Whom to Bless

God said:

There is much that I can do for you. There is much that I do do for you. But you must not think of Me as a convenience. That would be a waste if you merely use Me as a tool, as a means, as an Extender to you.

I am most assuredly a Giver to you, but it is not useful enough for you to use Me for only your own ends.

We must dance together. You are not inert. You are not a tree that cannot move and must have everything come to you.

You can walk, and you can walk right up to Me and offer Me yourself. You can put yourself directly before Me, and say: "Dear God, what would You like me to do for You? Tell me how to return Your goodness. Tell me how to promulgate it. Bless me with a request."

Do you feel the power of those words? Do you see how you grow with them?

My paramount blessing to you is the gift of service.

As you give yourself to Me, you accept your blessing. I want to call it My final blessing, but there is no final. So let Us say that it is My initial blessing to you, this gift of the ability to emulate My giving.

It is not so much what you particularly give that makes your holiness shine. Your desire to give raises you.

If you feel you have been denied, it will, of course, be harder for you to give. But give anyway. Try it out. Never mind who loves you or who has snubbed you. Be you the lover. Take My place in the universe of giving. Let not your heart limit itself. Let your heart converge with Mine.

I take nothing personally. I bless all alike, those who acknowledge My presence and those who do not and those who have stopped for a while. The details do not matter to Me. They must not matter to you either as you express your heart on My behalf.

Whatever you give, you give to Me. That is not debatable. Every act or thought or word of yours comes to Me, but I Who am everything need nothing. And so your love for Me must go out to those who need it.

Those who need love the most from you are those who have disappointed you. Will you not grant Me the gift of your love extended to them? When you put a black mark on someone because they have not been what you wanted them to be, you are withdrawing love from them. But now you know that you act on My behalf and so you give love out and no longer concern yourself with taking it in.

This is a great technique I give to you today. In thought, deed, or word, you give a blessing to someone who has wronged you, who you think has wronged you, for, of course, they just have been trying to lead their lives as best they can. They do not have to give anything to you. It is you who must give something to them. They don't have to know that you are blessing them. It is you who has to do it. See how you feel when you bless someone that just a moment ago your heart was hardened even so slightly against.

Be gracious on earth. Like a king or queen, you know that you serve on My behalf. You call your own all who live in your realm. And your realm is thought, and so you bless all who arrive and all who leave in your territory, and so you bless all in the reach of your thought. And so you bless yourself.

I do not ask you to give back to the depth of what you receive from Me. You cannot possibly balance what you give back with what I give to you. I do not ask you to. I merely ask that you bless.

So then why do you presume to even the score with those on earth? You are not to measure what you give any more than I measure My giving. Do not withhold your blessing in order to form some kind of equity. Do not weigh your blessings to others according to your estimation of them or what they have given to you. Your assignment is to bless on My behalf all who enter your thought. Is that so hard? If it is hard, the more it must be done.

Any negative thought is poison in your system. It is poison because it is not the truth of you. It does not belong in you. Like a splinter in your finger, negativity festers. Even if you forget about it much of the time, it still blocks you. Negativity is not truth. Therefore it is a lie, and a lie is a foreign object that belies the truth of you. You must remove it. Don't wait for the offender or someone else. Ask Me to help you, and I will, but, still, you are the tosser away of it where it can never hurt you or anyone again.

Read Comments

"...If you feel you have

"...If you feel you have been denied, it will, of course, be harder for you to give. But give anyway. Try it out. Never mind who loves you or who has snubbed you. Be you the lover. Take My place in the universe of giving. Let not your heart limit itself. Let your heart converge with Mine...."

Yes...In how many ways and in how many moments of our day can we extend love...without thought of return. Herein lies the joy of love. Loving you...Jim and precious Jimi.

So then why do you presume

So then why do you presume to even the score with those on earth? You are not to measure what you give any more than I measure My giving. Do not withhold your blessing in order to form some kind of equity. Do not weigh your blessings to others according to your estimation of them or what they have given to you. Your assignment is to bless on My behalf all who enter your thought. Is that so hard? If it is hard, the more it must be done.

Yes...Whomever comes into your awareness...bless...just bless. Loving you...Jim and Jimi.

Beautiful, Jim and Jimi!

Beautiful, Jim and Jimi!


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