We Are Loved and Lovable

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, just the two of Us this morning. No questions. No agenda. What would You like to tell us this morning?


I will speak of My love for you. That is My favorite topic. And that is what My children need to hear. That they are lovable and are loved. Deep down, so many of my children think they are unlovable and unloved, and their sense of unworthiness is great. That is not the sense I bequeath to My children. I bequeath love and sense of worth, for are you not, after all, the children of God? Whose children are you if not Mine?

My children are what they are. They make mistakes. But they are not their mistakes. They flounder, but they are not floundering. My children judge themselves unworthy. Others may judge them unworthy, but my knowledge and love and awareness of My children's holiness never waver. My knowledge, love, and awareness are inalterable. If My children knew what I know, they would see beyond their human condition to the Godheart that beats within,you're your question is not: Are you worthy? Your question is: Am I, God, worthy?

If I am worthy, then so must you be also.

If I am real, then so must you be also.

In truth, whatever I am are you.

It is My breath that breathes in you.

It is My energy you have inherited.

My everything you have inherited.

But you have been taught otherwise.

You have been taught you inherit your karma, the sins of your father, and the one sin of sins — of being human and having a human body. You have been taught that you sin and that man has always sinned, and that you are sinful.

Know Me, and how can there be sin?

Consider sin ignorance.

If you are ignorant of Our holy connection, you are indeed ignorant. What a loss that is to be ignorant of Our holy connection.

Without awareness of My presence in your human life, you seem baseless.

Where would you be without Me?

It is terrible to contemplate.

So do not contemplate it.

Do not consider, not even for one moment, that there is anything in the world that can separate your heart from Mine. Nothing but illusion. Nothing but a thin veil held up pretends to block our Oneness. Uncover your eyes. Here I am. I am here. And I am here for you.

My eyes shine with love about you. The light in My eyes is greater than the light of the sun. My light warms but never burns. It is greater than the sun's and never too much. You cannot get too much of Me.

Get enough. Let your eyes meet Mine.

I have no eyes, but I see.

I have no mouth, but I speak.

I have no ears, but I hear.

My heart sees, hears, speaks. My heart speaks to yours.

What is My heart?

It is Our Oneness.

One heart beats in all.

One heart.

One breath.

One love.

My children walk on earth, trodding like orphans, when all the while the Father of All walks with them, shines His love upon them, guides them to their discovery of this wonderful Oneness that is Ours.

Come, discover it.

Come, discover Me.

Come, discover Our Oneness.

Come, discover Who-You-Really-Are.

Impossible, you think.

A myth, you think.

A myth is a fragment.

Truth is Wholeness.

Anything but the Truth is myth.

Truth is not myth.

Truth is exactly what is.

And We are One.

That is the only Truth.

Why is that so hard to believe?

Why am I so hard to believe?

I am talking to you now. This is not a report of what I have said. This is I right now speaking to you.

I tell you again and again, that you are My love, My worthiness, Myself.

My hands made you, and My hands hold you.

Hold Mine.

Notice I am.

Notice I am with you.






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Nancy L. to Heavenletters:

In regard to the November 12 Heavenletter, I am so glad you are still with us! I do understand how you feel. Sometimes I think that I've done all that I need to do and the unknown adventure of the other side beckons. We would all want you to stick around — I know that we could all Godwrite on our own but not like you do!

God to Nancy L.:

You Godwrite with Me, dear Nancy. It is never on your own. You do not need Gloria. You need Me. You have Me. I, bring you Heaven — not Gloria.