Under the Umbrella of God's Love

God said:

Look at you, here in My arms. Look at you, under the umbrella of My love.

Look at you, walking the Earth, and revealing Me here. You are part of a parade of love. You are the marching band of My heart. You take Me with you. I am the Silent Partner Who gives you a stake in the big poker game. Life seems like a poker game. There is a lot of betting going on. You have hunches, and you follow them, or you don't follow them. You could have played a different hand. What you cannot do, in the game of life, is not play at all.

You wear no armor. What protects you? From what do you have to be protected? Perhaps you are playing one game with the rules from another. What do you think you are to protect yourself from? The call of life is not intended to be, "Defend, defend, defend." Too often that is your stance, a military stance. You are protecting something. Perhaps it is your ego, that frail captain of the guard. You call out the troops, and their name is ego. How imaginary are your troops. You draw a circle around yourself, and call yourself safe.

Life on Earth is not about safety. Moving forward is not less safe than staying still. Stay in one place, and life will find its way to you regardless. Do you know what defending is? It is fighting. Please put your fists down. Relax your mightiness.

The truth is that you are mighty, but not a mighty warrior. Be a mighty peace-giver. Give away your ego. Send it to the nethermost hills, and you will be My sentinel of peace. You do not need ego's permission in order to leave it. Ego is a neurotic fellow. You don't want to let ego pull you by the nose.

When you wax high and mighty, odds are it is ego flourishing. How well ego justifies itself. It is so proud and haughty. Ego is insatiable. That is the big trouble with ego. It is on a quest for more insults to vanquish. Ego is a son-of-a-gun.

Life comes down to this. You have a choice. Your choice is between ego and Me. That I am the obvious choice doesn't mean that you choose Me. The fact is that ego has grabbed you. Please don't leave your life up to ego.

If you must be guarded, guard yourself from ego, and release yourself to Me. You are not truly dependent upon ego. Ego is dependent upon you. Ego would tell you differently, and you have, on one or more occasions, bought ego's sales pitch. Alas, the fake prince ego has fooled you. There may be a lot of fanfare, yet, ultimately, He lets you down.

And yet life is not about your being let down. It is not about your getting to the top of the mountain. It is not about your outdistancing anyone. It is not about even your outdistancing yourself. It is about choosing Me. Choose Me, and you choose love. You choose to be the love you already are. You choose to be Truth. You choose to rise above the calumny of the world. You play a different high stakes game. You enter True Life.

You escape parody. You pass through Go. You are no longer about winning.

You are about giving, and you give and give, and, among all the medals you give, you find that you gave to yourself. Give love. There are only beneficiaries to love. As you give love away, you claim it. It is better to claim love than ego. Now that you have the idea, live it. By giving love, you live in love.

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Let Us Be God's Most Beautiful Face

You do not need ego's permission in order to leave it. Ego is a neurotic fellow.

Ego is total non-allowing, total resistance. Ego doesn't allow You breathing space. Ego makes You a black hole of death. Ego is mad hatred. Ego is love of ruthless power. Ego is vengeful

God Is Total Allowing, All-Loving. God Is Your Breathing Space. God Makes You a Rainbow of Life. God Is Wise Love. God Is Power of Unconditional Love. God Is Merciful, Forgiving & Compassionate.

Thank You God for unmasking ego's ugly face.

Let Us not wear ego's ugly face

Let Us Be God's Most Beautiful Face.

Thank You God for Revealing Us to Us

As you give love away, you claim it. It is better to claim love than ego.

Let Us Reclaim Love by throwing away the ego lid covering Us.
Let Us Be Love's cUps Continuously Overflowing & Giving Love Away thus Forever Claiming It.
Love is Already Pouring, For Us, cUps to Be Filled, We have only to throw away the ego lids once & for all.
Let Us Be U's, the Forever Open Cups!

Thank You God for Revealing Us to Us.

You are not truly dependent

You are not truly dependent upon ego. Ego is dependent upon you.

God Reveals in this Passage that ego is the parasite that feeds on Us.
Let Us Choose Now not to be ego's food.
Let Us Choose Now God as Our Sustenance & Nourishment & Feed on His Love, the Heavenly Manna Forever Pouring Down Into Us.
Let Us Overflow Love & Share Its Bounty with All Life!


Simple delights are found in

Simple delights are found in the Well of Love. Ego is but the false master controlling strings of illusions which we allow to make puppets of us. We must stay strong and resist succumbing to the alluring calls of the Ego. When we are born swimming in a vast and boundless well of love, why must we listen to the loud whispers of the Ego, pretending to call us to safety from the well we so joyfully swim, dance and make celestial love in. "Come, I shall save you from the well you are trapped in" it loudly proclaims. Entranced by its false safety ropes, we succumb to its call and are lured away from the well of bliss we celestially reside in, taken above to a place where the Ego pretends to Rule the lands. But this is when we learn that Love not only breathes within the confines of this well we've known. Love is everywhere and it nurtures everything. Our bodies are made of love, the plants grow with love's irrigation. The well of love is A universe/s of love. There is no containing love. You are Omnipresent, Dear Lord and your Love is ceaseless. Confines do not pertain to Love. Ego manifests in many forms but Love is beyond form. It Just Is. And truly, the Ego's greatest weakness is Love. It bows down to love - it greets it with respect and admiration. Secretly, the Ego is not Love's rival but is Love's greatest admirer. Dear Lord. please make us an instrument of your Love. Choosing you everyday, in every way. Everyday. Every moment. Every second... we chose you. Live In Love. Be Love. Be Life. Life is Love.

Thank you for a beautiful heaven letter dear Lord.
Thank you with love always

Thanks KIka for Sharing U!

U Are Well-Loved in the Well of Love Right Here which is everywhere Right Now which is every moment.
Ego is the dream of being unwell, when U imagine Yourself closed to the Well-Spring of Love.
When U Wake Up & Discover U as an Open cUp, the ego dream is gone once and for all.
Well of Love Is All There Is & Us Are cUps Submerged Within the Well of Love, Containing Within Us(Our Shells, U's) Pools of Love !

Thank You God, the Well of Love; U Kika, a Pool of Love; Us, Infinite Pools of Love & Sharing Amongst Us & With God!


Under the Umbrella

Under the umbrella of My Love: That is so nurturing, so healing, so all-encompassing. It brings a sense of warmth and love and safety. It's so beautiful that God reminds of His all-pervading love.

Thanks Laura for Your Sweet Words!

Yes Laura, the Umbrella of God's Love is His Infinite Sky Raining Light Everywhere, Waking Us Up into Eternal Life!

God Unravels "UMBRELLA"!

Look at you, here in My arms. Look at you, under the umbrella of My love.

I Beseech You God to Bless Us to Realize the Circle of Love, Light & Life You Reveal Forever!

Oh God, What Profound Meaning You Reveal Us through a simple word UMBRELLA!

Look at U(Picture U as a hemispherical cUp) Under the UMBRELLA of My Love(Picture it as a hemispherical shape)!

naagaraa is the Divine Courier Delivering at the Door of Your(Our) Heart, This Present from I, Who AM God! Or to Be More Precise, You(We) Have Already Received This Holy Sphere from God, and naagaraa donkey carrying This Holy Sphere on his back(the entire bunch of Heavenletters from God) is just a Reminder to Remember at the Door of Your(Our) Heart!
God Has Given Himself Wholly by Spreading His UMBRELLA of Love Over U!


Let Us Remember Us "Under the Umbrella of God's Love"!

But Let Us Remember Us "Under the Umbrella of God's Love"!


Tamil Verses of this Heavenletter

Look at you, here in My arms. Look at you, under the umbrella of My love.

What you cannot do, in the game of life, is not play at all.

If you must be guarded, guard yourself from ego, and release yourself to Me.

Please click the link below to read the Tamil Verses of the quoted Passages of this Heavenletter.

Link for the Tamil Page above is not working

Dear Heaven Admin, the Link for the Tamil Page above is not working, html extension is not there for the Link, maybe that is why it's not working. Will You kindly look into this & set right, thanks.


Yikes! Thank you for telling

Yikes! Thank you for telling us. Blessings, Naagu!

Testing, Naagu. This is the

Testing, Naagu.

This is the link I am taking from your Tamil translation page.

Let's see if it works:


Well, it doesn't! Heaven

Well, it doesn't! Heaven Admin will come to the rescue as soon as he can.

Thanks for your patience, beloved Naagu.

Love, Gloria

Done! Try using a shorter

Done! Try using a shorter title in the forum post. This will make the link shorter as well. Something like: Heavenletter Title + Tamil.

One Love

Tamil Verses of this Heavenletter

This is the correct link for the Tamil Page


Give of your life, you will receive of His life.

Sure you have heard: "It's better to give than to receive..." but that refers to things. God always asks you to give of your self in love and caring. Each of us learns this in our own way so that each of us grows at our own speed. Read this precious Letter again and again to see how to learn who you are and what you can give.


Interestingly, beloved

Interestingly, beloved George, fairly recently I wrote 3 blog entries with the theme sort of: It is more blessed to received than to give!

Would love to read what you have to say about what I wrote. The blog is writing I do from my little self. Not in the same league as Heavenletters9tm). I would love your commentary just the same!

It is more blessed to

It is more blessed to receive than to give!

Of course, Gloria, for Who Gives but God & Us Are the Blessed cUps that Receive.
Umbrella is the Metaphor for God's Giving & cUp is the Metaphor for U Receiving.
The Receiving & Overflowing Open cUp can only Give.
The cUp closed by ego-lid cannot Receive & Overflow & therefore cannot Give at all.
Umbrella of God's Love, the Upper Hemisphere Is Forever Open.
U cUp, the Lower Hemisphere Keep U Forever Open for That Is yoUr Original Design.
The Umbrella & cUp Once Joined Become a Beautiful Sphere of Infinite & Eternal Perfection.


The Sphere of Giving & Receiving Love

Umbrella of God's Love Gives & U, the cUp, Receive.
Umbrella of God's Love is the Hemisphere of Heaven.
U,the cUp, Are the Hemisphere of Earth.
Umbrella of God's Love Forever in Union with U,the cUp, Is the Whole Sphere of Earth-Heaven.
God can't help but Give Love, U can't help but Receive Love
When the Sphere of Giving & Receiving Love is Complete, the Sphere of Love Explodes into a Supernova of Light, Blessing All with Bliss of Life.



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