Why Does the World Try So Hard…
You don't really know why you do anything. You have a million reasons and a million examples. You can't really know why you do anything, but you can know that you seek My Will. But mostly you don't even know that. I do grant you that you at least know you are seeking something.
Sometimes you don't know the difference between trouble and progress. You have many things backwards. And yet I flawlessly guide you. You must know this much: something invisible guides you. With invisible threads of love, I pull you closer. That's it, the story of your life. Sometimes the threads seem looser or tighter than other times, but never can you break them. Rays of light guide your footsteps. The rays emanate from your heart.
Beloveds, feel My light reverberating through you. That is the light to follow. What winding streets have you gone down when you could be following the sun in the sky or the moon and stars at night? Choose a star, and make it yours. As you follow it, it follows you. You are in tandem with the stars. There is love between you.
Carry that love over into every avenue of your life, and you will bless the world exceedingly. Day or night, you are being lighted. What darkness can succeed when you are made of light and surrounded by it?
Just knowing this, your step will be lighter. Density will be less dense. Light will be brighter.
You are topsy-turvy in your thinking. Mostly you have the cart before the horse when there is neither horse nor cart. You shred life as you would a piece of bread in your hands. Life is not to be taken apart but rather joined.
When you look at trouble, you pick life apart. When you look at joy, you put life together. You unite the universe that is already united. The universe knows its union of Oneness, but you look at the universe as if you were monkeys in a zoo.
All I teach you is for you to gain another way of seeing. The universe is true. Your vision is muddied. Oh, if your eyes could see. If your eyes could see, diamonds of truth would drop into your lap. Your eyes would absorb these diamonds of truth, and your eyes would no longer scrutinize. They would see.
How can one so divine as you be so blind and so unaware of your blindness? Faith is spoken of as blind when it is faith that is clear-seeing and your eyes that are blinded. You have the ability to see over a hill. You can see over the horizon. You can see all of Eternity in a tear drop. You can see Eternity in the blue yonder. You can eternalize Truth. You can speak it. You can live it.
A drop of Truth is very powerful. It takes only a drop to re-energize the world. Truth is an eyedrop, and only one drop clears the vision. An atom of truth makes all the difference in the world. It unifies the world in the eyes of the world. It integrates it in your vision. You see the plainness of Truth. Life is good. The world has merit. You have suspected that this was the case, but afraid to say it.
The world is a playing field of love. Love has worn disguises. It need not. Love can be what it is. Love is in no danger. Love just wants to go further, and it wants to be seen and recognized and revealed and received. Any departure from love is departure from Truth. In truth, neither truth nor love can be departed from. Why does the world try so hard then to negate them?
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