Your Own House

God said:

To seek out the positive, to refrain from the negative, this is a formula for life. It is not superior to be up on the travesties in the world. It certainly isn’t wiser.

There is no need to deny the heartache in the world. Yet even when it rains, there is sky. Why curse the rain when you can applaud the sky?

Do not think that complaining is better than not complaining.

Surely you do not believe that keeping your attention on the unwanted is better than keeping your attention on the beautiful. Surely you do not believe you have a responsibility to underline all the troubles of the world, to make sure that everyone knows about them and cries appropriately. What is so valuable about the troubles of the world that you want to wave them around like a flag?

What kind of a messenger do you want to be?

What do you want to uphold?

If you abhor troubles, why would you gossip about them so?

If you are a signpost, where do you want to point? Where do you want everyone to look?

Must you be indentured to the past? Must you “tut-tut” about all the follies of the world as if you were the first to discover them? Must you create a furor and make sure that everyone decries them along with you?

If you are making a soup, what do you want to put in it? What do you want it made of? How much jalapeno are you going to put in? How much black pepper? Give equal thought to the ingredients you pour into your life.

What is the advantage of documenting ignorance? What is the advantage of making clear how troublesome the world is? Make something else clear.

If you are a mother, what is the advantage to saying that your children are difficult? There must be something else you can say. Say that instead. Consider that every phrase you say is a mantra, and the mantra you say calls the same vibration to you.

When it is time for your children to come in for supper, you call to them by their names. You don’t call the children you don’t want to come to your house for supper. If you want love and peace and joy to come to you, say their names and be on the look-out for them.

If you want more disappointment, talk about your disappointments.

If you want more heartache, describe your heartache in detail.

If you want more goodness in your life, give regard to the goodness already present.

How much of the trouble in the world are you to protest? Certainly there are enough things to protest, and enough groups who protest. It is easy to protest, beloveds. Ranting and raving may be fun, but maybe a simple act is better. If you have a neighbor who leaves trash around, go over and pick it up. If you are opposed to abortion, help out an expectant mother who doesn’t know how to deal with her future. Or adopt a baby that no one seems to want. Talk is cheap, beloveds. Turn the coin of problem over and work on the other side of it.

Before you fix the architecture of the world, attend to your own house.

If you want peace in the world, create peace within yourself.

If you want to reduce the problems of the world, swing over your thinking from disapproval and find something to appreciate. This idea may seem superficial to you, but it is deep and far-reaching.

If you want to reduce the problems of the world, try changing your mood, beloveds.

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1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said give it thought
Create peace within yourself
And say Peace instead

Love, Light, and Aloha!

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said act better
If you want peace in the world
Create peace within

Love, Light, and Aloha!


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