Your Life Changes as You Do

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Steven to God:

In response to Your August 19 letter to Me, I have been doing pretty well, not feeling so much sorry for myself. But I am having a hard time with Your other advice because I have been feeling sick.

I have been writing down every day what I am glad for. And I enclose my lists here.

God, I would like to ask you how I am doing. What else would You like to say to me?

Excerpts of Steven's lists of what he is grateful for:


I am happy and thankful that God has answered me strongly and straightforwardly. I am thankful that I am changing. I am happy to be aware of this whole selfish and self-pity thing so it can quickly go the other way like a pendulum. I am happy God is healing me and breaking the habits of thinking I have been stuck in. I am happy for the moments of happiness I feel every day. I am happy to have spent time with my son and his mother. I am happy for a more enjoyable interaction with his mother. I am happy that I am more hopeful that things will improve…

God to Steven:

Well, My son, you are moving in the right direction. You know that yourself.

I am thankful that you take My advice to heart, that you accept it and don't debate it. Now, dear Steven, when you feel doubt about yourself, give that doubt over to Me. You don't need it. Have the confidence in yourself that you have in Me.

You say that you are hopeful that things will improve. You have seen that they already are. Your life will continue to become easier and better. Do you know why?

Because you are not dragging your feet, Steven.

You are not waiting for intervention.

You are making changes.

Your life changes because you change.

Your perception changes.

Your attitude changes.

You really do look at things differently.

You are not holding yourself back so much.

You, you, Steven, are moving forward, and your life can only go with you.

As for still feeling sick, that is a strong habit. You have practiced that for a long time. Now I am going to say to you: when you are aware that you are not feeling well, get your awareness onto something else. Get your attention off of what you are feeling. What you are feeling is not so important as you think.

Exercise more, Steven. When you feel tired, get up and exercise. Find a group to exercise with if that is helpful to you. Exercise up a storm, Steven. Every time you sit, you start thinking. Stop thinking. Get up.

Get a busy schedule for yourself.

Push yourself a little.

Even when you are exercising, and you want to stop, go another few minutes. If you are painting a house, let's say, and you are ready to stop, go a little longer. When you want to stop anything, stay at it a little longer. This will help you to know that you have freedom in life to make choices, and that you are strong and persistent, and not a hapless victim blown to and fro by factors outside you.

I want you to get yourself tired, Steven. Physical activity is in order for you. Then you will fall into bed gratefully, and you will be asleep without pondering over how you feel.

Keep noting the changes you see and what you are thankful for. But now address your gratitude directly to Me. Say, like this: "Dear God, I thank You today for…" Or: "Dear God, I am grateful today for all You have given me. And here is what I have accepted from You today…" And do report back to Heavenreaders. I am well pleased with you, Steven.

* * *

Polly to God:

Dear God, I recently wrote to you regarding my flower garden. The girl upstairs puts her trash can on the flowers, and it breaks my heart.

So as You suggested in the September 10 Heavenletter, I wrote her a note asking her to please consider putting her trash can elsewhere so that the beautiful petunias that she had it sitting on could flourish and we could all enjoy them.

Well, at first I was excited because she removed the can and put it on the cement nearby. But, the next day, she put it at another place in the flower bed. Now the poor marigolds are suffering. Not to mention, it's a real eyesore in the middle of the flower bed! But, she did save the petunias.

I really don't think she means to be mean but obviously she doesn't see the beauty that I do in Your flowers.

God to Polly:

Dear Polly, We are making progress. You, your neighbor, and I.

Pretend for a moment that you are I. What might I be thinking? After the trash can is moved from the cement onto the marigolds, what might I consider? Hmm. I would wonder what her reasoning is. I agree with you that she isn't intending harm. Something else is meaning more to her than the flowers. Perhaps the trash can on the sidewalk gets in her way. Or she sees it from her window? Or is she afraid that she will smell it from her house? Does she keep the can in the same place in the winter? Where is your neighbor coming from?

Keep as much kindness in your heart as you can, dear Polly. And don't stop now. It means a lot to you to protect My flowers. What might your next human step be now? Would you like to find out what your neighbor's motivation is? Would you like to understand her more? Feel more compassionate? Perhaps help her in some way? Open honest nonthreatening communication is good. What is there to lose?

Is it possible that you two can meet face-to-face? Maybe a note to her asking if you could talk to her? A friendly knock on her door? Does she have your phone number? Is this the time to invite her for tea? Whatever you can do with a comfortable heart, do that. Keep your heart comfortable and happy, dear Polly.

You know by now that We do not hold on to an outcome. Right now Our purpose is to gain more understanding and mutual sense of neighborliness.

I am with you, Polly. As you progress with your neighbor, I will be with you. You are not alone, and there is no battle. There is opportunity to make friends and to make friends for Me.