When Hearts Meet

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, your sweetness means so much to me.

Mother Divine:

It is natural to be sweet. In Heaven, with God, divine love is perfumed with sweetness. That is all there is.

Love swells with delight. Who would withhold anything or think of anything less than full sweetness when surrounded by heavenly love?

Love is the main dish. It is the dessert. It is salad and hors d'oevres. It is the beverage. It is the bread. Love is all.

The trail of love is sweetness. Can rose's scent be other than sweet? Truth is sweet. The truth is love. God's love permeates all. Love extends its hands out and reaches all. One glance of God's love, and you are smitten. Love is a toucher. That's what love does. Love touches love, and hearts are connected like a jump rope held by hands at each end. Two opposing hands move the jump rope of love. Feet jump high over the love-rope, and soon all are connected in the swing of sweet love. All joined to all, and that is how it is seen that We are all One in God's Heaven, God's vision, God's world, God's love.

Gloria to God:

Dear God, I would love to spend today with You. How do I do it?


As you are. Think of Me often. I am with you every moment. All that is needed is your noticing of it.

Carry the thought of Me with you today. You have it when you write. Look how beautifully you listen to Me and write My words. Carry that into your day, and your life will sweet God-living, Godbeing. Godness of life. Sweet messages all day long that you deliver to all. Little post-it notes of God's love sent from your eyes, your mouth, your hands, your presence.

When you think of Me, these messages are automatically sent through you and received.

It is that simple. Thoughts of me reach all hearts.


And thoughts not of You also?


Yes. What thoughts do you want multiplied? What thoughts do you want beamed across the world? I know the answer.

So keep Me in mind. That is all you have to do. Better yet, feel my presence. Feel Me like sweet cream around you, and My love through your sweetness will melt all.

All the human world needs is hearts to meet. When hearts meet, truth begins.

God's love delivered through others melts hearts. Melted hearts are soft and open to more of God's love and can refer it to others.

My love is a serene gift. It assuages wounded hearts.

All hearts on earth have been wounded.

Feelings matter far more than bodies. So take care of your feelings, Gloria, and My thoughts will follow. Thoughts of Me will follow. Thoughts of Me and My thoughts are equivalent.


God, I feel so bad that Your Name was taken out of public schools.


But know I was not. I cannot be removed, outlawed, overlooked.

Today look not for areas of trouble or sorrow or error. Look for Me today.

Consider that I am a pure lens put on your eyes, and today you see through My lenses, and you will see Me and beauty and love and peace and joy as do I, as I have created them for all to see.

Wear these God-given lenses, and see truth and be truth and live truth and be My supreme messenger of love on earth, knighted by your Heavenly Father in the presence of all the angels and saints and souls on earth and in Heaven, in the presence of love's sacrament. And so this is written for all to follow.

Holy be My creation. Holy be My holiness. Holy be My blessings, My children, My love, My everything. Holy be.

Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, today I seem to be going through something with this same person where I feel she's controlling me, and I put up with it.

Mother Divine:

You put up with nothing, dear Gloria! All that annoys you is nothing. God is everything.

Keep your attention on God, and annoyances will fall away. This person herself will fall away. She does not control you. Your hearts see differently.


Dear Mother Divine, I don't want this person to think for one minute that she controls me. I want her to know she doesn't.

Mother Divine:

She is controlling you right now. Your thoughts of her are controlling you. Desist.


Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, dear Karen called me today. She said I always heal her! She could hardly believe that Hay House, Inc. had turned down HEAVEN. I am still hopeful of hearing from Louise Hay herself.

Karen said it's possible I will start my own publishing company. My disinclination to do so is from old fears and family patterning. She said that choices are a form of control. Truth is when you have no choice. If there were no other way, of course I would self-publish, but I can't believe there isn't another way.

She also said that I was the first client ever that she didn't have to connect to God, for I already was. I am so grateful. I also had the impression that most people who call her don't let her know how much they care about her. They care about what they want from her. She said she knows I love her. How could I not?

She also said that six people from Fairfield are moving out her way — actually nearer to Louise Hay. Oh, I hope she's not suggesting I do, Mother Divine! So what am I asking you?

Mother Divine:

You are asking for reassurance. All is well. You will know what to do and when. No need to be concerned now or ever.


Karen also said that she and I are changing together. She expects big changes after her birthday, March 5.

Mother Divine:

It may seem that God has just started with you and Karen.


Karen started a letter to me that explains a lot, and she will mail it to me. You, God, Christ in my life, and Karen. I am flooded with blessings.

Mother Divine:

You are inundated with blessings. You expand to receive them, so you can never flounder nor drown. You will always rise to the top like sweet cream, like that sweet cream which streams like God's love.

That is the world you swim in. An ocean of God's sweet cream love.

Abundance of blessings. Abundance of wealth. Abundance of love. Abundance of opportunity. Abundance of bliss. Abundance of knowledge, of wisdom, of knowing what to do.


I thank God.

Mother Divine:

He is the One to thank. Not that He requires the thanks or asks for it. Gratitude is a gift to yourself; it honors God's creation.


Dear God, thank You for all You do for me, Your patience, Your trust and belief in me, Your acceptance of me. Thank You for the people you send my way, for Lauren, Sunshine and Ginger, Karen and all dear friends, and for the chance to serve You, my Almighty Father in Heaven. What a privilege. Please know how happy and grateful I am.


It is mutual. I feel the same way, blessed to be served by you. Blessed to receive your comfort, your devotion, your eagerness, your pure heart wanting to do good. That is enough for Me.

Now, see Me in your meditation. I will be there, waiting for you.

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Think of Me often. I am with

Think of Me often. I am with you every moment.

என்னை அடிக்கடிநீ எண்ணுக உன்னொடு
உள்ளேன் நான்ஒவ்வொரு கணமும்


All the human world needs is

All the human world needs is hearts to meet. When hearts meet, truth begins.

இதயங்கள் இணைவதே உலகின் அவசியம்
இணைந்திட சத்திய உதயம்


God's love delivered through

God's love delivered through others melts hearts. Melted hearts are soft and open to more of God's love and can refer it to others.

பகிரும் இறையன்பால் உருகும் இதயங்கள்
உருகும் இதயங்கள் இளகும் மென்மையால்
பெருகும் இறையன்பைப் பருகுந் திறந்தே
பகிரும் எல்லோர்க்கும் இன்பம்

Dearest Gloria, this is what we are being, doing by sharing God's Love, so simple yet profound, The more we share the more we melt & we are open to more of God's Love & this continues ad infinitum, In Tamil Verse, this sounds Beautiful! Thanks for conveying this Timeless Truth of Love's Secret!

Consider that I am a pure

Consider that I am a pure lens put on your eyes, and today you see through My lenses, and you will see Me and beauty and love and peace and joy as do I, as I have created them for all to see.

எனது கண்களால் உலகைப் பார்நீ
அழகு அன்பு அமைதி இன்பு
மின்ன நானுரு வாக்கிய உலகை
நன்றே பார்நீ தூயவென் நோக்கால்

Dear Gloria, this is another Beauty, When We have the Immaculate Vision of God, the Earth is Already Heaven As Created by God!