You Know What Love Feels Like

God said:

Even as loving is the mastery of the world, you see absence of love too often and fullness of love too seldom. If you look at the newspaper, you understand Me clearly. If you have ever felt abandonment, you understand Me clearly. If you have ever felt unloved or unappreciated, you understand Me clearly. If you have ever felt misused or taken advantage of, you understand Me clearly. If you have ever disliked someone, you understand Me clearly. If you have ever felt sorry for yourself, you understand Me clearly. As a giver of love or recipient of it, you know what love feels like and you know very well what absence of love feels like.
Love does not have to be proved. You don’t have to prove your love to anyone, and there is no one who has to prove his love to you, nor do you have to prove that no one loves you. Have you not perhaps spent enough time and energy on your own sense of being unloved and unfairly treated? You might do well to get out of all the compunction you have for yourself, and put some attention on loveliness. Put on some new glasses, beloveds.
A tradesman has to take pride in his work, or his work will be sloppy. In order to do good work, a tradesman has to attend to what he is doing. He can’t take the line of least resistance. No matter if he has been heralded as a master craftsman, he still has to take pains with his work. He has to pay attention to details. He has to measure. He has to cut straight lines. He doesn’t leave his work up to chance. Is there anyone who would not agree with this?
When it comes to living life, however, you may take pride in being trammeled. You may say life is unfair. You are perhaps proud of your self-pity. You may perhaps pin a medal on yourself -- the most mistreated person in the world. What statement do you make? Perhaps you convey that you love misery more than love and happiness. If you keep stewing in misery, you keep your sense of victimhood alive and well.
There is enough misery and unfairness in the world. You do not have to till it. No matter what, do not make yourself a picture of pitifulness.
You can spend your life energy on feeling you have every right to complain about the burdens you have. You say you have to have an outlet. You cannot keep it all to yourself. Are you saying that you want to stay in misery? Keep going on about it, and you are saying that misery is the food of your life. You are perhaps saying you can’t live without it. The Universe will grant you your wishes. If you are in pain, going on about the pain makes it stronger. If you feel put upon by life, I ask you to get out of that propensity to declare that the Universe and/or God and/or your immediate situation are the causes of your misery, as if misery is piled on you from the outside. Look, it may indeed be that you are in a miserable situation that no one would want to be in. If you feel it is therapy for you to expound on your misery, can you see that you are mistaken? Why hold misery to you? Do you really need it so much?
Why on Earth would you want to stay where you are? Is the refrain of poor you more important than restructuring what you think and what you say? If your complaint is that life or the Universe or God Himself has mistreated you, and misery is your comfort zone and you want to stay comfortable, that is your free will. It is also your free will to get beyond dwelling on your unhappiness. If misery is what you want, keep talking about what a sorry situation you are in and how there is nothing you can do about it.
Your misery comes from your own thoughts and how many times you moil them over and talk about them to others who will commiserate with you and help you to stay where you are. When is enough, beloveds? With your thoughts and words, you can start steering your life in the direction you want to go instead of staying smack where you have been.

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Here is one bit of advice for you that will go a long way.

A smile is like a kiss to the Universe.

God said:

Hello, beloveds. Will you make today wonderful? Will you laugh, and will you smile? Will you be of good cheer?

Will you today be what you want to be? Cheerful, pleasant, enjoying and enjoyable. Why not?

Why not be what you have always wanted to be, and that is happy and generous in life.

This is the day you come out of your old thinking, and you bloom. How beautiful are you, a blooming rose of Heaven! How beautiful are you when you smile and make Me smile.

What does a smile cost, beloveds? Nothing. What does a smile give? Everything..

please continue.. (if so moved ;-)

God is working

God is working in and through me with this:

"I understand that there is a persona given to Me as One Who Finds Fault. If I were truly that, I would not be God. Anyone can pick anything apart. Ego can do that very well on its own without Me. I am not needed for that. Why would I tire myself with petty thinking when I can embolden truth? I do what I like to do, and have good reason to do.

Many things are blamed on Me. The state of the world. Your health. Your disappointments. And so you blame Me for giving you free will.

The free will I anointed you with is as inviolable as My Will. I am strong-willed. My Will will be done."

from HL 594 God's Glory


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