Your Eyes
Once again, I would like to remind you of the power of looking into another's eyes. Something happens when you do this. Yes, you give your attention to another. Yes, it is respectful. Yes, everyone likes it, but something more happens. You may not know what you see when you look deeply into another's eyes, but you get a hint of something. There becomes a seeping awareness that there has been something you've not quite seen before, and it is something that you want to see.
Look into everyone's eyes today, and there will be a shift in your life. Look into your own as well.
Eyes are deep pools, and much is reflected there.
You will see eye to eye. You will see there is nothing to dispute. You will see the innocence within the eyes of those whose eyes you look into.
When you look deeply into another's eye, they look into yours.
Powerful are eyes. Use them.
It has been said that eyes are the windows to the soul. Certainly, eyes give you a view to all that which is beyond sight. Certainly beyond first sight.
It has been said that you see with your mind. But it is your heart that truly sees. Hearts look within. The mind scrambles over everything, looking for a foothold. But the heart sees Truth. It recognizes it. Recognition is instant. It takes the mind a while to catch up.
When you look into another's eyes, you are looking into their soul, and you are looking into their heart. There is nothing more beautiful to look at. There is nothing more beautiful on earth.
All the magnificent sights in the world point to the most magnificent sight of all, the soul of the Human heart. What do oceans and mountains and beautiful fields of flowers or a single flower conjure but the existence of heart and soul? And therefore My existence.
All right, let's get down to it. When you look deeply into the eyes of another, when you catch a glimpse of Truth beyond the ordinary that you usually glance over, Whose eyes do you think you are looking into? The deep search into the eyes and hearts and souls of others is the search for Me, and it is I you find there when you look.
This innocence within is universal. There is no other set of eyes deep within but Mine. The depths of all eyes are the shimmering pools of My eyes gazing into yours. Gaze deeply. Drink of the love and purity I offer. They are already yours, yet I would give them to you.
And when your eyes look deeply into another's eyes, it is My eyes within you that see deeply as well. And so, the See-er and What Is Seen are the same, and they are One. Satisfy your craving for Oneness. And that which you receive, you offer. That which you offer, you receive. Endless is the Oneness. Eternal is Our One Oneness We share.
Truly, Beloveds, when all is said and done, what else is there to share? What else would you want to share? What can possibly compare to Our Oneness? Certainly not apartness.
The search for Truth is the search for Oneness. Amazingly, all that you seek, you already have. Nevertheless, keep searching until you fully experience that there is nothing else, in Heaven or on earth, but Our Oneness.
It is an As If Game We play. We search for each other when there has never been anything else, and never can be. All the rest is play. But We are real. We are It. We are the Oneness of Oneness. See Me looking into your eyes now, and do not look away, for I see Myself and will you to do the same.
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