You Are the Music, and You Are the Flute

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, Jill spoke to someone named Marie yesterday who is purportedly in the 300th dimension or contacting the 300th dimension, and now it appears that Jill is totally swayed, which has been her pattern. And Jill seems to have no loyalty. By loyalty, I mean gratitude and appreciation.

Mother Divine:

What matters to you what Jill says? What do her changeable preferences have to do with you? Her qualities? Her challenges? Her weaknesses?

Stay pure in your heart. Karen can well take care of herself.


I want to tell you why I am certain of Karen. Her humility. Her pure heart. All she has done for me.

Besides all that, I love her.

I sure know what Karen means when she says we can trust God and not many others.

Mother Divine:

Gloria, you pay too much attention to, put too much importance on, whatever someone says to you, and most especially, like with Jill, when what they say is away from truth.

Put this much emphasis on the good that comes your way, on all the wonderful tributes to God, to Karen, to you.

Put your attention on the beauty of the day and God's work.


The other day, dear Blessed Holy Dear Mother Divine, when God told me to think of the day as a lover, I wasn't impressed, but now in the mornings I think: I have an assignation with the day. And it's a wonderful thought, and it gives me zest.



Dear Father, I pray I follow Your way with a clear heart and firm steps.


You are. You are running to Me and bringing souls with you.

You are a bringer, not a taker. A bringer. You lead a field trip. An excursion, an outing. And many go with you, and more and more. All who want to can come.

This is a never-ending field trip. It is a Heaven trip.


Is there something more You wish to tell me, dear God?


I await you. I am with you, and I await you. You are here, and yet I await you. Do you understand?


God, I feel the same thing. I have a lot of You, but I want more. What is it?


Full recognition. Not partial. Complete. Totality of God you want, and I want you to have it. We share the same longing for completion: We are so contained within the other that We have no other thought or awareness but that We are One.

Oneness prevails. There is no other concept. There is one truth, and it is shared — no, not shared because that implies another — it is one truth, one joy, one life.


And does the time come on earth when that experience of Oneness is total?


Yes. And that is what I wait and you await.


I feel in a way like it's a taffy pull.


I think it would be the opposite, but I know what you mean! There is much delight in the moments before the total recognition of union.



Dear God, Brad asked that I ask you about this negativity that the three, Brad, Jill, and Gita experienced yesterday. What was the significance? Karen cleared out a lot. Brad wonders if this wasn't a huge clearing for the world.


All negativity is the world's. All release from it is also the world's. No one suffers alone. No one experiences joy in a vacuum either. What one does affects all. What is felt in one region is also felt in another. The world sinks or swims together.

What one thinks affects all. The stars' shine travels everywhere.

Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, Karen cleared everything from Jill. Brad and Gita worked on it also. The impression I got from Jill was that she was innocent in all this. And then comes my judgment, that Jill has responsibility in this.

To me, it is one thing to have doubts. It is another to throw people out the window and try to have others do the same.

I guess I am asking a question about responsibility. Is a person not responsible for themselves? Do not our thoughts create our lives?

Mother Divine:

It is good to take responsibility for one's thoughts and actions. That is a freeing view. When you are responsible, you can make changes. If you are a victim, you are powerless. And I tell you that God created a great power when He created human beings. They are, after all, made in His own image.

Jill can become more aware and take time before she makes drastic changes. No one changed her perception for her. She accepted the negative thoughts as her own. She can become aware of what is negativity and what is simply change. She can take time.

Remember, Gloria, before you judge Jill, that you are on solid ground, and she was not. It is easy to topple when you are on a shaky bridge.

A Course in Miracles, Lesson 318:
"I was created as the thing I seek."

Gloria to God:

Dear Almighty Father, I seek You, more of You.


Yes. And I am found within you. It is I seeking Myself, Gloria, and I find it in you.

When there is only One, where is there to go to find? There is no other. There is no outside. There is no else. Only Self.


I had the thought: Judging is never helpful.


That is wisdom.


What else would You like to tell me, Father?


Remember, as you make your assignation with the day, that I come with you. You are never alone. You are never without Me. I am your innermost self, and I am intrinsic to you. I am your Power, your Strength, your Being, and I revel in you. Without My children, where would My expression be?

I spent many many years in human time — a mere moment in Mine — just being, and I want to explore that being. And so I created the universe and all that inhabits it. My supreme creation was man, was you, was My children. In them, I found Myself moving and exploring, and discovered expression of Beingness named Joy.

You are My expression of Beingness, and therefore you are My joy. I overflowed My fountain, and there you are. You are My spillover. You are My bubbling up. You are My spray. But you are Mine. You may think you are separate, but you are more than part of Me. You are Me. You are I, springing from Myself. You are My music coming out of My throat. You are the music and you are the flute.

When you are in stillness, you sit in My Being, and you relax into it. You dip your hand into the coffer of My Being to refresh yourself, and I am sprinkles of raindrops on your face.

Your assignation with the day is with Me. I am the day in front of you. I am you, and I am your Companion. I am your Father, and I am yourself. I am your step and your path. I am all that there is, and so are you.


Dear Mother Divine, I feel soaked in God's love, and I ask you for what you would like to say.

Mother Divine:

Soaking in God's love is soaking in your own being. Know where your Heavenly Father is. He resides in your heart and mind. He is your content, what is contained within you. He is your expression and your moving forward. And He is where you go to. He is all the same. He is One.

He is the heart that beats, and He is between the beats. And He is what the heart beats for.

He is the magnet. He is what the magnet pulls. And He is that energy between the seeming two.

Yes, God is that pull. And all there is is that pull. Its other name is love.

And we are all helpers who help God express his love in many forms and many expressions and many one-selves. The expression expresses God. That is creation. God is full of Himself as you are filled with Him.

Ask yourself today, "What does God want to do today?" or ask yourself, "What do I want to do today?" It is the same question, and the answer in truth is the same.

God wills your joy. So what brings you joy? That is what God asks of you. Pure joy. Pure expression of His love.