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Verdi - Traviata - Choeur Bohémiens

Thank you Enocia! That

Thank you Enocia!
That brightened up my day and made me think about how seriously I take spirituality, while it's supposed to be all fun.

Safe in My arms you're only dreaming. -
Al sicuro tra le Mie braccia state solo sognando.
Love is the Answer.-Amore è la Risposta

Hi Paula, In my humble

Hi Paula,

In my humble in my most humble in my exalted opinion (much better)... spirituality is about lightning up. ;)

Glad you enjoyed the video.

Lots of love,
EJ :wub:

Great cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :big

Yum. For me the cake and

Yum. :big

For me the cake and the food coming to life is the moment of remembering/awakening when I realise that Love is all there is.

Lots of love,

See Activating Love

Beautiful beautiful

Beautiful beautiful beautiful! I love animation. This is awesome.

An animation I saw recently is "The Corpses Bride". Highly reccomended.