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Heavenletters™, Love Letters from God, Book One, winner of the Chelson 2004 Inspiration Award, brings us closer to God, humanity, and our own hearts. Click the book to read more reviews on Amazon, or Buy the Book!
Thank you Enocia! That
Thank you Enocia!
That brightened up my day and made me think about how seriously I take spirituality, while it's supposed to be all fun.
Safe in My arms you're only dreaming. -
Al sicuro tra le Mie braccia state solo sognando.
Love is the Answer.-Amore è la Risposta
Hi Paula, In my humble
Hi Paula,
In my humble in my most humble in my exalted opinion (much better)... spirituality is about lightning up. ;)
Glad you enjoyed the video.
Lots of love,
EJ :wub:
Great cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :big
Yum. For me the cake and
Yum. :big
For me the cake and the food coming to life is the moment of remembering/awakening when I realise that Love is all there is.
Lots of love,
See Activating Love
Beautiful beautiful
Beautiful beautiful beautiful! I love animation. This is awesome.
An animation I saw recently is "The Corpses Bride". Highly reccomended.