When Clamor Is Gone

God said:

What you send others is always received. If you send a letter and it is lost in the mail, it is nevertheless received. If you write a letter and tear it up, it is nevertheless received.

The electrical impulses of your thoughts go out.

It is not a letter that matters but your thoughts.

That is why it is good to turn your thoughts over to Me because I am able to neutralize them. I will disintegrate them before your very eyes. Is it not true that, when your thoughts go to Me, not forced but by their own will for greaterness, you find yourself beyond thought, out of thought, and into My love?

You have much familiarity with the ins and outs of thought. You are an expert on thinking. I would say, gain more expertise in being, but being takes no expertise at all. Love is your being. The state of love. Not lovingness.

Coming to Me is like stepping into a mass of love, but what it really is, is stepping out of the maelstrom of thinking.

Often you ask yourself, "Do I love this person? Do I really? Or do I just for this moment and not forever?"

The question to ask, if you must ask a question, is, "Am I love? Am I? Is my beingness love? Am I, without thought and without need of thought, am I the state of love? Am I the consciousness of love? Not this masquerade of love I appear to give to the world, but love itself. Am I?

"When all else is gone, when activity and world desires have dispersed, when I settle down into the quietness of my being, what is left then, is that the love I am? Am I my being when clamor is gone? And is this being of me then love? Is love only the absence of everything else?"

You thought love was a big playing out when, all the time, it is stillness of being. You are an emanation of love, and love you emanate, and love you emanate fully when all your ego involvement is gone. Give Me your ego. I will not take it for safekeeping. I will take it for what it's worth, snap My fingers, and ego will be gone so that the strength of love that you are can be revealed.

This is what you can't believe. That you are love. You have thought yourself everything but love. You have seen yourself as despicable, petty, selfish, grasping, envious, always trying to get somewhere, and all the time you are love incarnate, pure love unaware of itself.

Pure love is enough. There is nothing it has to make of itself. It is simplicity unqualified. It is the Eye of God.

The light you are made of has another name, and that is love.

The light that you are is love without shadow. And all you have to do is be it.

And yet that seems like the hardest thing of all.

But all you have to do is remove the coverings of you, and there you are. Lift the cover off, and, voila, love appears.

What you write in a letter is not love. What you write in a letter is not hate. What you write in a letter is a leaf of your encouragement or discouragement. Whatever emotion you hold, it is just the coverleaf of love.

Absent yourself from non-love, and there you are.

All attachment is non-love. It is attachment. You think you have to have that which you are attached to. Anything you have to have is not love. Love isn't something you have. Love is something that you are. And you are love, and you are complete. Do you have to be the last one to know?

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out of the maelstrom of thinking

How incredibly beautiful! You sure know where and how – and when! – to touch, dear incomparable Author of Heavenletters. I feel like rushing outside and shouting my sheer enthusiasm to the clouds. What can I pick from this gem to quote it?
...it is good to turn your thoughts over to Me because I am able to neutralize them. I will disintegrate them before your very eyes. Is it not true that, when your thoughts go to Me, not forced but by their own will for greaterness, you find yourself beyond thought, out of thought, and into My love?
Coming to Me is like stepping into a mass of love, but what it really is, is stepping out of the maelstrom of thinking.
Is love only the absence of everything else?
This is what you can't believe. That you are love. You have thought yourself everything but love. You have seen yourself as despicable, petty, selfish, grasping, envious, always trying to get somewhere, and all the time you are love incarnate, pure love unaware of itself.
Whatever emotion you hold, it is just the coverleaf of love.
Absent yourself from non-love, and there you are.
...you are love, and you are complete. Do you have to be the last one to know?

love again

"Love is your being. The state of love. Not lovingness...Often you ask yourself, "Do I love this person?...The question to ask, if you must ask a question, is, "Am I love?... Am I the consciousness of love? Not this masquerade of love..."
You do not fear to be unpopular. We use to bow to the loving masquerade and to revere the romance, we get lost in appearances, we like the word, we like to be liked.
"love...it is stillness of being...love you emanate fully when all your ego involvement is gone. Give Me your ego".
I love this empty love, neither a subject nor an object.
"What you write in a letter is not love.What you write in a letter is not hate... Whatever emotion you hold, it is just the coverleaf of love".
This is deep. You put love and hate on the same level, both just ego's emotions covering our "stillness of being", which is true love.


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