You Walk across the Red Sea

God said:

Now you do have a clue as to Who you are. You have a hint, yet you have not taken the hint. You just can't quite believe that you are the gold I say you are. But I do not give up. The day will come, and it is not far away, when you will clap your hand to your forehead, and say: "Now I get it. Now I get what God is saying. Now I get it!"

A light bulb will go on in your head, and you will see. For the first time, you will see. You will see the world in a new light. You will see the world with a glow around it, and you will be the glow.

Consider life a game of baseball, and now you step up to the plate.

You have been playing an imaginary tag, and now you are It.

I appointed you. I tapped you on the shoulder, and I said: "Now. Now it is your turn."

And now there is no going back. Once I have tapped you on your shoulder, you are done with the imagined past. All of it. Now you walk across the Red Sea. Now you are on the other side. Now you walk in Vastness, Vastness before you and Vastness after you and Vastness all around you. And you are the Vastness you walk in. You are the still waters, and you are the pastures that lead you to the still waters. You are My beloved, and now you believe Me. And now there is nothing else for you to do. There is nothing else for you to be but what I have told you all along. You may not have been listening.

You are more than a smattering of Me. You cannot be a particle of Me, for Wholeness has no parts. Wholeness does not come apart. Wholeness is Wholeness, or it is not. And I AM. And We are one Integrated One.

Only the imagined you has been dissembling. You pretend you are less. You hold on to the idea of being less. You hold on to a baby's rattle and seemingly shake yourself loose from Me. This is your dissembling. As a matter of fact, you go to great lengths to disenchant yourself from Truth. You like to think you disencumber yourself, as if you really could. You certainly do play a game of Let's Pretend, and so you do not recognize the Truth, let alone accept it.

If you like to play Let's Pretend, then let's play that what I say to you is so. Use your imagination. You have been using your imagination dismally. Now use it for enlightenment. Let My light be seen. Let your light be seen. It is not make-believe, Beloved. It is not really make-true either because it is already true. You and I are two peas in one pod. You are perhaps too self-absorbed to see. Beloved, there is really one pea in one pod. We are so inseparable that We are One.

You really are not a straggler. Whatever you think you are, you are not that. You dabble in this and that. All the while, you and I move together. We partake together. We dance together. We sing together.

Now, you may say: "Well, God, is it You Who plays the games then? If we are really and truly One, why do You depart from yourself? Why don't You speak for Yourself through little me always then?"

Ah! The presumed separate you of Me looked into a mirror called Free Will, and you declared yourself folly. Although there is no yourself, you skipped off in thought far away to another land. You are so powerful in this eclipse of Truth that you can even do that.

But, of course, you are right. There is no you. There is I. Swift as thought, the sun dappled shadows on the leaves, and that was the birth of My reflection on Earth, and yet the Sun is round and full and bright no matter what the fantasy being played may be.

Read Comments

Now you walk in Vastness,

Now you walk in Vastness, Vastness before you and Vastness after you and Vastness all around you. And you are the Vastness you walk in.

God's love whispers are beyond words, so.....shhh, let's melt this amazing Love Letter with our hearts.

Much love

Sweet Berit...Angel Voice

Sweet Berit,

God's love whispers are beyond words, so.....shhh, let's melt this amazing Love Letter with our hearts.

What a magical essence your thought inspires.

You're beautiful and blessed.

With Love,

looked into a mirror called Free Will

How sweet to know that the mirror we look into reflects the ONE who says so sweetly in Scripture: "it is God that BOTH wills and works in you for HIS good pleasure." To look into THAT mirror suggests that you're looking into the face of God. WOW!

Is this Possible? The Apostle Paul reminds us: "Beholding, as in a mirror, the glory of God, we are changed into the exact image, from glory to glory." This seems too slow to our human frailty.

This darling writer gives away the Secret by sharing her own light in the words: "The presumed separate you"

Walking along feeling alone is our own misunderstanding of WHAT is.

George looking in the mirror with such JOY

Michelle beholding His face along with George

This reminds me of a confession I confess almost every day. Quoted by Smith Wigglesworth.....
My soul is filled with boundless love
whilst gazing on the precious blood
I catch the rays of Jesus face
transfixed in me the throne of grace
wonders beyond the human mind
rushing into me a life Divine
I feel the power of the Holy Dove
and speak in tongues of things above.

As scripture says
See! the abode of God is with men, and He will live (encampment) among them: and they shall be His people, and God shall personally be with them and be their God.
The fullness of Him, who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything,everywhere with Himself...
Oh I'm hungry for the unity of His people to know Him and to be totaly united in Him.He is in us and His glory and honor was given to us .
And what is the imeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who are believe, as demonstratedin the workingof His mighty strength.
George thank you for speaking truth.Immanuel(God is with Us)

Michelle beholding His face along with George

Whew! I lost it again. My breath just flew out the window of my heart at these word that gave me a start.

One of my mystery heros was Smith Wigglesworth. He makes wiggles out of an effort seem fruitless until the Son breaks through.

So many growers have not experienced "Rent Veil" consciousness yet, because the're just kids starting out. New journeyers have to wait for "encampment" consciousness.

i suppose these things come wrapped in "The Secret of HIS Presence." Or it could be sequestered in the "Hiding Place." You know that He loves to play hide and seek with us. He always finds me, but sometimes I have to really look to find HIM. Heaven Letters have been a real help in seeing HIM.

At times I sound flip, and perhaps I Am. God is always tickling my "funny" bone. He even sort of laughed when my darling wife passed away in my arms after our 64 years together. You know what the divine JESTER said? "You only thought you saw her, but you only saw her form , what seemed to be her." "Ha, My sweet boy, she's more real now, than when she was with you." Go figure!"

Such love makes me gasp in wonder.

George playing in God's Amusement Park

George playing in God's Amusement Park

You are the apple of His eye. Your wife was so blessed to have you for so many years. You don't often hear of marriages that last that long. But I'm sure it was'nt long enough for you.
Yes the amusement park, it is that if we let it be. God loves it when we play in it. The roller coaster can seem a little fast , but the merry round is so gentle.He lets us choose the rides we want.
Its like being on the potters wheel. And I tell Him no matter how much it hurts, don't let me get off.
I am a millenium baby, my spirit was born again in 2000. The Lord has grown me up quickly and I'm so glad
I allowed the Holy Spirit to be my teacher.
He has led me to all the books I have read. I love reading about people like Wigglesworth, and Katherine Kulman. They walked in His power. I told God I'm tired of reading about it. I want to be a part of it. I want what they had. So as was it John or paul that said I die daily.
I am coveting, but I'm coveting God. And I think thats ok. Because I will share Him with the world.
Michelle---- Hisshininglite

Why, Michelle, you already

Why, Michelle, you already are!

The Divine Amusement Park!

Sweet Michelle:

Sixty-four years was only the start of the ride.
I thought she got off and left me by my self but soon I learned
that in this park of Love you only have to wait a second
and the ONENESS becomes apparent.
Your words make this real. Thanks dear one

George watching the fireworks

We walk across the Red Sea

Glorious! There is only Prime Creator, God! Each of us is an inspired idea
in the Radiant Mind of the God of All Creation! There is required for us to feel
truly inspired , so, some time must be set aside for Silence, at least 60 seconds to begin
and perhaps we'll feel that touch on our shoulders and we WILL WALK ACROSS THE

We walk across the Red Sea

The radiance of these words makes the sun shine more brightly.
Walking ACROSS THE RED SEA is like a divine cross word puzzle in our inner person that suddenly comes clear.
Thanks for this WIND of His MIND blowing LIFE to all.

George, putting up his sail

3 Heavenbletter Haikus for

3 Heavenbletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said you who plays
Whatever you think you are
You are all of it

God said swift as thought
Use your imagination
For enlightenment

God said be the glow
See the world in a new light
See Yourself through Me

Love, Light and Aloha!

Oh Hula Hoop darling

How sweetly you say:
"God said be the glow"
To see the show,
In its true LIGHT.

George adjusting his glasses to see your beautiful words

There is no me

It is now clear that there is no me. There is something that feels sad, and mourns this. That doesn't exist either, because this "I" that I have been thinking that I am has never existed at all.

I can see how there is some fearful thought that says something like this: Well, if I don't exist, then what's the point? Does that mean that I have no free will, and I am some puppet on a string?

No, actually, I don't exist, so how could I be a puppet on a string? You have to exist to be someone's puppet.

May my Vision be as clear as Yours, so that I see fully that there is only God. Even this statement is an illusion. How can "my" vision be clear when I don't exist?

"I" don't know what to say.


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