What Is One Thing the Quality of Your Life Depends On?

God said:

Beloved Ones, there is no good time for you to be impatient with anyone.

Your Life -- and everyone’s Life -- depends upon how you present yourself. It is not My desire that you be rough on anyone, not even on yourself.

Truthfulness doesn’t mean that if you are cross, you have to reveal your irritability. You don’t have to make your tension visible. What does anyone on Earth have to know for a fact that you are feeling tense today? Whatever your circumstance, whatever the conditions you find yourself in, be a lady or gentleman walking on an even path.

The least you are on Earth for is to do your part to create harmony in the world at large.

When your tension quotient is at its highest, this is when it is most necessary for you to be resilient. You can do it. At such times, this is exactly when you must ask more of yourself. No snapping at anyone. You must already know this. Never forget it.

Excuse yourself from less than the least you can do, and the least you can do, dear one, is to veer away from being testy and hard to please. It is little enough for you to contribute to ease in others’ lives. Never is it okay for you to disrupt anyone else’s good day.

May everyone reveal his or her good nature. No matter how you may be feeling, you don’t have to let the world know. There are no spiritual laws against your waiting wisely for a better time to bring something up that may take you to the edge. Exercise forethought.

Be responsible for your own good nature. No excuses for your settling to be less than your best when it comes to pleasantness. Be firm with yourself. Say to yourself as if you were in front of a mirror and point your finger at yourself: “No matter what is going on with you, you will be peaceful today and not cranky. Do you hear what I am saying? If you have something important to express, find a better time to discuss it than when you are at the end of your rope. Are you agreed?”

Beloveds, you may be sure that there are no circumstances under which I give you the authority to be out and out cross. Even when you have a headache, be congenial.

Look, you can count on that tonight will not come your way again. There are no dress rehearsals in Life. You have one chance. There is no opportunity that will allow you to try today over again. This is your one chance for this day. Do it right the first time. Make Life compatible.

You are responsible for courtesy in the world. Your deportment in the world teaches the world how to react or how not to react. Somebody sets his clock according to yours. Someone follows you. It has always been so.

If you want to be a hotshot, be a hotshot in kindness and mercy.

Be in good stead of yourself. If someone is impatient with you, you don’t have to be curt. Stay a while. Return another’s impatience with kindness.

There is already enough ill-ease in the world. Be easy. Be all right. Be generous. Make merry. It is high time. There is no time like the present. Besides, all there is anyway is right now.

Fulfill the Kingdom of Heaven right now. No delay. Later is not good enough. The time to bear good fruit is right this moment.

Once upon a time many years ago, you didn’t know better. Now you know better.

Now you greet everyone in My Name. That’s it. No excuses. None.

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We are agreed, Yes I confess!

“No matter what is going on with you, you will be peaceful today and not cranky. Do you hear what I am saying? If you have something important to express, find a better time to discuss it than when you are at the end of your rope. Are you agreed?”

Be in good stead of yourself. If someone is impatient with you, you don’t have to be curt. Stay a while. Return another’s impatience with kindness.

There is already enough ill-ease in the world. Be easy. Be all right. Be generous. Make merry. It is high time. There is no time like the present. Besides, all there is anyway is right now.

Fulfill the Kingdom of Heaven right now. No delay. Later is not good enough. The time to bear good fruit is right this moment.

Once upon a time many years ago, you didn’t know better. Now you know better.

Now you greet everyone in My Name. That’s it. No excuses. None.

Heavenletter #1377
- http://heavenletters.org/the-subject-of-love.html

What is there that I have not said? In which way have I not said it? Yet I repeat Myself so that you may hear, that you may hear perhaps for the first time. Certainly not for the last. Can you hear that you are love? Can you hear it enough? Certainly you cannot hear it too much. You are love. You are My love. I love you and you are My love extrapolated onto Earth. And We are One. So I extrapolated Myself onto Earth. I embodied Myself within you for safekeeping. And so you are the embodiment of the God you so desire to know.

Your heart cannot move from Mine. All effort on Earth is perhaps to prove you can. Your ego wants to be King of the Universe when you are already anointed My heir. If you are My heir what are you but royal? But you are really only the Heir Apparent because you have already been bequeathed the Kingdom. I gave it to you. It sings in your heart.

It does not take away from your humility for you to confess Our Oneness. Confess, you are My love. Confess, you love Me. Confess, you are My love extant. You and I are one Universe of Love. Love is not manifold. Love is One. You and I are One beloved magnificent Self. If We were Two, We could say We embrace. Embraced, We are One, indissoluble in Truth, and the Truth is Love. Accept Our Oneness of Love. Admit to the Wholeness of Oneness. Wave Me into your heart where I have ever been. Acknowledge My Presence, for it is yours. You are My love. You cannot be anything else. There is nothing for you to be but My love. You receive My love and you give it. In the Oneness of Our love, We are reciprocal. There is no one to give love to, and there is no one to receive it from. One is One, and there is no twain to meet. If meet there be, We meet in your heart for it is full of My love for you which is the same as to say love for Myself. I love. There is no object. Only subject. Only Oneness. Only love. One. I.

I Do Love God! Yes, I confess! God is My love, and I Am God's. We are One. We are One Universe, and We are One Universal Love. This is the indissoluble, unbreakable Truth, and this Truth belongs to All. The Truth is Love, and Love is One. And that, My friends, is the Whole Shebang!

I receive God's Presence, and from the heart, I share God's presents. Where we meet God is in our hearts. And as all is Oneness, Our Hearts are the exact Self-same Heart of God!

In God's Name ❤️ Greetings, Blessings and Love to All


I see God in You Adam Michael. Thank you for Being.


I see the One in You too Christine.

Thank you for Being all-so. ❤️


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