You Are the Son of God Whom I Love

God said:

A sense of depression is a passing thing. No matter how deep it may seem, it is a passing thing. It’s a moment’s thought like any other passing thought. Thoughts jump around all over the place. A thought is just a thought. Why dwell on thoughts that do not serve you or the Universe?

You are not here on Earth for yourself. Of yourself, you make of yourself too small a field. You make of yourself too much effort. Don’t try so hard. Beloveds, just be. Just be, and what can the matter be? Dry up your self-persecution. Let go of improving yourself. Too often improving yourself turns into self-depreciation. You play a trick on yourself.

There is no outside you. You manufacture events, and you forget your Wholeness. You distract yourself from the Joy of Life. You focus on the past, or you focus on the future. So much self-attention on yourself. You tear yourself down and forget to build yourself back up.

Would you be so careless with a Child of God? Apparently so. You negate yourself. It isn’t that you have to build yourself up. You have to stop tearing yourself down.

Are you so sure you know better than I do? I do not find you wanting. You find yourself wanting. You beat yourself up. Forgo bearing false testimony against yourself.

You blame the world, and you blame Me. You blame life. You castigate life, and you castigate yourself. Cease putting yourself down. Come to your own rescue.

Cultivate the habit of good cheer. You previously cultivated a habit of looking at yourself as downtrodden. Paint another portrait of yourself. Remember Me in Whose image you were made. Love what I have made.

You are not on trial. There is no need to defend yourself. There is need for you to get up and declare yourself a human being under God. Simply, no longer tear yourself asunder.

Put away your self-absorption. What is self-absorption but ego. I have to ask you: Why would you listen so well to your ego? Ego gives you so much false attention. Ego pities you. How dare it? How dare ego compete with Me for your attention? Up with God. Down with ego, preposterous ego.

Do not tell Me that you cannot help yourself. You are not helpless. Take your heart back wherever you have thrown it. Reconcile with yourself. You do not begin to know what you are capable of. Rise to the occasion. The occasion is Life. You live. You are here for a reason. Come out into life and make it better for others. Self-pity isn’t a virtue. Don’t get tangled up with it. If you are tangled with it, untangle yourself. Life isn’t for nothing. It is for something.

Be good to yourself, and be good to the world. You have perhaps been asking yourself the wrong questions.

I offer you My hand. Get up from the couch of self-oppression. You are not unimportant. You are all-important. You were created for a reason. You were not created for no reason. You were created for far more than doubting yourself and doubting your place in the world. The world is not out to get you. The world is out to wake you up. Wake up then. You are not a cog in a wheel. You are the wheel. From this day forth, emerge into the world. I bless you to the world. You belong under the Sun. Let the Sun shine on you. I exult in you. I ask you to brighten the world. Pull up the shades. Open the windows. Let your light shine, for you are the Son of God Whom I love.

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Oh Yes.....

"I offer you My hand. Get up from the couch of self-oppression. You are not unimportant. You are all-important. You were created for a reason. You were not created for no reason. You were created for far more than doubting yourself and doubting your place in the world. The world is not out to get you. The world is out to wake you up. Wake up then. You are not a cog in a wheel. You are the wheel. From this day forth, emerge into the world. I bless you to the world. You belong under the Sun. Let the Sun shine on you. I exult in you. I ask you to brighten the world. Pull up the shades. Open the windows. Let your light shine, for you are the Son of God Whom I love."

Be like a Child

Thank you Jim. I consciously "Open Up My Heart and Let the Sun Shine In" This is one of my favorite songs.


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