Your Engagement in Life

God said:

You never know what is going to happen next in life. There are good reasons for that. If you knew, where would your engagement in life be? You may think you want to know what the next moment holds, but that you don’t is a blessing. In life in the world, you not only witness, you also participate. If life were a foregone conclusion, you would not have free will.

It would seem that you do live anyway as if you do know the future. You worry about tomorrow. You tend to see Doom written in the sky. You prepare for it. Yes, what is worry about if not preparation? You try to prepare yourself emotionally. You take up arms before the war has begun.

You are here on Earth to become acquainted with yourself, your Inner Being, and the strength and vision contained within. You are here to be aware of your own Awareness. Everyone has it. Get to know it rather than the fears and doubts that plague you.

Allness is within your reach. Anticipate the welcomeness that is yet to come. That way you call it to you. At what level of thought are you vibrating this morning? Would it not be a good thing to swing your thoughts higher?

This is Awareness.

Do not keep stacking up relative life against Truth. Do not list all the reasons why relative life isn’t as good as it should be. Even if you list all the acts and reasons and terrors to prove that life is inferior, one hundred facts count as nothing next to the One Truth.

Perhaps you have a tendency to consider Truth as no account. You even set out to prove the fallacy of it. You have it backwards, beloveds. You have it backwards. You work against yourself.

I do not lay out fairy tales for you. This is not an inflated carrot I hold out for you. I do not try to fool you nor lead you astray. I seek to have you understand the power of your own thoughts. I seek to have you understand the power of your own Being. From greater understanding, you will jump to greater life.

When you do not believe you can achieve Greatness, you belie the Truth of yourself. You go out of your way to prove you are right. You say: “See. Look around You, God, and You will see reality clearly. Look where I look. Adversity is rampant. Rainbows are rare events, yet You continually extol them. You taunt us with fables. Day after day I see otherwise.”

Beloveds, you propel that which you see. I do not request that you wear blinders. I request that you remove them. You have used tunnel vision, and you name the blips you see “real life”.

Ask for more for yourself.

Just as you can read great literature and interpret it on many levels, so can you read your life. Do you think the surface level is the only level? Will you perhaps consider that there is a level or two beneath the surface? You will at least agree, won’t you, that life is open to interpretation.

I do not ask you to kid yourself. I do ask you to open yourself to possibilities. Do not reject out of hand the good that is waiting in the wings. It may be waiting for a simple cue from you that you want it. Do not flick wonders away from you as you would ashes from a cigar.

We are talking about your life here. Turn the wheel of your daily life higher. Set it to a new gauge. Let the drums roll. Let a new play begin. Applaud it before the curtain opens.

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2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said cue wonders
Are you vibrating "real life"
In the next moment

God said awareness
And Allness is within reach
Next to the One Truth

Love, Light and Aloha!


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