Your Mindset

God said:

Let Us talk of prayer a little bit.

Talking to Me and prayer may or may not be the same. Telling Me what is in your heart is one story. Asking for favors or intercession is another, even when those matters are deep in your heart. Will you start thinking that there is no need to ask Me for favors for yourself or for anyone? Will you begin thinking that it is no favor for Me to give and that all has been given to you already? There is nothing for you to ask for. Do you really think you have to ask? Do you think I would forget you?

Often prayer is a pleading, and you have no need to plead, beloved. Often prayer is begging, and you have no need to beg. I am your Father, yet you do not have to come to Me to ask for an allowance for yourself or another. We have a pre-life agreement, beloveds, that unto you, all will be given. It is written in. All My treasures are yours. They are for you in the first place. Do you really think that you have to ask Me for that which is already My Will for you? Do you really think you have to ask Me to bless you or another? You have only to pick up all the good that is yours.

I am talking about your mindset. It is a beautiful thing for you to say, "God bless you," because you are describing what already is. When you ask Me to give blessings to you or another, you are being redundant. Your prayers were answered long ago, way before you thought to ask for whatever it is you ask for. Bear in mind that there is change in the relative world, and there is the playing-out that does not always allow the specifics you may ask for. Let this not be an offense to you, beloveds.

Here's the point: Get away from the idea that you are missing anything. There is no Lost and Found Department in Heaven. There is no lost, yet all is found.

I do not wish you to think of yourself as someone in need. Nor do I wish you to think of someone else as in need. Nor do I wish you to think that you have a better connection to Me than someone else. Nor do I want you to think that someone else is less fortunate than you or more fortunate than you.

Know that you are fortunate, and all others are also fortunate. This is big what I am saying to you now. You have good fortune. You are blessed with good fortune.

It is well for you not to think of yourself or anyone as ill. If Christ had believed deeply in illness, whom would he have helped to make well? In his mind, he saw wellness, and wellness there was. Had he seen sickly beings, they would have stayed sickly beings. He saw as I see, and I ask you to see as I do see.

If it is true that I am in everyone — and it is true — then it behooves you not to look down on anyone. It behooves you to look for the good, beloveds. Do not think there is anyone you have to pray for.

Now that I have said all this, know that it is good to talk to Me whatever the subject. I want to hear from you. I love to hear from you. I do not listen so much to your words as I do listen to your heart.

I know very well that you want to be with Me, so be with Me any way you want. I welcome you on whatever terms you wish to come to Me. If you like to be on your knees, I don't mind. I kiss the top of your head then. Stand, and I kiss your forehead or your cheek. But in whatever position you are in, wherever you are, in church or at the corner bar, I bless you. I am always blessing you. You are blessed. You are My blessing, and you have My blessings. What more can you ask for?

Read Comments

prayer and talking to god

when you talk to god it is called prayer
when god talks to you it's called schizophrenia

when you are in premature labor and unable to rebirth your life god answers your prayers
when you are full term and it is time for you to be born again god leaves it to you to create the changes you desire

Yes, Bernie! Not so long

Yes, Bernie! Not so long ago, if someone said he or she heard from God, they were put into a mental hospital. We've come a long way.

Prayer is curious

This darling writer says:
"Get away from the idea that you are missing anything. There is no Lost and Found Department in Heaven. There is no lost, yet all is found."
I read this and start missing YOU. I just can't help it. Yes, I know that I am with you, Yes, it tickles me pink to have YOU kiss the top of my head or my cheek, or my elbow. Sure, I see as YOU see, but my darn stroke ain't no joke, and seeing YOU makes me dream of the day when the hole in my heart finds the perfect fit in the hollow of you caring, It's stuff like this that makes tomorrow brighter. Just kidding. I don't have a tomorrow, just today and with YOU you make a WAY. i like that. More than I can say.
I suppose I have to call this kind of thing, LOVE of some sort. Thanks
George with the hole in his heart.

How can there be a hole in

How can there be a hole in your heart, beloved George, when your heart is so full of love?

The whole subject

Unspoken essence of eternity:

It only takes a few years for a hole formed by 64 beds of rose petals to go away;
So I am told, but each time I grasp, I lose my hold.
Then your words sweep over me and I lose the cold of memories now fading,
I find new meaning in a world I thought would never change,
It sweetly takes a new form, of sorts, by your words of love.

George, with a new hold of a deeper kind..

For George

I find new meaning in a

I find new meaning in a world I thought would never change

ditto with you on this George. NOW every day is fresh in my awareness with God.

Blessings of LIGHT and LOVE, Johanne xx


Your words make my cup run over. Love you more than you know

George the smiling one

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
I do listen to your heart
I love to hear you

God said it is true
That I Am in everyone
Wherever you are

God said here's the point
I am always blessing you
Whatever you do

Love, Light and Aloha!

Love note to Alohalight

The light in your words gets brighter each day,
So does your love.
My receiver works extra hard
to catch each of your thoughts.


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