You Are Not a Dragon

God said:

Do you still have to lose your temper? Even if you keep your anger inside, you have still lost your temper. Temper is meant to be moderate. Do you have to be irate? I will admit, beloveds, that there is enough around to stimulate your temper, but what is it, this temper you have? Do you have to have steam so you can let it off? Must you become irate because of how business is conducted in the world or because something slipped from your hand or another’s? Is the insufferable really insufferable?

Anger seems to be anger. Anger for a little thing seems to be just as great as anger for a big thing. Anger seems to have no limits. When you are angry, there is no little. You feel great cause, or you would not be angry.

If you are ever angry again, and you might even be today or tomorrow, drink some water, wash your face with cold water, and then start over. Bless the supposed cause of your anger. Bless the supposed cause and bless the people concerned. Even if they made you angry, you can bless them. Even if they gave you no peace, you can send cooling thoughts to them.

There may be no two ways about it. They did what should not have been done. They were high-handed, or unkind, or stole from you. They certainly stole your temper. More to the point, you gave it away to them. They took something away from you, your peace of mind for which you gave them a piece of your mind. You aren’t making sense, but you already know that.

Let it be love that doesn’t make sense rather than anger. You have thought you have to justify love and be cautious with it, while you are quick to flare up in anger at the drop of a hat. Now use caution with anger instead and be ready to love at a moment’s notice.

Much of the time, anger is no more than ego. You feel like you were a fool, perhaps deliberately set up, but a fool nevertheless. How wrong someone else is or was is beside the point when it’s your vanity that got piqued.

In many cases, you may say it is your money you are upset about, but it’s your vanity. You were tricked and you lost money, and now you are angry because you were tricked. You gave faith where it was not. And now you’re angry with someone else. You should have seen it coming, you say to yourself. You should never have become involved, you say. And you are red-faced.

Are you less a fool to get angry, beloveds? If a tree limb falls on you, do you chop down the tree from which the limb fell? If you stub your toe on the sidewalk, do you kick the sidewalk? Anger makes just as much sense which means it makes no sense at all. You do not have to carry anger. You don’t have to have it for one minute.

If you would prefer a life without anger, then choose it now. Choose what you prefer. Say to yourself:

“I choose to stay cool. Whatever comes my way, I will deal with it. I can deal with it without aggression. I can deal with it peacefully. I can figure out what needs to be said, and I can say it without breathing fire. I am not a dragon. I am someone who has taken offense. Whatever the reason, I have taken offense, and I will not offend myself further. I am a child of God. When I feel fire rising, I will cool down and bring myself closer to God Who loves me. His love is worth more than all the anger in the world. I choose to perceive God’s love rather than my anger. From this day forth, I will choose God’s love.”

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1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said be ready
Give them a piece of your mind
The peace of your mind

Love, Light and Aloha!


In the Old Testament You used to have a very bad temper too. You must know what anger is. You have changed since then and I wish I could change too... in a shorter time. I admire cool people, I am the opposite. I promise to myself "Next time I will be calm and serene" and then, a dragon again. You say "If a tree limb falls on you, do you chop down the tree from which the limb fell? If you stub your toe on the sidewalk, do you kick the sidewalk?", but a tree or a sidewalk don't speak nonsense! Nonetheless, it is amusing what You say, I can see myself.
"I choose to stay cool. Whatever comes my way...". But if, as You rightly say, " you are ever angry again, and you might even be today or tomorrow..." I will then take a cold bath, over and over again.

Beloved Emilia, ah, anger

Beloved Emilia, ah, anger was known in the Biblical days.

There is a line -- I forget what it comes from -- something like: Suffer not fools. I think that's what we go through. I have sure had it with customer service sometimes, like when my phone wasn't working much of the time. It wasn't working when I called customer service from someone else's phone, and I wanted to discontinue the phone company's service, and customer service insisted I call them on my own phone! If only I could have had a good laugh.

Just recently I came across some Sufi words about anger. Here's a description of anger:

The negative emotion of anger, when it flares up, is faster than the rational effort to suppress it. Once anger has caught fire, it is difficult to extinguish. Like fire, it burns all that is human in us; compassion, love, gentleness, generosity, the ability to communicate, to think of consequences, and intelligence. All are all reduced to ashes. All that remains is a dangerous wounded wild animal.

And here is some advice on how to get rid of it:

The cure for anger is basically in removing your arrogance. (Ouch!)

When anger strikes, immediately change your posture. If you were standing, sit. If you were sitting, fall to your knees. It is difficult to shout and curse in the most humble position of kneeling.

Or lie on your back and pray: "Oh Lord, enrich me with knowledge, beautify me with kindness, give me the gift of piety and the awe and love of You and sanity and health, Amen."

Or go take ablution with cold water!

What a picture! Fire, ashes,

What a picture! Fire, ashes, dangerous wild animals, are we sure those Biblical days are over?
Thank you for the Sufi advices, I will follow all of them at the same time, for better results.
Me arrogante? dare they...oh...I go to take my bath!
Loving you


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