What You Seek

God said:

Sometimes you are not sure whether something occurred merely in a dream you had last night or if it really had occurred yesterday or the day before.

There is not much difference in the dream of something or in its happening in daylight. The dream at night was vivid thought, and waking events are also thoughts, some so vivid they stick in your memory and don't go away. Memories, dreams, thoughts about thoughts, what are they anyway? What really occurs? Does anything occur?

Just as there is not death, the happenings that make up your life aren't really there either. They are little drawings on a platform of your being.

That you are permanent, inviolable light given to the universe means the truth of you is not changeable. Changes occur to the container of love that you are, but what is this surface level of life anyway? Just bumps of imaginary drama, for the truth of you that lies beneath is untrammeled. You are eternal. If you are eternal, how can you be temporary?

Your tour on earth is temporary. It is only for a while. But you are not temporary. And you are not wasted on earth. You serve a great purpose. Only you haven't quite dreamed what it is yet. You still look for the thoughts that will signal your reality. You are a seeker of thought. You seek My thought.

How lasting is a thought of yours? Even a recurring thought does not last. My thoughts last, but your isolated ones do not.

You are a lasting thought of Mine. I drew a picture of you on the universe. I kept your true being in My heart. You are an esplanade of My love. I give you away at the same time as I held you and hold you now. I am your Key.

Most of your own thoughts are vagrant. They wander and come back again and wander some more. You really are seeking My thought. You are a seeker of truth. It is only truth that holds meaning. The rest is meaningless. And truth is light, and truth is love, and that is the whole truth backwards and forwards. Love and light and truth are simultaneous. There is no exception.

I am thinking of you all the time. I send you My thoughts. And you are My thought cast upon a green earth. However, you begin to believe your own thoughts, wayward though they are. You begin to depend upon them. You consider them your mainstay, when all the time I am. Are not your thoughts marching foot-soldiers on your brow? Do they not parade? Do they not block your view?

Or perhaps your thoughts are loud music of diverse kinds. Perhaps you keep your thoughts precious to you so you do not have to feel the depths of Our One Heart or My longing for you.

And I do long for you. I long for you to look into My eyes and see yourself mirrored there. Make your thoughts little fifes playing in the background, and let My greater thought of you be heard so that you may go forward to a greater plane.

This is only a slight departure I ask you to make. Let your thoughts drift away a little. Do not hold on to them. Do not emphasize so much what goes on around you. Do not let the surface of your life run the show. Do not make so much of life's events. You are not eventual, but you are eternal. You are now. Do not make so much of surface happenings.

Make more of Me.

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1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said all the time
You are My thought cast on Earth
Yet you seek My thought

Love, Light and Aloha!

There is not much difference

There is not much difference in the dream of something or in its happening in daylight. The dream at night was vivid thought, and waking events are also thoughts, some so vivid they stick in your memory and don't go away. Memories, dreams, thoughts about thoughts, what are they anyway? What really occurs? Does anything occur?
Just as there is not death, the happenings that make up your life aren't really there either. They are little drawings on a platform of your being.


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