You Are Getting There

God said:

You progress. Despite all your antics, you progress. There is not a moment when you are not progressing. Even in your darkest hours, you are progressing. You cannot stop progress in yourself anymore than you can stop progress in the world. Whether or not you note progress in yourself or in the world, you can’t stop progress. Even when it appears that you are not growing, you have left one more step behind you.  Human beings are evolving Beings. You do not stay the same. You may not see always what is right before you to see.
Sometimes later on, you smack your hand on the side of your head, and you say: “Why didn’t I see that before? What was I thinking?” From a distance you may see what close up you did not see.
And, yet, I have said that there is no distance. There is no close-up. I have said that there is no time to speak of. We could say as a manner of speech, that you and your supposed life are encapsulated in one moment.
When I say there is no time, I am saying that there is no past and no future. I could say there is no present either. There is something We call Present. We call it Now, yet immediately the present becomes the past, and the future cannot even be seen before it arrives. No matter, life IS.
Whatever you want of life, you can have it. It is yours to have. Desires are a good thing because your desires move you forward. Forward means going in front, and forward is also higher, beloveds. Desires lift you. Desires give you some pizzazz. Desires are signals of light that keep you moving. Human Beings ARE, and yet they also MOVE. Human Beings do not stay where they are. There is no holding back the dawn.
Whether you move forward or higher or seemingly move at all, life will pick you up and drop you somewhere. You cannot stem the tide.
In a sense, in life you are a fish swimming in the water, minding your own business, going on in your merry way, and then you are swimming in a net that is lifted and you are deposited on dry land. This image falls short, of course. The point is that fish can exist only in water. You, on the other hand, can exist wherever life puts or pulls you. You can exist in desert or snow. You can exist in mountain or valley. You, beloveds, are adaptable. You may not always want to adapt. You may protest where life takes you, yet you can find your good wherever you are.
Beloveds, there are no aquariums for human beings. Wherever you happen to be, you are meant to be for that supposed time. You are invariably in the right place at the right time. No matter how improbable that may seem to you, this is how it is.
Of course, you may fight it, and get out. Or you may fight it, and not get out. You may not fight it and get out. Of course, in Eternity, there is no getting in or getting out. There is none of that.
In the world, you are taking a walk. There are many roads to walk. Some you choose. Ultimately, it is all your choice. It is definitely your choice to progress regardless of circumstances.
Consider circumstances as a meal you are served. You prefer some meals to others, yet, in each case, a meal is a meal. And life serves, and life serves you, and you are served, and, so, you progress.

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Thank you

Lovely! Just what I needed to here! Blessings to all of the light workers on this planet that help us stay grounded, get grounded, or just get by. Blessed are those that give of their gifts without abandon, expectation, or praise! However, it feels nice to be appreciated. Not for what we do but who we are.................... One of the many faces connected to the Divine!
Love and light, Catherine McMartin


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