Your Little Jaunt in Life

God said:

If you would look within as much as you look without, how happy you would be! The delights and shadows of the world often whisk you away from your Inner Self.

Your Inner Self is not self-centered. Your Inner Self is God-centered. Your Inner Self is eternal and universal and on the lookout for All Good. Your Inner Self is your direct line to Me. It is your security. It is your hold on Reality.

That which you call reality in the world — you know it is not. Only it is tangible, and you like that. That is, of course, what your physical senses are for, to connect you and the outside world, the world that is around you, and which everyone seems to extol much of the time. Even though the physical is not secure, you feel it is. You like the ground beneath you and your feet plunked squarely on it.

You are on earth in a human form for only a moment, and yet it is a moment you take very seriously. It becomes everything. Your body and life on earth consume you. How is it that that which is so temporary becomes so important? Earth life even seems to block out or blur the Eternal. On earth, you may prefer not to remember the Eternal because it is such a reminder of the temporary you soak yourself in. All the while, it is earth life that can be put aside, not the Eternal.

And so the Eternal often seems like a passing fancy when really earth life is.

Become more familiar with the Eternal, and it will become concrete for you. You will know on Whose Shoulders you stand.

What more is there to say? You who are magnificent and mighty may prefer to remand yourself to the winds and whims of earth. You exaggerate your stay on earth. You spend a night in a hotel, and you think you are there to stay. You put pretty things up on the walls and dig yourself in, as if this were your room always, and the hotel were the only place to be. Of course, on the other hand, there are times when you would flee your little room. Earth may never be tall enough for you.

Even so, love your life on earth, and you will be reminded of Heaven.

If you did not take earth life so seriously, you would enjoy it more. There is more to earth life than meets the eye. You have been brought up to take life most seriously. How you do in a school test becomes so important and so serious, as if everything depends on it! You convince yourself over and over again that your whole future depends on little outcomes on earth.

Remember the big picture. You are passing through. You are on a little jaunt in life. It does not matter so much which turns you take. It matters that you are here, and it matters that you enjoy your stay. What could be so important that it comes before joy?

Be good-hearted more than you are serious and somber. I do not tell you to be silly, but isn't it silly to take a temporary thing so seriously, as if there is nothing else?

Your life depends on other than what goes on in it.

Do not take Heaven so seriously either. It is yours anyway. And if you must prepare for Heaven, ready yourself by enjoying life on earth today.

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Do not take Heaven so

Do not take Heaven so seriously either. It is yours anyway. And if you must prepare for Heaven, ready yourself by enjoying life on earth today.


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