Work for God

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Steve to Heavenletters:

Dear Gloria, I hope you can make some sense out of my question to God. I find it hard to express myself in writing, and hard physically to write. PLEASE pray that I take the right steps to get my life on a positive tract and for God to give me a break and be merciful to me. I am so tired of being like this.

Thank you. God bless.

Steve to God:

Dear God, as You know I have been struggling a lot for quite sometime now without very much peace or joy in my life. Could you please help me to understand what is going on. I can't seem to break out of it for more than a short while.

I want to enjoy my life more, to appreciate all I have and to have all I could have. I feel like I'm in a prison with no bars. I know this is my own making, but I WANT TO BE FREE! Enough! I can't stand living like this, such a waste of life and time.

I'm forty-six and don't feel my life improving at all. HELP! In Your infinite mercy and compassion, please help me. I know I'm the one doing this to myself, but I can't seem to stop.

Also please send a partner as I miss this and don't think I can really get it together alone. I have been alone for too long. Please give me the grace to not mess this up, to take the opportunity when it comes.

God to Steve:

My beloved, you do not know that you are creating this, or, at the very least, you do not know that you can get out of it, for what else does a sense of hopelessness mean but that you are waiting to be rescued? You are waiting to be let out of this self-imposed prison. No one put you there. The door is not locked. There are no bars. All you have to do is walk out.

Dear Steven, you say to me that you are not able to get up and walk out on your own power. You say you are alone and that you have been alone for a long time. You ask Me for help, and to you that means that you can still sit there and I will do it.

Today, with your letter, you are opening this imaginary door and asking Me to enter. And now I ask you to get up and meet Me.

You have to make some changes.

Your cries for mercy are cries for more control in your life. But you are controlling your life. You control it very well by staying where you are. You have great control of your life. Your theme is: How bad can things get before God or someone will help me? How bad do things have to get before someone knows how bad I feel? How bad before someone, anyone, hears me and comes to my rescue?

And you call for sympathy, My dear son. You are mired in sympathy for yourself.

The first thing you must do is to stop feeling sorry for yourself. That keeps you where you are. That is the bed you have made for yourself and are lying in.

You are very smart, Steven. You know there are people who would love to have your arms and legs, who would love to have your mind, who would love to have your mother and those friends that you have who care about you. They wish they had someone to care about them. And you are also the father of a beautiful son and so you have the added blessing of someone worth caring about who looks up to you.

Do you want your son to be a crybaby? What do you say to your magnificent son when he cries? Say that to yourself, dear Steven. Don't baby yourself.

Accept that your happiness lies within you. It does not lie outside you.

No other human being is going to make a difference in your life. No woman is going to make a difference. Sooner or later you are back to your unresolved self.

You and I are going to make a difference in your life. No one else. You and I.

You have a habit, Steven, that you will walk beyond. This habit is to think of yourself too much. That is selfishness. That is idleness.

Think of Me for a change. I have been waiting for you to do work for Me. How long am I supposed to wait?

In this instant you can be everything you want to be. Think of what you want to be and not what you want to have.

Of what good is a depressed forty-six year-old to a woman? What will you give her? Start thinking of what you can do to add to someone else's life. Start thinking of what you can do to uplift someone else.

From the moment that you read these words from Me, no longer will you be satisfied with your old thinking. From this moment on, when you feel to moan and groan even to yourself, you will get up, go out, and help someone else. Find someone who even for a moment needs something you can offer. Find someone to do a kindness for. Help an old lady. Go to a homeless shelter and volunteer to help clean or paint or mow the yard. Sweep a sidewalk. Whatever you do for someone else, Steven, you are doing it for Me. Start working for Me.

If you feel tired of your job and you feel put upon that you have to work, find more work to do. Get a second job. Too much time in your life is spent thinking about you and how you feel.

If you feel that your body is tired, get up and exercise it. No more moping.

Each day now write down — or talk into a tape recorder if you prefer — what was good about that day. Start looking for those things to write down. You must look for them, Steven.

Today, the day you read this, you can write down that God spoke to you. You can write down that you had the sense to ask God for help. And write down that you are listening to what God says, and make that statement true.

I know you, Steven. I know you are reading My recommendations and thinking, Yes, that's so, God, but You don't understand how hard it is.

Steven, it is you who doesn't understand how easy it is. Letting go is easier than holding on. Let go of your past and all your objections. They are not useful. Be done with them.

Say yes, and no more. Stop justifying your staying right where you are.

In one week from the day you read this answer, send Heavenletters a report, a day-to-day report and summary review. Today I already wrote down three things for you to be glad for. Tomorrow write down four. Find one more each day. By the end of your seventh day, you will have written more than eight things or thoughts that speak well for your life. Of course, you may well have more. You can be glad for the same things each day. Be glad for your son every day. Be glad that you can see the sun. Be glad there is a sun.

Be glad that you are My son, and I will give you My strength. Accept it, dear Steven.

Now, get to work for Me.