When It Comes to God's Blessings

God said:

What keeps you back from accepting your full measure? What resistance is this that would keep you from collecting all the gifts of the universe that are strewn before you? Do you know how sometimes you don't see something that is squarely in front of you? When your eyes do alight on it, you think, "Oh, was that there all the time?"

Sometimes you put something down just for a minute, and then the next minute, you don't know where you put it. It doesn't matter what it is. You put something down on your way to somewhere, but where? You really have to hunt for where you left it. And maybe you don't spot it until later when you are looking for something else altogether.

Sometimes you don't notice something because you have gotten so used to it. You are so accustomed to stepping around it or over it, that you give no thought to it. It could be a beautiful chair or it could be a stain on the carpet. It is so familiar to you that you overlook it. It's like it no longer exists. Your mind skips over it. It has become just an object and no longer really in your vision.

Will you admit that sometimes you don't see what is right in front of you?

This is how it has been when it comes to your blessings. You are so accustomed to them, you no longer see them. And some your eyes have never lit on. The blessings are right in front of you, but somehow you have blocked them from your view. And yet, you are always on the lookout for new blessings. The one you noticed last week is no longer front center for you. It has lost its shine.

You abound in blessings, beloveds. And yet you are buried in time and space, and sometimes you can't get out from under.

There is a need to simplify, beloveds, to have time and space cleared from the horizon of your life so you can be more aware of the blessings. Oh, I know, every now and then, you notice a blessing or two, and yet too often you are distracted by the bulk of items in your space and the list of matters on your calendar and on your mind.

Will you consider letting the idea of blessing come before the lesser things? I don't mean for you to abandon the little things, yet, still, cannot you in your busy day and life put a circle around blessings on your calendar?

You have a long list of things to do and people to see. Please add: "See blessings" to your to-do list.

When you keep track of your checkbook, will you then also keep track of your blessings?

You would like more blessings, wouldn't you? The way to have blessings swim to you more and more is to count the ones you have. Even if they are the same blessings as yesterday, accept them again today. Put your hand on the shoulder of your blessings, so to speak.

It doesn't matter if you don't notice a chair or a spot on your rug. It is of no great significance. But to miss even one blessing a year is too much to pass by.

Not a minute goes by that I am not shipping you blessings. I have a standard order of blessings for you, beloveds. They are constantly on their way to you. Will you please accept them? How well can you accept them unless you see them?

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Sophia19 Thank you this is

Thank you this is so true in every experience...I call it God playing hide-n-seek.

What a great expression --

What a great expression -- hide and seek.

God is always It!

Beloved Father! How gentle

Beloved Father! How gentle and reassuring is Your Holy nudge. I pray today that the spiritual eyes that You have given me be open to see Your Blessings! I want to see what I had been missing through sleeping. Your Light has been gently and lovingly awakening me, bring on the Light!

With grace and joy I praise :wub:

Blessings to you my fellow Oneness :)

Will you admit that

Will you admit that sometimes you don't see what is right in front of you?

And that is why I try to make it a practice every day to write in my gratitude journal giving thanks for the abundant amazing blessings in my life...some of which come in pretty strange packages...but I look beyond the 'wrapping' and see that even within the 'uncomfortable' events in life, there is a blessing waiting to happen!

Thank you for this loving reminder to continue my practice of thanking You and acknowledging the amazing blessings in my life and celebrate them!

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said things to do
If you would like more blessings
Count the ones you have

God said more and more
Be more aware of blessings
Right in front of you

Love, Light and Aloha!

Yes the light has the way to

Yes the light has the way to get back to light

Not a minute goes by that I

Not a minute goes by that I am not shipping you blessings. I have a standard order of blessings for you, beloveds. They are constantly on their way to you. Will you please accept them?

Thank you Father !

Love You.


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