Under the Sun

God said:

Flying blind in life can be unsettling, yet what can you do but fly blind on Earth? You live in a state of unsettledness, and yet life does not have to be unsettling. It is one thing to be alive in life and venture where life takes you, and it is quite another to venture forth in life where it takes you while wracking yourself with fear and worries about what may occur. At present, what is going to occur in life can only be unknown to you. You cannot foretell how life will dress up for you and what bell you will be called to answer.

What can you know for sure in the relative world, beloveds? The woman you adore and marry, you cannot know for a fact that you will feel the same devotion by and by. By the same token, loveless marriages have resurrected themselves and led to hand-holding. What do you know, beloveds?

What you can be certain of is that life is life, and it will lead you to greater understanding of life itself and who you seem to be and what you are made of.

Who can say that when life disappoints you that, even so, you did not do the right thing? You have to forge ahead in life. The past does not always represent the future. Today you could be a rich man, tomorrow a poor man. Today it may rain, and tomorrow will be sunny. The weather can be predicted, but not with certainty. The weather can surprise you.

If you could live this moment of Eternity, live it without thoughts of life, without fear of life, without resistance to it, you would be on top of the world. Events in life may be the same, and yet every inch of life would be experienced in a different way. In any case, you absorb every moment of life as it announces itself. If only you would forestall judgment about life, you would enjoy it more. If you would absent yourself from thoughts such as: “This is great,” or, “This is awful,” life would just be what it is as this very moment. You would live it.

If you hoe in the garden under the sun, and wipe your brow and say in a heavy tone, “This is hard work,” odds are you will feel tired and perhaps overburdened. If you hoe in the garden, and wipe your brow, and say, “This is hard work, but, boy, do I love it,” the odds are you will feel energized. If you hoe in the garden and wipe your brow and say, “Boy, do I love working in the garden,” it is certain that you will feel energized. The same hoe, the same soil, the same sun, and you are tired, energized, or very enlivened. You have heard before that attitude is everything.

I would like to say that perception is everything.

You are privileged to be alive. You are privileged to experience life in all its colors and nuances, and you are privileged to make all your experiences worthwhile.

It is understood that there are blows in relative life, and they are unwanted, yet you have the choice to knuckle down under them, or you can rise above them.

Is it not a wonderful world that gives you choices? This is the free will so often talked about. You may be required to drive your car on one side of the street or another, and yet you can enjoy the ride. You can enjoy the ride on a dead end street. You can enjoy the ride on a rocky road. You can get stuck in the snow or the mud, and that can spoil your day, or it can make your day fun. You can enjoy sunrise and sunset and the waves of life in between. You can enjoy.

Read Comments

Suffering and Death are just Reminders

«I would like to say that perception is everything»

Why does God say "I would like to say" instead of "I say that perception is everything"?
Certainly because God knows that He has a different perception from ours. He perceives everything as One while we can perceive only from a separated and self-concern point of view. Perception is everything but we don't perceive the "everything" of our perception.

Let us consider pain, disease, suffering and death. Is there a way of perceiving the "everything" of them?
From a subjective, personal perspective, certainly not. Because they all amount to a curious "everything" which also bears the name of FEAR.

Isn't the illusory essence of fear the absence of God? Doesn't fear appear immediately when we remove God from our consciousness? So isn't fear the absence or lost of POWER?

Then we understand that all the BAD, the WRONG, the UNWANTED, the INEVITABLE are inversely proportional to the "conscious intaking" of God's Love and Breath. We are not on Earth only to enjoy everything that is possible and in all possible ways. We are here to raise our human condition to the level of a divine condition. We are here to reveal our divine inner light in the physical world.

In that sense, suffering and death are just reminders that even if we were born on this Earth, we are not from this Earth. In the pure physiological world, pain is a defense mechanism that the body uses to warn us that something is going wrong. If we did not have those sensors that warn us of a danger, we would probably walk through a house in flames and wouldn't even realize the danger. Even death itself is a defense mechanism of our consciousness reminding us that on Earth we are only travellers.

Yes, we can live moments of Eternity in our daily life. For that we have to set our intention to reflect God's perception, which, indeed, is everything.


As you say, Normand, without that mechanism of pain we could walk through a house in flame without realizing the danger, but, as "perception is everything" in fact there woudn't be any danger. So I think we have sensors that just signal "hot" and we interpret this signal as danger and pain and they appear as real. I wonder how can we ever arrive to that point of perceiving "hot" without attaching to it any label. In others words, I wonder how to keep the senses working without the mind or how to make the mind work just as a recorder of light impulses, or waves, through the senses, without interpreting them. It seems impossible to me to overcome this mechanism, from where we are now. I mean it cannot be gradual this change, it is not something we can learn, it is not a process in our hands.
First we go There, as we are now, with a jump, a leap, a flight, then everything will fall into place.

I wonder

Well, it's the mind that does the wondering, isn't it? And the mind is not going to solve the problems that wouldn't be there without it. You know that, of course. Or, to make it even more hilarious, your mind knows.

Fortunately we also have those moments where out of nowhere we suddenly know that it is perfectly possible "to overcome this mechanism" and every other learned mechanism. Only the next moment mind asks: "But how?" – and then we are wondering again. True, "it is not a process in our hands." It's a plant that grows.

"a plant that grows"

"A plant that grows", yes, it is the right metaphor. But again, take it as a "divertissement", it is the mind which perceives "the growing", interpreting different snapshots ( or flashes of light ) as a sequence and so as motion and labeling it as a process of growing. We could just choose to focus on the last snapshot. I wish I could!


New growth, for instance in your garden, is first seen by something in you that simply goes "Ah!" Only afterwards mind comes scampering in and starts categorizing whatever it thinks it is you saw. The snapshot thing is one of the many stories spun by a mind trying to make you believe it has the bird's-eye view. Emilia's own eyes are muche better, I'm sure. Emilia's own eyes see today's growth while her mind is riveted on what it thinks must be the finished product. That's just our training. We can't help it. Until we can.

my eyes

Bur we see only what we are willing or capable to see. If I see "today's growth" is because I am willing to see just a piece of the whole. You are right, there is not a "finished product", but there is the vision of the whole puzzle ( improperly said "last snapshot"or movie completed ). We can choose to go there in stages or in a moment or now, according to what we are capable of seeing and witnessing.
If you ask me, I would answer that, after so many years, I do not see any "remarkable" growing, neither in the world, nor in myself. I can count another million years to go where I want to go. So I really do not know what I am choosing to see!

As I said, we can't help it,

As I said, we can't help it, this looking from somewhere above to get an overview. I certainly can't help it. I try again every day to see what the whole thing is all about and whether those several billion years of labor are about to birth something worthwhile. But what I am speaking about here are the seconds of a different seeing that clearly tell me that all I can ever know about puzzles or movies or anything is totally irrelevant and that being willing or capable or not has nothing to do with getting where I want to be. We get there in spite of our wanting and searching, even in spite of our pessimism. The seconds I am speaking of are uncaused. They happen when I'm not working at becoming something or at making progress or at finishing movies. Honestly, when it comes to "the whole", would you want something you can make yourself? Or would you rather want it to be like something in your garden that makes you go "Ah!"?

in spite of me

I clearly state: "I intend to make nothing for the rest of my infinite life!". Well, I have never done much, just hanged around, in idle chattering, seeing a movie ( never until the end), eating chocolate, some fine purchase...

live it

I have sometimes noticed over the last months that God tends to stress the active, "creative" aspect of perception more and more, supplementing the etymology-based meaning of taking something in. This Heavenletter makes it quite clear why this is so. Perception informed by judgements or preconceived notions of any kind, positive or negative, will present us a corresponding world. Then should we not reasonably expect God to recommend a positive biasing of our perception? Well, He does not. And although, like everyone else I know, I sometimes can't help desiring a bit of what is called "positive manifestation" today, I'm beginning to really appreciate God's way of simply living life without any tinkering at all.
If you could live this moment of Eternity, live it without thoughts of life, without fear of life, without resistance to it, you would be on top of the world. […] If only you would forestall judgment about life, you would enjoy it more. If you would absent yourself from thoughts such as: “This is great,” or, “This is awful,” life would just be what it is as this very moment. You would live it.
How free that feels to just live it without trying to somehow make it work or to revamp it. How wonderful to completely refrain from making comments, to throw all prescriptions overboard and simply enjoy. Are there to-dos for a child of God? Just one. Don't allow your thinking to separate you – by "Wow!" or "Aw!" – from what is, from You, from Me.

But what an abyss it seems to be to refrain from doing anything about life. Would it not turn into chaos in no time at all? I can name sixty things in sixty seconds that will go terribly wrong if I don't take care of them.

I tend to agree, dear mind. But we both know that trust is the only worthwhile challenge there is and that we, you and I, will accept it anyway sooner or later.

Perception is Per-Caption

It is a fact that psychology has or had a tendency to define perception as a passive mode of understanding the reality out there. The basic etymology of "perception" is really per-caption" and perceive is the act of seizing, grabing hold of, grasping. The "per-" prefix is intensitive. God must have verified that in His dictionary before writing His message to Gloria.

i have to love my work

dear God heavenley father,
i understan what you tell os your messeges today,
it realey deepley you give to os mean of life,
life for me it like dress you give to os, and am thank for,
i know som people complein about life, and also i understan them,
if the dont understand you it that i have to work for to give them understan,
what life mean,,, yes realey so much struggle wourey life of earth,
not realey much people to understan about dress of life,,
i am also happy all this pass of year people begein to know
about you and life, i have to begein a work to the old people ages 90,years old
i have to love my work and resirve them and make them injoy thers life,
thank for all theday God father,



I really don't have much of a comment to place here except to say that those things that have seem to have the power to ruin one's day

also have the power to be teaching moments, and so we say with childlike trust - "How can I see this anew?" for example, to the rain that

seems like a wet blanket falling on some exciting event, and truly a sort of gratitude for the rain is the only way to see anew, and to


You are privileged to be

You are privileged to be alive. You are privileged to experience life in all its colors and nuances, and you are privileged to make all your experiences worthwhile.

I think I'll stay with this thought...

much much love

Beautiful Berit

My heart jumped Dear Father/Mother when i read Berit's message
because every day i give my blessings, but some times i don't realize that i live a miracle! I am your Miracle! and i do Love you deeply in my heart. Help me to have in my heart and my thoughts that life is to live in a beautiful state of Joy, Love, Peace and much more...
Wonderful weekend my brothers and sisters..I Love you so much my Heavenly God Father/Mother!

With Love Light and Peace
Catya Denise Lebreux Pestana

Catya, how beautiful you

Catya, how beautiful you are. And I'm so glad you read the comments others make and make your own. God bless you.

Dearest Catya, it is such a

Dearest Catya,

it is such a priviledge and JOY that you found Heavenletters !!!
indeed a most wonderful week end to you dear and tender hugs from Italy.

Thanks Berit

Yes Berit, I agree we are privileged. Thank you dear God for helping me to see the beauty in All. I certainly enjoy life even when it rains or the cold weather Not to cold and you knew of cause so you guided me to Paradise, Here on the beatifull Atherton Tablelands. Thank you dear GOD for all the beatiful angels I meet here. love Jack

Jack dear, I did check on

Jack dear,

I did check on Atherton Tablelands and I am speachles at it's beauty ! I certainly will not live forever in the Hinterland of Milan and definitively Atherton will be added to my wish list !!
How I love the waterfalls and the amazing nature, what a blessing for you to live in such a paradise !

much much love dear

We ask if Life is a privilege or God's night gown?

It seems to me that life is not a right, nor is it a privilege but perhaps a way that the Universe, as God, has a dress rehearsal for the final scene of an epic He's got in mind. Being in a bit of a struggle these days I tend to think in wandering ways, so forgive me my trespassing thoughts.


No thought of yours

No thought of yours trespasses, beloved George. We do not get enough of you!

Is there anything we can do to ease the struggle you are going through?

Gloria's accent is showing

Gloria, dearest, you just can't hide the divine accent of the Father's heart.
God has not used me up. I have given George the Mountains to hike up, the valleys to plow through and the oceans to cross. George didn't always catch on to what was happening in his life until the Light got turned on. I turned quickly in my Room to see who or what was messing with my consciousness.

When my focus cleared up I discovered that what I was looking for had no form, only the mysterious fragrance of Love's dearest melody singing softly a song with no words or endings; but it spoke into my life the very openness that we can always find in Heaven Letters. It would help to see the screen more clearly but many years of glaucoma intruded clouds into my dream just as cancer presents itself as something other than IS as it tries to fool me into believing it. I let the doctors worry about it.

Long ago I learned to love and adore the "IS" of everything, of everywhere, of everyone so now I take this "IS" into my heart as it opens the door to everywhere and no-where but seems to settle down into a kind of knowing that is growing into a gem, sort of like Jasper, that I clutch as eternity's open door to always.

To ease the struggle of the joy of being loved by you darling Gloria, and Jochen, and Karen, and Jim and Jimmi and Chuck and darling Carmen and all the others is not what you meant. My answer to you is simply that you asked how to make this struggle easier. You've done it, dearest. So have all who post as well as all who read Heaven Letters. My love knows no bounds.


Beautiful George, you just

Beautiful George,
you just wrote us a magnificent Heavenletter.
Thank you and be blessed.

i understan how you feel

my dearest loveng George,
i read your massege, sound so sad,
but you always in my hearth and my mind
to loveng you i have to feel you and loveng you,
remember me in your hearth some one keepeng loveng you
i send you in my love to the air to love you and feel me
in your hearth,, i understan how you feel
love and light,, love and peace love life

Wonderful Sister Carmen

Wonderful Carmen!
Words from a beautiful Heart!!!
My Love for you my beautiful Soul!

With Love Light and Peace

Carmen my heart is warm for you

Carmen, you are part of the fragrance of life's choice blooms in my life.


Carmen knows sadness and love in a circle.

Carmen darling when love and sadness move within the joy of knowing about the light, the sadness takes on the form of Loves sweet fragrance. Your love words smell good to my old heart.


My Beloved George, I was

My Beloved George,
I was born in Mozambique, lived in Portugal till almost 2 years ago and now i am in UK. My Heavenly Father/Mother knows me very well, but i want to introduce myself to you and all....I'AM Your SISTER, in Love and in Light. It was a Bless to find Gloria and Heavenletters and now i have many more, with you all brothers and sisters. My English its not perfect but i feel the love and the Union here and for me its enough.
My Beautiful brother George, i am here for you, my light, my love, my peace and my Joy! You are not Alone and you were never alone.


Thank you, God Father/Mother for Being here in this Planet

Wonderful day my Sweet Brother George and all of you!

With Love Light and Peace

If you press Catya's name,

If you press Catya's name, you will see a beautiful picture!

Catya, sweetest One.

Your words take away my breath sweet sister! Perhaps it is the Joy that comes from being seen. I see you, now I know that you see me. How beautiful to be looking at love's bright light from the same direction. I love you.


My late answer beloved George

Beloved brother George, here it is my late answer, because of my shifts and problems with my internet.
First of all, iam so grateful for our God Father/Mother and for all the messages. I see you too my lovely brother! I read your message and i felt your love too, i had to show my partner and my brother and we all felt your love. I Love you too and i send peace, love and rays of Light.
I wish you a beautiful weekend to you and all your( our) family!

With Love Light and Peace

Catya's words hang like golden threads from the castle of...

Sister Catya your words that hang like God's love from the castle of your inner being, give me strength to face Tuesday the 17th.

This day I start treatment for a busy cancer that tries to make George feel real.
The rays of light you send, illumine Him who lives in George's frail form.

For this my darling Catya I hum to you a song of love and holy gratitude.


Iam with YOU

My Brother George,
Iam with you today, tuesday and the day after...dont forget!
Feel my hand in your heart. Feel Love, See Light and be embraced with my Peace. We are One my brother! Iam with you and all your( our) family!
beautiful song!
God Bless you my litle Brother!

With Love Light and Peace
Catya Denise Lebreux Pestana

Catya's words bring me life and hope.

Catya your words warm my soul with love so freely given. Thank you



"Privilege" is one of the words that, for me, have a strange "distancing" or dualistic quality which makes me feel rather uneasy. More uneasy, in fact, than I like to acknowledge. Aspiring to oneness because I feel it as the truth at the bottom of my heart, I don't understand a word like privilege. In the human world, privilege appears to be part of the realm of ego where everything is about getting and granting. Or perhaps it is exactly the orher way around and aspiring to oneness is ego. Or this strange allergy to everything that implies otherness, different levels, different entities, is ego. Is my sense of oneness just that mythic country road that I hope will take me home? Sometimes it looks as if love is a bath tub. Sometimes it looks as if God is really no more than Santa Claus.

Senor, for the word

Senor, for the word privilege, if we substitute blessing, does it feel better?

I can see what you mean, for the world privilege has certain connotations like privileged -- elite sort of.

Isn't there a Heavenletter in which God says He's more than Santa Claus!!!

God knows

God must know I exist among men, as I love "privilege"... and Santa Claus too.

Yes, some 30% better,

Yes, some 30% better, Señora .

Yes, there is a Heavenletter that clearly states that God is not Santa Claus. Whether He thinks He is Santa Claus or not is not the question. What we think (or subconsciously assume or fantasize) is.

I love your trying to defuse Heavenletters for me. No, I love you.

On flying blind

Wow! What a wonderful Heavenletter and what wonderful comments!

I want to share a story that involves about thirty minutes of my life that this letter shines a bright light on for me. It was many years ago when I was learning to fly at an airport near Witchita Falls, Texas. I was taking off, alone, on a solo flight headed for an airport in Oklahoma. I was wearing hard contact lenses which I was to later find out had become badly scratched and which began to cause my eyes to start leaking tears and ache. On my climb out from the runway, I had to turn my Cessna 150 towards the setting sun and my eyes suddenly felt like acid had splashed into them! I couldn’t see, I was almost totally blind! I couldn’t even see my instruments and controls, the world outside my cockpit looked like a collage of dark and light splotches with nothing identifiable. I managed to find the microphone to my radio and give the control tower a mayday distress call, and then the cord from my microphone pulled free and I no longer could even talk to them!

All I knew to do was to begin to turn back to where I thought the runway should be, try to guess how steep of a bank and how long to make it, and try to keep the airplane in the air without stalling or flying it into the ground. I functioned on impulses, vague impressions, guesses, muscle memory of where vital controls were located, and intuitive flashes of what I thought might be true. When it felt right, I cut the power and prayed the runway would be below me. When my wheels first bounced onto solid ground, I could feel they had hit gravel rather than runway asphalt. As my plane’s bouncing quit and the brakes that I slammed on finally stopped the plane, I cut the engine, climbed out and found I was five feet short of a metal fence. I had landed on the very last few feet of the overrun at the end of the runway! Yes, flying blind can be unsettling; it was many hours before I finally calmed down.

I had gotten myself into a circumstance where I was absolutely forced to rely on impulse and intuition. I didn’t appreciate this experience as anything but a lucky break back then, but this letter makes me feel it held an important lesson for me. I can see now that I am truly blind as to what my future will bring. My accumulated beliefs, and the expectations they give rise to, are what I need to let go of if I understand the lesson of this letter about spiritual blindness correctly. It is all about trust. It is about trusting that the entire universe was created by a loving Being, that it is all divinely purposed, and we are all given everything we need, and more, without any requirement that we earn it. Ignoring our worrisome expectations and plunging ahead trusting in the beneficence of God is the antidote to our fears and worries. It seems to be rarely an all or none process, we seem to usually be learning by baby steps.

Much beauty, love and peace to all…….Chuck

Chuck keep a copy of this for use later on.

This is a beautiful example of how the mind works when we turn it lose, even in touch situations like the landing you are telling us about. This is spectacular and speaks of a form of internal imprinting that takes over for us when we let go of all controls. This is beautiful Chuck.


Who could not be moved by

Who could not be moved by your words, dear Chuck? And George's!

Thanks, guys

Thank you George and Gloria. It is funny, though, I can clearly remember thinking two things over and over as I spent the three days following that exploit stuck in my barracks (with my eyes covered with bandages). I kept thinking how stupid I was to have let myself get into that fix in the first place, and how lucky I was to have made all the right moves at the right time to survive. I still think I was stupid to have ignored the obvious warning of my eyes not feeling right, but now I see how my survival differently; it had little to do with luck.

Chuck took of the bandages from his eyes...

The lesson you teach us Chuck is about how reluctant we are to take off the bandages from our eyes because we have learned to think of fear as it relates to our form, not our essence. Thanks friend



"It is all about trust", trust in beauty and meaning pervading everything.
I wonder ( I can't help it ), when we really love, do we require trust, or we will love despite all odds?

Emilia asks about trust and love.

Sweetest one "trust" is the spinal column of love's joyous joining. Watch a baby at its mother's breast and ask if what you see is love or trust or a combination of both feeding "hunger" in the baby.

It's impossible for me to make them two different words when it comes to loving my darling wife.

My trust for you is the measure of my love for you sweet Carmen.


Imagine loving, dear one.

Imagine loving, dear one. Imagine love. Dare to.

If you love, you will never need anything else. There are no odds when you love, or at least you don't know about odds, you have no mind for odds, you are out of what you thought was your mind (but which turned out to be a straightjacket).

Trust and such are only so many ways of approaching love or, rather, of approaching the courage to love. They are, of course, already expressions of love, George is right. But the apparent differences, the shades of love, the names of love, only exist until you love, and when you do, there will not even be a thing called love. Presently, love is an object, a concept, a word. We are talking "about" love. When you love, love does the talking and the listening, love will be what you are, more intimate than the air that you breathe, and why should love know and talk about love? Well, in Heavenletters it does, of course…

Thank you George and Jochen.

Thank you George and Jochen. Yes, trust is an expression of love and especially of innocence and carries us towards love.
Then you release the hold of trust and you "fall" in love, it is like insanity, you melt, you loose yourself, you die for it.

Bravo !!!

Bravo !!!

We never know where our

We never know where our words will lead us or someone else.

For instance, I love starting to write a comment and then watch, wide-eyed, where it will go.

Or take these words you wrote that suddenly make something real for me, something that must have been waiting right beneath the surface. You probably did not intend it or at least you did not consciously know you did.

We never know.

Jochen your words suggest that "Love" is a concept!

In my mind love is a divine process that escapes definition, comprehension, or explanation. Darling Emelia speaks of "falling in love" but that's a form of media foolishness.

Love is the working mechanism of life's jobs such as growing finger nails, or hair, or age, or new cells, like the ones forming on my elbow from the fall that other day.

We see and talk about love in retrospect, almost as a memory. We use the term on ice cream preference , or candy bars. In that context it is more taste than divine essence forming recognition of being.

I look at a picture of my wife and say: "I sure love that girl!" and mean much more than a four letter word could possibly suggest. "Now abideth "faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love." This is spelled charity in many editions of the Bible. If I have the faith to move mountains, feed the poor, find the lost, heal the sick and have not love, I have nothing." (George's version.)

When I read Gloria, Jochen, Chuck, Emelia, I trained m feelings to feel love. I'm drinking divine nectar.


"Love is the working

"Love is the working mechanism of life's jobs such as groowing finger nails, or hair..."
In fact I am in love with my finger nails and when I chop I keep them in a box ( just a joke, I know it can't be true love, but rather a form of attachment).

life is life

What you can be certain of is that life is life, and it will lead you to greater understanding of life itself and who you seem to be and what you are made of.

If you could live this moment of Eternity, live it without thoughts of life, without fear of life, without resistance to it, you would be on top of the world.

If you hoe in the garden under the sun, and wipe your brow and say in a heavy tone, “This is hard work,” odds are you will feel tired and perhaps overburdened. If you hoe in the garden, and wipe your brow, and say, “This is hard work, but, boy, do I love it,” the odds are you will feel energized. If you hoe in the garden and wipe your brow and say, “Boy, do I love working in the garden,” it is certain that you will feel energized. The same hoe, the same soil, the same sun, and you are tired, energized, or very enlivened.

You may be required to drive your car on one side of the street or another, and yet you can enjoy the ride. You can enjoy the ride on a dead end street. You can enjoy the ride on a rocky road. You can get stuck in the snow or the mud, and that can spoil your day, or it can make your day fun.

I think we never had so many comments under one Heavenletter, 44 so far!


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