Who Would Deny the Love in Their Heart?

God said:

Love is energy. Anything less than love is squashed energy. Do not sit on your energy of love. Flaunt it. Be love that enters a room and leaves itself there. When you love, forgiveness does not enter the picture, for what does love have to forgive? And when you love another as yourself, where can selfishness exist? What can stand next to love? Oneness leaves room for nothing but itself.

Why would anyone aspire to anything less than love? And anything that is not love is less. All the treasures of the world are less. Everything but love is found wanting.

Love alone is the cure for the ache in your heart. There is no other. Oh, there may be temporary bandages and salves to rub on, but I am speaking of love. Massage your heart with love itself. Love is the exercise your heart needs.

What is so hard about issuing love? What is the virtue in cramping it? Who would deny the love in their heart when they could be giving it instead? But haven't you stopped your heart, put it into reverse, idled it, stalled, turned the key off? Haven't you balked at love?

When you find yourself with nothing to do, try resuscitating the love in your heart. Make someone else's heart happy. Give a flower of your heart to someone today. There is no end to love, so begin a spiral of it. Take your finger out of the dam of love.

You are here on Earth to love. You are here for nothing else. Whatever your occupation, you can release the spell that has been put on love. At your bidding, love appears. Snap your fingers. Wake up the love in your heart. Let it venture out.

Consider your heart your pet, and take it out for walks. Give it attention. Be pleased with it. Notice how it responds to you. Let it run free. There is plenty of space for it. There is all the room in the world for your heart to fill it. Leaving love on the table is leaving a good tip.

If life is an ocean voyage, love is the ship you sail on. Love is your rudder, and love is your sail. And love is the water the ship of your heart sails on. Love is the shore you sail from, and love is the shore you reach. What in this whole wide universe is not love? Even love disguised is love. But conceal your love no longer.

Love is churning in your heart, and it is churning to get out into the light of day. Your heart wants to take its journey on Earth now. It has been preparing for so long. It wants to enter the parade of life now. It wants to be in the first float. How your heart longs to venture out!

Has your heart been stored in a box somewhere? Have you forgotten where you put it, and what it was for? Did you admit your heart to a hospital somewhere or another because you thought it was wounded? Has your heart been weakened through disuse? Come, take it out into the sunshine now.

Raise the flag of your heart proudly. May it ever wave. May the world dance around your heart like a maypole. May your heart be the pacesetter for the world. May your heart be heard. May it become irresistible. May it take over the world and set it straight.

Come, pour out the love in your heart. Let it heal the Earth. Love is the only thing that can.

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