When a Loved One Leaves

God said:

If you have an ache in your heart, you put it there. No longer kid yourself that an ache in your heart came from anywhere but from you.

Yes, of course, outside events may well trigger your acceptance of pain, yet it is you who says the pain is acceptable or inevitable or that you are the brave hero of it.

Yes, I understand that there are blows in the world. If the blows were indeed physical, you would get up from them faster than you do from emotional ones. There is a tendency to think that you are at the mercy of heartache. Throw off the yoke of the idea that you have to have an aching heart. Your heart can be whatever you choose it to be. You are not bound to suffer because of x, y, or z.

The true you is not so vulnerable as you make yourself out to be. It is not honorable to writhe in pain, beloveds. You do not have to have heartbreak. It is not a requirement in life.

And I do not mean that you must keep heartache to yourself, hidden from others. No, I mean you do not have to have it, nor have it for as long as you do. You simply do not have to keep it, dear ones.

Whatever befalls, you can get up. If an arrow wounded you, pluck out the arrow. This does not mean you are heartless. It means you get up and keep moving forward. Do not fight so much against the seeming cause of your heartache, and you will anguish less.

When a loved one leaves, it doesn’t matter what the presumed cause is. You fight death as a betrayal. You dispute death and other matters as if they have no right to be, as if they are opponents. You argue with them. You protest the same way you debate when your football team loses a game. Again We see your belief in loss. You feel something was grabbed from you, and that it should not have happened. Beloveds, if it happened, it happened. You might as well accept it and move on.

You may feel abandoned. I understand, yet you have to abandon the feeling of abandonment.

Events in life are not always to your liking. I understand, yet, beloveds, who is it who said they have to be? By virtue of living as a Human Being, you do not always get your way. It is nothing personal to you. It is not for you to take personally. It’s not about you at all. It is not your doing. It is not your say. You cannot know nor decide the moment of anyone’s so-called death, for example. You cannot hold any person to your preferences. If a loved one chooses to love another, it is not your say. Blow a kiss goodbye and wish them well. You cannot cage the bird of love. Your will is not always done, and yet you can will that you let go of suffering. You do not need to be a harborer of it.

Do not object so much to what befalls in life. Have the idea that you don’t have to. It is really not your right, and it can’t be called a privilege. When heartache comes, let it go. Do not keep it as a trophy. Make no shrine to suffering, beloveds.

Hasn’t there been enough?

Love with a full heart. Love from wherever you are and wherever another is. Do not hold pain of loss to you. Your pain changes nothing. Lie down on your bed and cry, and then get up from your bed of tears. Do not linger.

Read Comments

Do not fight so much against

Do not fight so much against the seeming cause of your heartache, and you will anguish less.

Gracious Father, this is most probably the hardest lesson to learn from here. How fortunate I am that Your love sustains throughout what had seemed the heartbreak of broken union/divorce. There are no words to say how much I have grown from this one particular heartbreak, therein You have used to begin my awakening. So out of the heartbreak that seemed a sentence of death, You have used to awaken Your child unto Life and certainly to my calling in YOU!
Blessed be the Everlasting Arms of Your Love :wub:

Dearest Johanne, sometimes,

Dearest Johanne,

sometimes, indeed what seems death to us, an unbearable experience, is in reality the beginning of a new life, it is like being reborn, it is probably as difficult and painful as it is giving birth to baby, but it is a miracle, the miracle of a new life.
You are wide awake now, firm in God's loving arms, it is a blessing to have you here with us, you are so sweet.

All my love to you dear Johanne and and a big big hug !

"Within the illusion that

"Within the illusion that this life as experienced on Earth is life entire, lies the illusion that you can lose something and be bereft. Of course, it is a subdivision of illusion that loss exists.

You not only think you can lose that which is not lost, you also may think that you yourself can be lost when you can only be where you are at the moment. Where are you if not where you are? Of course, the Truth is that you are with Me wherever your body stands."

The Grand Illusion: Heavenletter # 1903

If you lose one of your

If you lose one of your children to suicide, it is hard to think God would have said these things. Sounds much like "Shake it off." It takes time to start healing and I firmly believe God goes the distance with you until you can accept that it happened. There is no time-line.

Beloved Jaydee, of all the

Beloved Jaydee, of all the hard blows in life, this must be the hardest.

Absolutely, God goes the distance with you.

Dear One, there are many Heavenletters regarding death from many angles, and ones that I think will feel better to your heart.

Go to the top banner and press Heavenletters. Do you see the search options? Will you let us hear from you again?

God bless you.

With love,


Hi jaydee. Suicide is a

Hi jaydee. Suicide is a tough one....especially a child of one..it is a tough one for parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, spouses. So many are affected. I never dreamed this could happen in my life. But it did. My oldest daughter took her life 8 years ago. She was 27 at the time and appeared...a year before...to have it all together...and appeared...a year before...to be quite happy. All of us...my ex wife...her close friends...her younger two sisters and brother especially were taken on this raucous ride into grief...that lasted and lasted. And, naturally the rides were different for all of us. Her method of exit...was standing in front of a train that was going very fast. Melissa was and is her name. She was and is a dear heart. I miss her still...and yet she lives in my heart. I think if I did not feel her in my heart...I would be a very troubled person. And she paved the way, so to speak, for when my wife, Sheilah passed away to cancer 2 and a half years ago. Sheilah is in my heart too. Sheilah was and is a very dear heart also. I love them both so much and Jimi does too. Because of their passing, the lives of my remaining adult children have been enriched. But...it has taken time. Just because loved ones pass away doesn't mean that we have to stop loving them...It is an ongoing...standing invitation to love them even more. This is so beautiful! An invitation to love everyone more...to love life more...May all of us learn from "death"...embrace it...in whatever form it comes...take it into our hearts...and learn to embrace whatever legacy it leaves. Loving you always...Jim and Jimi.

Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

Dearest Jim(i) and dearest

Dearest Jim(i) and dearest Jaydee,

to both of you as to all here and to everyone, all my infinite love and most tender and sweetest hugs. I think God's does lead us all to different and very personal pathes and ways of finding our way to Him and to Divine Love. Since we are all ONE, I hope that my love reaches your heart and embraces you softly.

Love you

Berit...Thank you dear one

Berit...Thank you dear one for your love!....Jimi

Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

This is very

This is very beautiful.

Thank you so much and God Bless you.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said put it there
Love from wherever you are
Love with a full heart

Love, Light and Aloha!

I have nothing to write,

I have nothing to write, nothing to add, nothing to comment on.

My mind does not know anything but my heart sings.

My heart sings: "Just let love be. Let it be as it is".

I exist only for the love of God, I have nothing of my own, nothing comes from me, but all that I am, it is for love and for you, for all of you, for everybody.

With love.

Thank you, Danilo, dear

Thank you, Danilo, dear brother.
Your nothing means everything to me.

I exist only for the love of

I exist only for the love of God, I have nothing of my own, nothing comes from me, but all that I am, it is for love and for you, for all of you, for everybody.
With love.

Danilo: These words of yours say it all...and point to something so loving and so pure...Love and blessings...Jimi.

Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

Beloved Jaydee & Jim, and to

Beloved Jaydee & Jim,
and to everyONE else too...
My heart reaches out
sending much Love to you


Thank you so much for you

Thank you so much for you love, Mary. May everyone who has been touched, in particular, by suicide...be gently prompted to return to their own hearts...cause that is where love lives. Love can help...love can more than help. May all beings learn to relax into love...lean into love..merge with love...and in this.. become love. Loving you always, Jimi.

Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

Dear, dear Jim, all along

Dear, dear Jim,
all along you are showing us what real Love is. You are a shining Light!
You are blessed and loved,

Thank you dear Xenia...and

Thank you dear Xenia...and divine dittos back to you! Jimi.

Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

Just what I needed to hear.

Thank You God.

This is just what I needed to hear. I do not have to have heartbreak. It is not a requirement in life. What a freeing idea! And the fact that I am creating my sense of heartbreak is also liberating. It makes me realize that I am the creator of my experience, and no one else is doing it to me. So I can do something about it. I can let it go. People move as they move. People leave as they leave. They come as they come. It is not for me to say how long someone has to stay. I am learning to let everyone be free. Including myself. I surrender the idea of heartbreak to You, God. I surrender the idea that I have to have suffering. I give it to You and I allow You to reveal the Truth from within so that I easily release the concept. I am willing to let go. Thank You God.


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