Freed from the World's Programming

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, you have spoken of embarrassment and shame being from the world and therefore of ego. And I begin to realize that the removal of ego is removal of judgment. It seems to me that life conspires to make me get rid of all my ego and that means all my judgments. Dear God, when I am out of ego, will I feel no shame or embarrassment? Is that true? Or I will feel it but won't mind it?

In an August Heavenletter, when I asked you about people feeling embarrassed to publish their names here, you said You do not uphold shame and embarrassment. And I really nodded my head in agreement.

I have to tell you that I had judgment about people who did not want their name in. Inside me somewhere, I was snobbish about it. Now there is a situation that I bring to You, and I do not want my name in. I feel such embarrassment and, well, shame. That is one judgment I will never have again, about people who don't want their name in.

And this situation that I would rather hide is another example where I have had to come face to face with my own judgment, a judgment I kidded myself I didn't have. I thought I was benign and generous in my estimation of people who found themselves in the situation I now find myself in, but when it comes to me now I realize I thought the unfortunate circumstance was okay for other people but not for me. I guess somehow my thinking was I am too good for this. No one in my family ever came to this. And if my parents were living, they would be so ashamed.

And now, as Your sorter of Heavenletters, I have a responsibility to be what is proclaimed in Heavenletters. I cannot have one standard for me and not for others. Of course, others have the choice of not putting their question in at all, but in feeling responsible to You Who says there is nothing to be embarrassed about, I have to be upfront. I have to set an example, is that true?


You know it is.


Dear God, I am cowardly about this. I also feel it may be hurtful to Heavenletters for me to tell this, and I am not sure that I have the courage to do so. I felt some of this "disgrace" when my health was maybe not so great, for a representative of Heavenletters ought to have perfect health. I am afraid that some readers will lose respect for Heavenletters if the typist of it is in the situation I am in.


That is all image you are talking about, dear Gloria.

I tell My children that no image is needed. You are My child, and that is image enough. It is My image. What does what someone might think have to do with Me — or with you? You will come to the time when what other people may think won't matter to you at all. You will come to the time when what you yourself think won't matter to you at all. I will matter to you. Not human thought, but Mine.

What do you think being unbounded means? Everyone wants to be unbounded, but they want to hold onto their way of looking at things. Unbounded means freed from the world's programming, Gloria. Where do you think judgment comes from? You didn't make it up. You got it from somewhere.

I will even go so far as to say that you will be freed from your DNA. Whatever heritage you have, you don't have to be bound to it. What does a specific DNA have to do with Me? Nothing at all. I am irrespective of DNA. DNA is a surface phenomenon handed down, but you don't have to accept it. My children are stuck with whatever they believe they are stuck with.

Old programming is handed down from generation to generation. Others' thinking is embedded in you. Clear the way and find your own.

No judgment is of your own making. The accepting of it is yours, however.

If all were born free of past programming, the idea of differences would be erased. The idea of differences would vanish. The ridiculousness of surface assessments would vanish. Without surface assessments, there would be no shame or embarrassment.

So you are getting clean. You are getting closer to where you see each soul as My child and not the sum total of comparisons the world has made up.

It is easy to say that each human being on earth is a child of God. To know it requires that all judgment be disassembled. Judgment, attachment — what are the other words? — they are all the same, for are you not attached to your judgments? Get unattached, and you are free.

Consider that whatever trials you are going through are a gift from God so that you can step out of where you have thought you were to where you indeed are.

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Ruth to Heavenletters:

I certainly am thrilled to be receiving the Heavenletters for a whole year now. You are so brave to be asking your personal questions for all of us. The answers always apply to everyone, but few have the courage to ask so openly.

Nancy O. to Heavenletters:

Wow! You hit a homerun 9-14 with your question and God's amazing answer! Thank you for asking on behalf of all of us who have health concerns! This Heavenletter is definitely one for the Best of.

Polly to God:

Dear God, thank You for Your letter yesterday.

Well, I think we've got it all solved. My neighbor wrote me a note and said that she puts her trash can there every summer and could I possibly move the flowers.

So…I have decided to move the flowers at the end of the flower bed and make a place for her trash can. I still hate to see a trash can in the flower bed, but I can compromise. Thanks for all Your help.

I am so glad my neighbor and I were able to handle this peacefully. I know in the beginning, we were both angry. Your idea about sending a note worked.

God to Polly:

You set a good example for your neighbor, Polly.