A Palace of Hearts

God said:

If you would accept that you are loved - if ten percent of the people on Earth would accept that they are loved -- all the troubles of the world would disappear in an instant. Nothing would be able to stand up against the power of such love. I can hear the hum of all that love now, and Earth would instantly rise to Heaven. Earth would be rocked to its very foundation, and rise like love. Love is the most powerful arrow you carry in your quiver. You have forgotten.

Notice that I said if you would accept that you are loved. I didn't say if you could accept. You do have a choice. It is your choice. It was your choice to adopt the idea that love is a rare quantity. It was your choice to accept that you had to fend for yourself in a world of woe, that you had to protect yourself, defend yourself, and so you built a moat around the castle of your heart, a moat of coolness, a moat of wariness.

And, like the world, you bantered about details, and put details and facts and laws and emotions before the Greatness of Love itself. Love often came last. Everything else had to be considered first. You forgot that love supersedes all the arguments you placed before it. You made love come last in the scheme of things and felt vindicated.

Let love come first. Let love beat all. Love will win any day. The one who gives love is the winner. He wins the day. He wins love. He steps out of the fray and gives love, and he comes to know love from the depth of his heart.

Love is the cushion of life. It is a cradle, and within that cradle, everyone is nourished. Within that cradle, love is not taken away. It is not denied. It is not scolded. Let love be for everyone, given and received. Let love be honored. And when you are honored and when you give honor, wherever you are becomes a Palace of Hearts.

What if teachers loved and made it easy for their classes to love? What if schools were schools for love? What if love were a daily occurrence at school? If everyone felt loved, love would be empowered, and everyone would give love. It would be easy to give love. There would be love of learning and love of giving, and all would be love.

Life can be like this in the world. It will be this. What is going to be will be, and, yet, why wait? What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for someone else? Tarry no longer. The time for love is now. Love is dawning right now. Pull up the shades on the window of your heart and join in the march of love.

There are rays of love from Heaven. That is the golden ladder you climb. As you climb, you will see that the whole populace of the world is following you. Follow the leader. The leader in love is you. The leader in love is your heart. All depends upon your heart. I depend upon your heart to restore the world to its rightful place. I look to you. I look to you as the savior of your own heart.

There is no heart but Mine, and I have entrusted My heart to yours. Rally with Me, and We will walk down the lane of Heaven as One, surrounded by love and beauty, fostered by the love in beating hearts of all.

It is a little thing to love really. A big thing has been made of a little thing. A big thing has been made of it because reasons were given to withhold it. Reason has no reason. Love is the reason for everything. Love is all. When will this become common knowledge and become the lay of the land? I am asking you. I have been waiting for you. I think you have been waiting for Me. We do this together. Be My angels. Let Us be a band of angels. Let Us forfeit greed and suffering. Let Us give them up. Let Us choose love instead. There is no other choice really. This is so plain to see, and, yet, it has been ignored. A blind eye has been turned toward love as if everything else had to precede it, as though there were a law that required you to prove yourself worthy of love before you could give it or get it.

The world has been backward, and now, because of you, the world is righting itself.

Read Comments

Two of my favorite

Two of my favorite one-liners from this Heavenletter:

Love is the most powerful arrow you carry in your quiver.

Pull up the shades on the window of your heart.

How I love those metaphors!

"I look to you as the savior

"I look to you as the savior of your own heart."
"Reason has no reason."
"I have been waiting for you. I think you have been waiting for Me."

Yes, yes, yes!

Yes, yes, yes!

"It is a little thing to love really."

Indeed it is a little thing to love really but it seems a big thing to allow it to happen. God never asked us any sacrifice but one: to sacrifice our illusions, nothing more. Since illusions are nothing, it shouldn't be difficult, right?

Sacrifice your precious fear, your precious suffering, your precious sense of loss and sadness, anxiety and doubt, and love will rush out of your heart by itself. Light emerging by itself from darkness.

a little thing

Spot landing, I love it!
You don't happen to know how, by any chance?

It's not a how!

It's not a how!

It's a when.

It's a when.

Soon, Normand, soon!

Soon, Normand, soon!

a story

In short, sacrifice your little self. Yes, but indeed how? I tried it yesterday ( yes, once more), the timing seemed to be perfect, an icy dark night, no one in the streets, quite snow falling and covering everything... at eleven p.m. I went out for a walk with just one thing in mind. I knew my ego was following me, he usually does it. On my return I shut him outside leaving him alone, screaming and freezing in the dark, "by tomorrow you will be a ridiculous snowman", I scorned him. I finally could merge in the light of this holy night, I was free again and enchanted with life. Until morning, when I found him in the kitchen drinking my coffee, warming his hands by the fire, smiling at me with just a tiny movement on the left corner of his lips. There is no way to get rid of this guy, but he told me it is like Hades to stay with me and sooner or later he will leave on his own accord.

I do enjoy a lot your

I do enjoy a lot your allegory Emilia, and the ending.
I would imagine that your guy, when he's ready to leave, will give you back the script of the scenario you wrote for him. Like in Felini's Roma, when Anna Magnani says at the end of the movie, "Federico, va dormire".


Ah...so true and beautiful what you say, Normand. You warm my heart by mentioning Fellini with such sensibility.
God is the Big Dreamer and we, who are made in His image, keep dreaming stories, within stories, within stories... Until, one day, Someone who loves us will tell "Come now and rest, you did very well".

What a beautiful soul you

What a beautiful soul you are, dear Emilia. No wonder La Comedia del Arte was born in Italy, or what was,at the time, several Italies.

Love is all

Thank you my Father for this message of the Power of LOVE.

You asked "When will this become common knowledge and become the lay of the land? I am asking you. I have been waiting for you. I think you have been waiting for Me. We do this together. Be My angels......Let Us choose love instead."

To anyone who is reading this message, GOD has given a method how to give or send out love, a few heavenletters back. He says to "see little red candy hearts spilling out from your hearts" and first filling your human body, then your home; then your street or community country then the continent; then to all (human) hearts and to the world and the entire galaxy realm and dimension. This is quite easy.You activate your heart center by saying 'I AM LOVE. I AM A GIVER OF LOVE FOR I AM a GOD(LING).'

This is a good day to try this method of giving LOVE.

"I depend upon your heart to restore the world to its rightful place."........
Rally with Me, and We will walk down the lane of Heaven as One"
We will raise the world one notch upwards this very day by giving LOVE.

Love to you my Father
Love to all Hearts
Love to all of Creation



Now, I DO LOVE thinking of being the one YOU, in Your great trust in me and my heart, to restore the world to its rightful place which is - that glorious aisle of Heaven where we shall walk together.as ONE. You say there is a ladder of Love in Heaven and so then You shall be the Leader up the ladder and we WILL follow in great joy! You remind us that Love is the most powerful arrow in our quiver.

And it is True that You have been waiting for us and we have been waiting for YOU. WHAT TRULY COULD BE SWEETER THAN WE NOW BECOME A BAND OF ANGELS and then we shall be righting the world itself. WE, TOGETHER WITH YOU, , ARE THROWING OUT GREED AND SUFFERING NOW. IT IS SO! You have rallied us together by Your sweet Love in this letter and it feels like Heaven, like a miracle! Like the way of things - as they proceed in this magical year of 2012.

1 Heavenletter Haiku fjor you

Hello Friends,

God said "Let Us choose"
The Greatness of Love Itself
The Lane of Heaven

Love, Light, and Aloha!