What Ruby, What Diamond?

God said:

When you feel a moment’s envy, you are feeling that you lack. You are feeling that someone else is the favored son, and you are not. You can never lack Me, beloveds, nor My love. Success in the world does not mean that one child is favored over another. That is what you think, isn’t it? You have always been alert to make sure you receive your fair share in the world, and so you spot lack and point to it.

Success in the world is nice, but it is irrelevant. It is not the aim of your life.

Instead of incurring envy, radiate love in your heart. Love another’s success as if it were My blessing to you. You cannot lack My blessing. You are Myself. All are Myself, and I do not compete with Myself. What I give to another, I give to you. The world may not agree, but, then again, the world would not.

There is also nothing for you to compete for. As in tennis, one shakes the hand of the other, win or lose. The one who met his match congratulates the one who made a higher score. That is all that happened. Someone got a better grade on a test than you. Is that really so important?

When you feel a twist of envy in your heart, congratulate the one that has something that you want. The twist of envy is merely saying: “I want that.” Even when you may not really want the success, you will tell yourself you do, and that you don’t want to miss out. But what you really want is the love that you feel accompanies the success. Love counts, and that love you have already. It cannot be otherwise. Sure, you can hang the phone up on Me, but I am still on the line nevertheless.

You do not have to choose your awareness of Our mutual love over success in the world. You can have both. What carries you, however, is My love. Pick up the phone. Hear My love. Take it, and make it yours. What ruby will you envy then? What diamond will shine as brightly as your awareness of My love? You can wear a bright diamond on each finger, the world can fall at your feet, every prize can come to you, and yet without your awareness of My love, you carry an emptiness, for something then is indeed missing, not My love, for no one is without it, but your awareness of My love. Without this awareness, the world’s acclaim is not enough. It does not begin to be enough.

Remind yourself you are not here on Earth to win something, and yet, you cannot lose. You are here to give the love I give to you. With your awareness of My love, you cannot take second place. There is no second place in My heart. Accept this. No one is loved most of all. All are beloved.

Become the most generous person in the world. Be King and Queen to the world. Knight people. Be gracious to them. Remind yourself that you are an emissary for God. You carry My wand, and you bless all with it. Whatever else befalls, that is success, and it is yours. The brass ring is within your grasp.

Do not give your rightful inheritance away, for there is nothing to equal it. Do not abandon love for money or anything else that passes for gold in the world.

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Become the most generous

Become the most generous person in the world. Be King and Queen to the world. Knight people. Be gracious to them. Remind yourself that you are an emissary for God. You carry My wand, and you bless all with it. Whatever else befalls, that is success, and it is yours. The brass ring is within your grasp.

Do not give your rightful inheritance away, for there is nothing to equal it. Do not abandon love for money or anything else that passes for gold in the world.

Yes...this sounds right...this feels right. To live this way...from a loving heart is a very natural, pleasant and effortless way to be. I feel so happy...as this pond of God with a dephless deph of love. Can any ripples disturb this love? Why no...From one part of the pond to another...Loving you always...Jim and Jimi.


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