Where Treasure Lies

God said:

You are an explorer on a treasure hunt, or you are a deep-sea diver, or a miner for gold. You are a seeker. You seek the knowledge of life. You keep seeking Me. You look under each leaf, yet the Holy Grail you seek, you already have. It is not misplaced. You simply have forgotten for a moment.

All treasure is within you. All that is not treasure is also within you. It seems that you experience life as it lands on you. Whether you call an experience to you or it enters your world unbidden, you are the experiencer of it. You deal with it on your own terms. You bow down to events in the sense that you perceive them as true. You may punch them in the nose, yet you are bowing down to them.

When you see certain developments or elements in life as foes, to you they are very real. They must be real, your mind says, for you can see them and touch them. You can cut life in two, as it were, or life can cut you in two. In any case, you take everything that occurs seriously. You may even see life as a vendetta. You may see life as an opponent who follows you everywhere, setting traps for you, determined to outwit you.

No matter how physical, no matter how visible, no matter how much others' eyes agree with you, all that occurs actually occurs in your mind. I grant you, you may not be able to change the outer appearance of events, yet all depends upon your perception.

You would say to Me: "God, do You see that dust storm? It is a dust storm. I did not imagine it. The dust is getting in my eyes. The dust hurts, and the dust blurs my vision. Everyone else in my world is also experiencing the same dust storm. It's on the evening news. How can You say a dust storm does not exist?"

I say to you, beloveds, that that is just it. The dust storm exists in your world. It has been sanctified in your world. Everyone acknowledges it. Your very mind ponders the dust storm. Regardless of what occurs outside, the dust storm exists in your mind, beloveds.

Feast or famine exists in your mind. If you had no mind, neither feast nor famine would exist. They would not exist for you.

Now, meanwhile, you do have a mind housed in a body that experiences world life as very real. Life is happening right now, you say, as We speak. You say you are somewhere, in a car or in a room in a house. You wear clothes of one kind or another. You have bills to pay, and work to do.

Of course, all this is real to you. When you were a child, the sights of the world were pointed out to you. The Reality that exists beyond what is called the real world is spoken of every once in a while, and yet this is a land you have not quite explored. You don't really know how to. You have searched for this seeming far-off place. Pretty much you have dabbled in it and perhaps not taken it quite seriously. Haven't dared to take it quite seriously. Haven't quite ventured to discover this oasis in the midst of the world you live in.

It seems to you that you have no choice. Dust falls on you from a dust storm. You have to clean up after it. You see the dust storm, and you see yourself as a victim of it.

Consider, if you will, that there can be a higher purpose to even a dust storm. There can be more to a dust storm than you see. There is more to everything than what you see.

A dust storm muddles your view. I am saying, beloveds, with all respect, that everything muddles your view. I am saying that it is possible to see through dust storms with clarity.

You can deal with dust storms, and you can see through them. There is more to the story than what you see.

Read Comments

What an incredibly evocative

What an incredibly evocative Letter from God. But all it evokes adds up to wow, and that's the best way of putting it I can think of at the moment.

Consider, if you will, that

Consider, if you will, that there can be a higher purpose to even a dust storm. There can be more to a dust storm than you see. There is more to everything than what you see.

From this moment forth I open the heart to see all that is, how it is, and why it is.


to see through

Help me to fix my eyes on the North Star as I go across the storm. You are my clarity.

Posted on FB

Thanks dearest Gloria!
Did gladly post this beautiful Heavenletter on FB today :)
Much Love from HK, AM

HK, AM, thank you. Who are

HK, AM, thank you. Who are you? I did figure out that FB is Facebook!

We would like to mention you in next Heaven News. May I ask you to send in a candid informal photo as well?

thank you so much,

dear God,
thank you, your wontherful words,
evry words you writteng for as,
it more clar aour dalaylife,
and thank Gloria all wodefulwords of God,

cut in two

I can only second Carmen that this Letter offers so much clarification, even for our daily life between dust storms, bills, work and perhaps diapers.

Now, apart from what was pointed out to me when I was a child, apart from the fact that neither feast nor famine would exist if I had no mind, what does "cut in two" mean and what is a life not cut in two?

When you see certain developments or elements in life as foes, to you they are very real. They must be real, your mind says, for you can see them and touch them. You can cut life in two, as it were, or life can cut you in two. In any case, you take everything that occurs seriously.

I understand the concept of cutting in two and not cutting in two, I mentally grasp that the dust storm and Jochen and everything else is One process, but trying to reach there experientially, all I get is an "almost". Which is good enough, of course. If I see "foe", I have cut life in two. What if I don't? If I see "Yikes!" in the form of a dust storm, I am cutting in two or being cut in two. What if this did not happen? What if there were no "in here" and "out there", just duststormjochenworkbills? Sometimes you can almost touch it and then it's … gone. But it seems that God is getting serious about teaching us Oneness.

God Words

helo jochen,
i add your post, i undestand very clar God words
i never reces of hes words because hes words for me
it gulden life to love God, what ever hapend, just love
God, that all i can say to love God, whith all my heart
i wish you to,

I know you do, sweetheart,

I know you do, sweetheart, it was clear from the very first comments you made. That's why we need you here. Thank you.

my dear freind

my dear freind jochen,
i am so glad you experess godt felling to as, or me,
thank you very much, and happyday,

another way to look at this

Jochen, good friend, I have to agree with you that God is getting serious about teaching us about Oneness. This seems to be the core message behind everything, and it is a serious message.

I would suggest from your reactions to the “cut in two” phrase, that this letter uses, that you may be putting too much emphasis on this phrase and its negative connotations (such as killing and destroying).

Try substituting another phrase such as “you can dramatically impact the world around you” for “you can cut life in two” and try substituting “you can be enormously affected by the physical world and others around you” for “life can cut you in two.” This will water down the visual impact of the letter but it will bypass the negative connotations pretty well. I think “cut in two” was chosen, though, to imply a much more forceful and undeniable interaction between who we are and the environment of our lives, than my milktoast phrase “being affected by” implies.

At least this is what makes the most sense to me.

to love God

dear chuck and Jochen
and godt morneng,
i undestand very well in your reaction if God can destroyid as,
look back of mosses time how much angry God to hes children,
because de dont listen to mosses, what about jesus time,son of God,
what people do to hem, you think God it happy? no of cours not,
i try to forget to forget what happend to jesus befor i cry my heart to
and we are the new genirition of God, is that we think now,
if God he deside to desroyid as we are nothing can do,
just only we can do to love God, what ever happend we have to love God,
see aour life now somtime we do wrong som of hes chlidren give hem blame,
of realety nothing to do whith God, aour polts, we created the wrong way,
and we have to forgivenes to aour self , we have to remember we have ego,
just only we can do to love God,
i wish understand me what i maen

I think I do understand,

I think I do understand, dear one. It's not difficult to understand someone who writes from her heart. Perhaps God would not agree that He ever was angry, and I think I heard Him say that He never is anything but happy, no matter what we do. But you are absolutely right that, in the end, there is nothing to do but to love and allow ourselves to be loved.

A good morning to you too, dear.

Dear Chuck, I have a mind

Dear Chuck, I have a mind that understands and learns best when there is some graphic imagery going with the abstract concept or spiritual truth I'm trying to grasp. So, in my mind's eye, I saw the dust storm and myself, and for the tiniest fraction of a moment I felt very clearly what "cutting in two" and "being cut in two" means. I never associated "killing or destroying", just taking apart. Breaking down the unbreakable wholeness of the One into Jochen and the dust storm. What a pathetic story. Exchanging life for drawers and drawers and drawers full of concepts. Shuffling through papers when I could be roaring across the face of the earth as a dust storm. I don't think that anything will work as a substitute for God's words for me.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said see through it
Regardless of what occurs
You imagine it

Love, Light and Aloha!

everything muddles your view

Several translated Heavenletters my wife was going through in the garden were invited for a bath in our little pond by the breeze. Drying in the sun afterwards, they looked quite sodden and blurred but you can read them all right. This hair-raising one was among them. What on earth is it saying?

It seems to be saying that oneness – curling like cigar smoke, billowing like clouds or dancing like hot air above the desert – can seem to consist of different things like a sandstorm here and burning eyes there. And it seems to be saying that this is not how things actually are. "Sandstorm" is created by a mental act of stepping back and a mental act of labeling. "Burning eyes" the same. Without stepping back and labeling, what is there? A face turning away. A body going inside. Later, a broom being used. No sandstorm, no burning eyes, no work. Without that separating and distancing mental activity, all of this together is one sweeping gesture, one seeming curl of oneness.

The ability to think is wonderful. Compulsive thinking is torture, shattering my world continuously.


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