

Rest even while you are in action.

When life gets too much for you, breathe deeply. You will anchor yourself to Me. And am I not the Original Breath? Did I not breathe life into you? I haven’t stopped. Avail yourself of the oxygen I provide. Breathe deeply. When you breathe deeply, your shoulders go back. You stand taller.

Sometimes it takes great courage to live in the world. No matter, do not retract yourself. Do not be stymied nor let your heart be worn. Your heart is set to last a lifetime. It is not meant to be bedraggled. Uplift your heart. Carry it high with you. Carry it high like a lady’s skirt over puddles.

All the troubles in life amount to puddles. Step over them. If they seem too big to step over, carry on despite them. If they are floods, stay dry until they subside. Everything will be washed away, beloved. The sun comes out, and you will find love in your heart again. Be stalwart with love. If at a particular time, you feel that life is hitting you in the face and you can’t find love in your heart for it, then love Me. I will melt any animosity. I will reconnect you to love. I am very good at that. I will assuage your heart. Your heart is good. I will restore you to it. I will smooth wrinkles.

If in life you feel you are going down dark alleys, know I am lighting the way for you. Have trust in Me Who has trust in you. Walk in the dark as though you could see. I am leading you. My hands may be unseen, yet I hold you very well. Fall into My arms, beloved, and let me carry you down dark passages. They are dark to you. See with a sense other than your eyes. See with your heart. Even from darkness, you will reach a palisade of life. The shore of My heart is right before you. I have absconded with you in the folds of My heart. My heart is like a great cape that I carry you in. You are protected from the elements.

Even the elements are driving forces. They move you forward. In that way, even what seems like adversity is your friend. In any case, you weather the storms. I smooth away rough edges, and you come up wet and shining, glistening in the sun.

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I cried...Thank you so much

I cried...Thank you so much for these LOVING LIVING WORDS that felt through my Heart at this time..
You KNOW BEST as always my Dear Father..You know what's in the heart as it is yours..!
Thank you..Thank you..Thank you..!
And Thank you Gloria for being the glorious messenger.THANK YOU.!

Thank you, dear Sune, for

Thank you, dear Sune, for giving me the opportunity to read these words once again and to be uplifted by them.