What a God!

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Tina to Gloria:

Writing to God felt so natural and so much like a part of me I've always known. Like a part of me that I would brush aside, thinking, "Oh, My God, You couldn't be that playful and easy going." Allowing that comfort to touch me was like the gentle touch of a rose petal gently rubbed across my face. It took me all these decades to get out from behind the shield I had up to protect me from the Ultimate, All-Knowing, critical Parent. But it wasn't like that at all!

And I have no resistance to sharing it. That surprises me somehow. But I could no more keep the Message to myself than I could receive a light for my candle during the Christmas Eve service without lighting the candle of the person standing next to me. The whole thing seemed no more complicated than that.

Tina to Heavenreaders:

Here goes my first try at transmitting my journal to soul mates on e-mail. Tina's Journal - Sept. 25, 1999

Diane gave me Heaven/Godwritings for my birthday. I have read three volumes of Conversations with God. I am in a lull of intimate human relationships now. I believe it's because I'm in a lull of my taking time with God/Self.

I have been expending so much effort trying to maintain a relationship with my former husband. So instead of staying in the quicksand of wanting all that to still be alive and well with a human, why not try it with God this time? Then I don't need dates or appointments for intimacy or therapy. Just be me, right out there, each day even when I think I'm all alone. I can make it seem more actual by writing. I would take that much time out of busyness to spend time with a human being without a moment's hesitation, so I will with God.

Tina to God:

Dear God, I was forgiven my bill for the transmission parts for my car. Trans mission. It sounds so heavenly and new age.

My mission, as I comprehend it, at this stage in my life, is to free myself of the burden of judgement; the knowledge of good and evil.

Allowing myself to be a lighthearted recipient is much harder. I have been practicing, and I have faith that I will get the hang of it. But to freely receive from strangers, particularly from hardworking strangers…

God through Tina:

It can be other than hard work if the person is lightheartedly dwelling on Me as he does it. You, dear Tina, realized this as soon as you posed it here. Being involved in some of your hardest physical work — gardening, house painting, even hiking, is when you realize your connection with Me most.

I am with you all ways, but at these times, your body gets busy enough to free your mind. Actually, your body requires enough energy to cause you to release some of your mental grip. Once you have allowed this release, you are allowing My Presence (or Presents).

You have come to enjoy allowing My Presents to be given through you at times. It feels so good that you are enticed into allowing it more and more. As you do this, you may be noticing how the floodgates opened to get your attention that I AM sanctioning you to spend more time and energy this way. The waving of the parts portion of the bill caught your attention because of your resistance to allowing it. You had no resistance to allowing the labor to be free.

If you recall, in the beginning of this matter, you were totally free of worry because you confidently trusted because you thought it was all covered under the warranty.

Well, dear Tina, by your willingness to be authentic, even intimate, regarding the details of your circumstances, you walked into that situation in a state of blind trust. You might recall that you were "walking on water" mentally, to a greater extent than is your outgrown mental "habit". [I, Tina, wanted to be a nun.]

Now we get to the matter of your weight. Waiting doesn't come very easily to you, does it? You love to catch my metaphors! You have been having the physical experience of spending more time chewing on things than is healthy for you. The choice of things that you have been chewing on has been making you heavy. You have been bearing the weight of imagined burdens. When you bear this weight, you behave like an angry bear and you bear down on those closest to you, imposing your will for their behaviors to change in order for you to have order restored. You find yourself uncomfortable with how much energy is going into giving orders, and trying to throw your weight around.

Then you have had the physical experience of feeling the pinch and pressure of trying to fit into things that you have obviously outgrown, that no longer fit you. You know this because it has gotten to the point of being painful. Ah-ha! But it is only the clothes made of fabrics which don't give that are tight-fitting.

As you write this, you realize that all the clothes you most like still feel just fine. They are not stylish, but you prefer them because they feel like not wearing clothes at all. They stretch and they breathe freely! You move through your day freely in them, and the only conscious awareness you have of them is appreciation.

That's how I AM, dear Tina. You don't have conscious awareness of me unless it is appreciation. I don't pinch or squeeze! I allow you to move freely. You can know that. When you are conscious of Me, it will feel like you aren't wearing clothes at all, like the sun and a warm breeze.

Just unbutton the favorite shirts that don't fit around your butt right now. Once you release enough of the but's that are keeping you from allowing Me to keep order in your life and everyone else's, your butt will be in proportion to the rest of you with no effort.

Did you sense your resistance to being open and honest with your mother? Did you have that resistance with the mechanic? Do you sense your resistance to sharing appreciation and thankfulness at church? Your mother and stepfather are giving you more each month, freely. With whom have you shared this? Why not?

Claim it! Proclaim it! That's what you were doing before these Presents started coming to you in the physical. Share it freely. It comes from Me, dear Tina. I will never disinherit you. There are no strings attached. Share it freely.

Join the relay race. Grab the baton. Run with it. Pass it on. And just keep ascending in a spiral race. There is no higher. There is no lower. In this ascension, we are right on/E.

Leave the race to Me. Run to Me.

Gloria to God:

Wow! Dearest God, it amazes me every time that Godwriting takes no practice at all. This was Tina's first time! You come through Godwriters as if they were pro's!


I need no practice. I AM!


I think some day HEAVEN will publish a book of everyone's Godwritings.


And more than that.

Mother Divine:

Some day all letters will be Heavenletters. All words spoken will be God's, and truth and love and light will reign forever and forever.

How simple is God's speech. What fun He is. What a God! What a God!

No one understands as well as He.

He understands everything.

He understands with His great heart.

His heart knows.

He is compassionate AND neutral.

He is intact no matter what.

You all are following in His footsteps.

You are learning His ways.

You are practicing.

Soon you will fly.

You will walk through crowds as the prow of a ship through water. You will be a sublime prow that forges ahead with compassion and is not deterred. Affected while unaffected.

Touched and untouched.

Unmarked but leaving a sunlit foam in your wake that says you passed through.

A sublime prow passed through and left its light.

You store light, and then you shine it.

You store God's light, and then you shine it.

His light is a wave in your heart. Your heart is the ocean you sail on. Waves lap the shore of your heart and set a rhythm for other hearts.

A tempo is created and furthered until there is such a cadence of coherence that there is nothing else. Only one heart beat that beats in time with all.

Who could have dreamed of this world in all its intricacies and all its greatnesses?

Who could have conceived of stars?

Who could have made a sun and reflected its light on water?

Who could have made a you?

Who could create anew each day as though it were the first?

Who looks forward to the dawn as joyfully as God does?

Who spreads the night over the whole world in sequence?

Who rolls the planets in perfect rhythm?

Who has set up the stars and pasted them in the sky in a carillion of light?

Who has planted flowers and watched them grow?

Who has made the butterflies?

What kind of a wonderful God creates birds and their song?

Where does so much beauty come from and to where does it go? Does it go to you?

Do you receive it?

Where does God's love go?

It lands on you. It alights on you and proclaims you its own.

To whom do you belong? Not to yourself. And yet…and yet…

And to whom does God belong? Whose is He? Is He yours?

Yes, He is. He is your beating heart, and you are the most beautiful of His creations because He made you in His image. He gave you more. He gave you everything.

He did not glue you in place. He left you freewheeling. He said:

"Spin in Our universe, and be glad. I spin with you. I am the Spinner of you. Acknowledge Me, and My prayers are answered. Include Me, and I am free. Include Me, and you are Heavened. Grasp My presence, for it is yours."