Write the Following in Your Heart

God said:

Write the following in your heart: "God loves me. God loves me with all His heart and all His might."

What else do you need to know? What else do you need to have? What other thought is worth as much? What other knowledge equals the sure knowledge that you are loved? I love you. You. I love you with all My heart and all My might. You are someone who is beloved on Earth. Nurtured in Heaven, birthed on Earth. That is the story of your life. The name of the chapter is Gift, and you are the Gift. I gave you, didn't I? What else could you be but a gift when it is I Who gave you?

Did you think you were something other than a gift from My heart? What can I give but love? Therefore you are ordained love. Love sculpted, you are nevertheless love.

You wear a crown of My love. You embody My love. What if you really and truly believed that? You can. You will. Right now you will. It is important that you know Who you are and why you have been planted on the soil of Earth.

Consider Creation a musical composition. All the instruments and all the notes are played at the right time. Take away the oboe, and even if the oboe has only one note to play, that note is important. Without it, the whole configuration of the music is less. Something is missing. You may not know the name for it, but it is missing. The oboe may be silent, and yet it has its note to play. The moment for the note that only the oboe can play matters. The note is written into the score.

Take away the strings, and something great is missing, even when the strings may seem not to be heard. The strings contribute nevertheless. What is heard is one thing. What is played is another.

Take away one note from the universe before it has been played, and the universe is less.

Each breath you take is vital to the universe. Consider each breath of yours like a breath that massages the universe. The universe needs the gentleness of your breath until your body has breathed your last. A note had to be struck. A song had to be sung. You are integral to the workings of the universe.

Not a single one of you is here by chance. Not a single one of you is unnecessary. You have your part to play. Then you take your bows and leave.

Whoever you are, you have a place in it to fill. You simply do not know how far and how high your place is in the configuration of the universe. Even if you have hurt others, you are still here for the betterment of the world. Perhaps you are here to teach forgiveness. In any case, you are here for a reason.

And so We come back to love. My love can do anything. My love does everything. In your life, you race against love, My beloveds. You have no opponent, for love certainly is not an opponent. Be a proponent. Be a proponent of all that love can possibly be. There is nothing it cannot be.

What need have you of skirmishes on Earth? What need have you of anything when you are deep-seated in My Heart? What else could you ask for? What other instrument would you want to be than the perfect one I gave to the world in you? Even if you are shaped beyond recognition, you are still love. And I love you with all My heart and all My might. I love you.

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4 Heavenletter Haikus for

4 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said each of you
I love you with all My heart
And with all My might

God said each of you
Is ordained and sculpted love
What else could you be

God said each of you
You each embody My love
Really and truly

God said each of you
You are a reason to love
That is your story

Love, Light and Aloha!


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