Your God Song Day

God said:

I say, “You can quote Me.” That you are free to quote Me has long been an understanding We have had. First, you have to hear Me.

When you hear a bird sing, you may be able to imitate the bird’s song, yet you are not a bird singing. When you quote Me, you are singing My song, and you are I singing. My song is yours. You are My song. Sing Me, beloveds, sing Me to the Highest Heavens. Let Me hear you sing My song.

Singing My song is different from mouthing My words. Let My song sing from your heart. Let your heart of love be heard.

Model yourself after Me. You do model yourself after your conceptions of Me. Your conceptions of Me matter a great deal. If you see Me as a ruthless God, you may well be ruthless. If you see Me as a judgmental God, you will be judgmental. If you see Me as a benevolent God, you will be benevolent. You carry a picture of Me in your heart. The paparazzi may have taken pictures that were not of Me. They thought the pictures were of Me. You thought they were.

Take your own picture of Me. I do not change. I am the same every day. I am the same Love every day. Love Me the same. When you stub your toe, it makes no difference to Me. I love you the same. I do not stub My toe, yet you may weigh your love for Me according to the weather. Beloveds, I do not stub My toe. I do not make mistakes. I certainly don’t make cruel mistakes. I am not heartless. I am heartfull.

The actions in the world do not always add up. You do not understand. You don’t have all the pieces, so life is a puzzle to you. If you had all the pieces, you wouldn’t be so puzzled.

I do understand that life can be harsh. I do understand that life is often harsh as far as you can see. You do realize that you see only so far. You don’t see the whole picture. You see a part of the picture. A part of the picture is not the whole picture. You haven’t seen the whole picture, and you can’t even imagine it. So to know that I am Love, and Love Inalterable, may take you what is called a leap of faith. Until you are able to see, loving Me takes trust. If it helps any, know that I have trust in you. I have entrusted you with My heart of love. It is yours. Acknowledge it.

I do not ask you to understand Me for My sake. I ask you to understand Me for your sake. Receive My love. Even in what may seem to you as the direst of circumstances, receive My love. Have it. It is for you. It is yours. Know it.

Beloveds, your life is part of the whole picture. I tell you that your life fits Wholeness perfectly. It does not seem so to you because your vision goes only so far. Beloveds, the more you love, the more you will see.

Let that be your God song today. Sing it. “The more I love, the more I will see.”

The opposite is also true. “The more I see, the more I will love.” Sing it.

Sing: “I look to see greater. I look to see love shining from the pillars. I look to see love.”

Sing: “Look, I see love. I see love. I see love.”

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Take your own picture of Me

Yes, let's call them paparazzi collectively, all those people (including ourselves) who have been trying for millennia to feed and force-feed one another pictures pictures pictures of the world, of God, of values, of truth et cetera. Manipulation may have been involved when you were little, perhaps violence, abuse. And your world, your truth, is going to look like that; your images of God and of man will be like that. So I was left with a God who ist distant, indifferent, inexorable and judgmental; and with people whose sole aim in life is to take advantage of others, to be one up, to exploit the planet (soon the moon as well; Gaia, Luna, it's all just material).

And then along come Heavenletters, showing me the God of my most secret dreams, unknown even to myself but instantly recognized. So I am left with two Gods now, the paparazzi one and the one speaking in Heavenletters. My old God is parched, tough as old leather, almost bone or stone, but at least I can rely on Him to always be the way my paparazzi pictures make Him look like to me. And the God in Heavenletters is no doubt too good to be true, only I can't help stealing glances at Him. I must choose and, hesitantly, I do – at the risk of meeting with some huge disappointmend I will not survive.

What else is there to do when I want to be rid of my own judgmentalness and negativity, what else but to see a benevolent God? I cannot "do" that, of course, it's not a decision. But I can rub myself with Heavenletters, I can soak in them, the sweetness and the fear of its unrealness becoming more unbearable every day. So to know that I am Love, and Love Inalterable, may take you what is called a leap of faith. I have not taken that leap yet. A loving God is still ... unimaginable. Some more soaking necessary.

You are the plan of the puzzle.

When you elaborate on God or Love, you do a paparazzi job. You create pictures of it, some very good, some more or less good, some really bad and some really tricky. But they are only pictures and these pictures are taken with an intent of expressing something. Sometime you elaborate on what love is not in trying to find out what it is. Yes, you don't have all the pieces of the puzzle of life and of the world. But what if you had all the pieces? What would you recognize? A picture of a world you know? Or something else? You would have to be shown what is the plan or the architecture behind this puzzle, otherwise you would not be able to figure it out and reconstitute it properly.

So you must have an inner image ot the plan, if you want to get any significance out of that puzzle. Where is that image? You would like to cheat and have a picture of the solution before reconstituting the puzzle just like the puzzles you buy that show you what you have to reconstitute on the box cover.

But the puzzle of God, of You, of Life, of the World is not a puzzle out of the box.You have to reconstitute the "Whole" with pictures that don't exist in the 3D world where "seeing, touching, smelling, hearing, tasting is believing". Here it proceeds the other way around: "believing is seeing, touching, smelling, hearing, tasting". That is why «to know that I am Love, and Love Inalterable, may take you what is called a leap of faith. Until you are able to see, loving Me takes trust».

Love is the picture on the cover of the puzzle and you are the plan of that puzzle. But you have to believe in it before seeing it, otherwise you won't be able to see the pieces that you need to reconstitute it.

What you say, dear Normand,

What you say, dear Normand, it remembers to me when I was a young girl. I had already numerous questions about life. What is the sense of life? My father told me: Life is like a very big wall of bricks. You are unable to see the whole wall. Every man have to put its own brick in the wall. The only important thing is that you put your brick perfectly, in a perfect way in the great wall that is life.
Between other things, I love remember him with these words.


Dear Jochen
I tried to post a comment and I had the message that my user Name was already taken and was sent to the queueing list. Will we have to reset the account?


Dear Normand, Since I don't

Dear Normand,

Since I don't know about these technical things, we will have to wait for Gloria or Santhan. I sincerely hope the problem can be solved quickly.


Every day I read the new

Every day I read the new letter. I saw my profile. It is 38 weeks I have begun to read them.
This morning I realize that God repeats the same: love, give up the past, our life, and so on. But every message is fresh like if He tells it for the first time, if He speaks to us for the first time. Every day He speaks for the first time.
When my life will be like this, fresh as the first time, I will sing the most beautiful song.

Love to all

I have the feeling, dear

I have the feeling, dear Pitta, that you are singing the most beautiful song.

Everyday He speaks for the first time

"…But every message is fresh like if He tells it for the first time, if He speaks to us for the first time. Every day He speaks for the first time."

i can strongly attest to this. i always read these cosmic letters, most especially when im distraught. they always talk to me and the message is always timely. it never ceases to amaze me. sometimes i would come back with the same problem, its a different letter with almost the same message, but it feels all too, yes, FRESH to me. like he speaks for the first time.

i hope this helps more people than it does as much, if not more than, this has helped me go through MY path of self/discovery. i found this, and i found something so profound, so great. suddenly, im not so lost.

Dear Normand,
it happens to me too. Go on the link above and click "Login". It happens when it's some day you don't use the blog.
I hope you understand me. Give the link somewhere, when it will happen again do the same.
Ciao ciao

Test 2 : to pitta

I'm trying your solution

Pitta, thanks. I was indeed

Pitta, thanks. I was indeed logged off without knowing.

Heavenletter #3252- روز آواز ربانی

خدا گفت:

من می گویم: تو می توانی از من نقل قول کنی. اینکه تو آزاد هستی از من نقل قول کنی توافقی است درازمدت بین ما. ابتدا بایستی به من گوش دهی.

زمانی که به آواز پرنده ای گوش می دهی، شاید بتوانی آواز آنرا تقلید کنی، با اینکه پرنده-ی آواز خوان نیستی. زمانی که از من نقل قول می کنی، آواز مرا می خوانی و تو آوازه خوان من می شوی. آواز من متعلق به توست. تو آواز من هستی. عزیزانم، مرا آواز کنید، تا بلندای آسمانها مرا آواز کنید. بگذارید بشنوم چگونه مرا می خوانید.

خواندن آواز من بسیار متفاوت از ادا کردن حرفها و کلمات من است. بگذارید قلبتان آواز مرا بخواند. بگذارید صدای قلب مالامال از عشقتان را بشنوم.

قبل از اینکه از خودتان تقلید کنید از من سرمشق بگیرید. زمانی از خود تقلید می کنید که مرا درک کرده باشید. درک شما از من بسیار مهم است. اگر مرا ظالم بپندارید، خود شما نیز ظالم خواهید شد. اگر مرا داور بین خوب و بد بپندارید، شما نیز چنین خواهید شد. اگر مرا نیکخواه بپندارید شما نیز نیکخواه خواهید شد. تصویری از من در قلب شما وجود دارد. شاید عکسهایی که خبرنگاران جنجالی گرفته اند متعلق به من نباشد. آنها تصور کردند عکسها متعلق به من است. شما هم چنین تصور کردید.

خودتان عکسی از من بگیرید. من تغییر نمی کنم. هر روز همان هستم. هر روز همان عشق هستم. مرا همان گونه دوست بدارید. برای من تفاوتی ندارد اگر انگشت پایتان صدمه دیده باشد. بی هیچ تغییری شما را دوست دارم. انگشت پای من صدمه نمی بیند، با این حال شما با نظر به تغییرات آب و هوا، عشق و علاقه تان به من را می سنجید. عزیزانم، من صدمه ای به انگشت پایم وارد نمی کنم. مرتکب اشتباه نمی شوم. به یقین مرتکب اشتباهات ظالمانه هم نمی شوم. من بی رحم نیستم. رحمان هستم.

کارهای این دنیا همیشه معنی دار نیست. شما درک نمی کنید. زندگی در نظر شما شبیه یک معما است، چرا که همه قطعات در دسترس شما نیست. اگر همه قطعات در اختیار شما بود، خیلی تعجب زده نمی شدید.

من درک می کنم که گاه زندگی سخت می شود. درک می کنم که از دید شما زندگی اغلب سخت است. تصور می کنید افق دیدتان بلند است. شما تصویر کلی را نمی بینید. فقط بخشی از آن را می بینید. دیدن بخشی از تصویر به معنی دیدن تمام آن نیست. شما تصویر کلی را ندیده اید و حتی نمی توانید آن را تصور کنید. برای اینکه بدانید من عشق هستم و عشق تغییرناپذیر، بایستی ایمان و عقیده خود را تغییر دهید. تا زمانی که خود بتوانید براستی ببینید، بدانید که اعتماد لازمه دوست داشتن من است. و اگر سودی داشته باشد، بدانید که من به شما اعتماد دارم. من شما را به قلب مملو از عشق ام سپرده ام. چیزی که متعلق به شماست. قدردان اش باشید.

نمی خواهم مرا به خاطر خود من بشناسید. از شما می خواهم مرا به خاطر خودتان بشناسید. پذیرای عشق من باشید. حتی در مواقعی که به نظرتان بدترین است عشق مرا بپذیرید. قبول کنید. عشق من برای شماست. متعلق به شماست. آن را بشناسید.

عزیزانم، زندگی شما بخشی از آن تصویر بزرگ است. به شما می گویم که زندگی شما در تناسب کامل با کلیت یگانه است. به چشم شما چنین نیست، چرا که شما به دوردستها می نگرید. عزیزانم هر چقدر بیشتر دوست بدارید، بیشتر خواهید دید.

بگذارید این جمله آواز ربانی امروزتان باشد. بخوانید اش، عشق بیشتر، دیدی وسیع تر.

برعکس این جمله هم صادق است. دیدی وسیع تر، عشق بیشتر. بخوانید.

بخوانید: می نگرم تا والاترین را ببینم. می نگرم تا ببینم عشق، از پشت ستونها می تابد. می نگرم تا عشق را ببینم.

بخوانید: بنگر، من عشق را می بینم. عشق را می بینم. عشق را می بینم.

I see Love

I see Love, I see Love.

my song

I look to see...I trust I will.

Dearest Emilia and

Dearest Emilia and Oldooz,

your comments are for me the highest poetry. Thank you both.
With my love

5 Heavenletter Haikus for

5 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said today sing
"Look, I see love. I see love."
"I look to see love."

God said Beloveds
Understand Me for your sake
Your life fits Wholeness

God said it is yours
I love you the same every day
You My heart of love

God said I Am love
Model yourself after Me
And you will be love

God said if it helps
Know that I have trust in you
Loving Me takes trust

Love, Light and Aloha!


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