Why You Were Born

God said:

It is time now to believe in yourself. The idea of believing in yourself makes you realize how much you have not believed in yourself. Somehow you thought you were a lost strand of Me, a dropped stitch, floating out somewhere in the limberlost without chance of being picked up and returned. Is that not so? Is that not what you have felt?

You have felt abandoned out there on Earth and that somehow you were to muster responsibility for being out there all by yourself, that it was your fault that God dropped you at the same time you had to accept blame for not loving a God Who would drop you down so far away. That is the tug of your feelings for Me. Yes and no. Back and forth. Subtle resentment, subtle wanderings. Your natural adoration flanges out in mixed feelings. Somehow you are to love Me Who held you at arm's length. Somehow you are to love Me Who let you fall. Somehow you are to believe in yourself even though you feel dropped, rudderless and unlovable and unbelieved in.

It makes no sense to you. On trust, you are supposed to accept that you and I are still close when all the evidence points to your exclusion. You are tired of hearing that you have excluded yourself. You know you wouldn't do that. And yet you see yourself as separate. And yet I tell you that you are not, that it is only a mistake of your perception. "What a story!" you think; what a fool you would be to trust in something or someone so unattainable to you, unattainable particularly in the moments when you seem to need Him most.

Here is where your thinking needs to switch. I am not a matinee idol. I am not a pretend character. Really I exist, and I exist in you. All the material realm that you so easily have accepted as reality funnels through you and obscures for a while All That from which you have come.

Surely you have a Source. You did not arise all by yourself. The holy magnificence of you was not born to a body on earth in order to be eliminated. You were born to stay with Me. It is your awareness that must return to the Truth of you and the Truth of Me. Allow in the possibility that what I say is true. Admit the possibility that We are Oneness. Let that thought seep in. Let the cream of that thought rise. Let all your other crowding thoughts recede. You who fear you have been abandoned are afraid to abandon all the harrowing thoughts that have lessened your image and kept you away from knowing the Truth of yourself.

You are not your thoughts. But you have thought you were. You are not your fears. But you have thought you were. All that which you do not desire is not you. What you desire above all is your Truth. You do desire Me, don't you? You do desire that I be Truth, and that I be yours? Your desires are more true than your thoughts.

You are not your thoughts. You are My thought. You are My love, not disbanded, but disseminated. I have given you birth in the world, not for you to float, but for you to rise. I have given you birth on earth for you to finally discover the miracle of existence, to find out, without doubt, your Great Worth, to find out that you are My harbinger, that you are My toast to a universe of being, a universe totally within you, totally yours to have, and totally yours to give, a universe of being that cannot exist without Me, a universe that exists with Me in full force, a universe full of Oneness with Me. I have given you Myself. I am not to be found but recognized. I yearn for you to recognize Me within you. I rally Myself within you. Dare to lift up your eyes and see.

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As someone who tends to

As someone who tends to point out human dilemmas, hoping it's not construed as being negative, I sometimes wonder why God does not seem to want to address them directly and comprehensively Himself except in an occasional remark here, a question there, only intimating He knows, but leaving me in doubt.

But here it is, all of it:

Somehow you thought you were a lost strand of Me, a dropped stitch, floating out somewhere in the limberlost without chance of being picked up and returned. Is that not so? Is that not what you have felt?


You have felt abandoned out there on Earth and that somehow you were to muster responsibility for being out there all by yourself, that it was your fault that God dropped you at the same time you had to accept blame for not loving a God Who would drop you down so far away. That is the tug of your feelings for Me. Yes and no. Back and forth. Subtle resentment, subtle wanderings. Your natural adoration flanges out in mixed feelings. Somehow you are to love Me Who held you at arm's length. Somehow you are to love Me Who let you fall. Somehow you are to believe in yourself even though you feel dropped, rudderless and unlovable and unbelieved in.


It makes no sense to you. On trust, you are supposed to accept that you and I are still close when all the evidence points to your exclusion. You are tired of hearing that you have excluded yourself. You know you wouldn't do that. And yet you see yourself as separate. And yet I tell you that you are not, that it is only a mistake of your perception. "What a story!" you think; what a fool you would be to trust in something or someone so unattainable to you, unattainable particularly in the moments when you seem to need Him most.

And how much credibility this down-to-earth statement of facts lends do the rest or this Heavenly Letter. Can't read it slowly enough.


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