Unalloyed Love

God said:

No longer will you allow something or anything to upset you. Heretofore, you have found occurrences in life upsetting. Your connection to the internet is down. You are frazzled. Traffic on the freeway is slow. You are impatient.

Beloveds, traffic will get going. The internet will be connected. Is upset so valuable to you that you insist on having it?

Put upset away. It is not a heyday to be upset. It is not something wonderful to be upset. It is no great accomplishment. Anyone can do it. And you have done it. You have done it many times. Haven’t you had enough of upset yet?

You may ask Me to be realistic and down to earth. I am asking the same of you. In the relative world, everything comes to an end. There is a rainbow around the corner. Have confidence in the unfolding of life and your ability to wait for the light to turn green.

Heretofore, you have had confidence in being stalemated.

When did something not end? Depending upon the situation, you are upset about that too. You never want the party to be over. You never want traffic to be thick. You never want the internet to be down.

Life is made of interims. There are breaths taken, and breaths exhaled. Take every pause in life as a good thing. Stalled in traffic? Unwind rather than wind. What do you gain by banging the horn? Is banging the horn expressing yourself, or is it adding fuel to the fire?

Turn on the radio or the CD player or pull out your Kindle. Hum a different tune. Traffic will resume, with or without your impatience.

When your internet goes off, consider this an occasion for a change of pace. Is the internet your life line? Is it really? Go outside and pick a flower. Lie on the grass and look up at the sky. Look for Me. Find Me within yourself, and you won’t mind what is connected or what is not connected because you will be consciously connected to Me. We can have a field day together. We can approach the sun, or we can approach the stars. We can knowingly be together. Here’s Our chance. Avail yourself of all the chances that We can be together, you and I. When is a better time than when in the midst of traffic or when the internet of the extant world is disconnected?

Connect to Me. Give Me a spot of your time. Give Me what I crave for. Give Me you. Come right up to Me, and We will spin the wheel of life together. Yes, We can. Yes, We will.

Do you hide yourself behind upset? Is upset a mask you wear? Love instead. Love the break from routine. Love the routine, that’s fine, and also love the break from it. What is not to love? Seriously, what is not to love?

What can possibly be more important than love? Certainly not impatience. Certainly not havoc. Certainly not interruption of love. Turn on your love all the time, even as time does not exist. You exist as I exist. There is no time, and We have all of Infinity and Eternity to love in. Infinite are the ways of love. Upset is not one of them. Upset interrupts the expression of love.

Is there anything worth interrupting love for?

You say that death interrupts your love. All the love you have, you say, turns into sorrow. Sorrow is not love. Sorrow is suffering, even as sorrow may be sweet to you. Unalloyed love is better. Choose love every time. Get out of upset. Be the steady waters. Stay in love.

Read Comments

Interestingly enough, this

Interestingly enough, this Heavenletter was initially written down about three months ago. It was proofread about three weeks ago. Naturally, I forgot all about it.

The past few days I've gone through a computer virus that left me without email. As so many Heavenreaders say, this Heavenletter came at just the right time. Stress is never worthwhile.

just the right time

Just at the right time and as a surprise to you too. How amazing! I love this.
God bless you dear Gloria!

Definitely came at the right

Definitely came at the right time over here too.
God is amazing! He pulled me right back from upset today.

Kidest sings to us as Uta does. Thanks

Your words, Kidest, are rich and full to all of us.


Gloria's words reach all of us.

Thanks you dear One.


There is a rainbow around

There is a rainbow around the corner.
Have confidence in the unfolding of life
Be the steady waters. Stay in love.

There is so much said about Love these days..
My heart being filled with love steadily.
Please continue.

Uta sings a song of Love to us all.

Uta, you are our rainbow of promise. Thanks you


To give thanks and praise

Just want to thank you for your wonder filled words, full of truth and light... .. What a difference as women gain the confidence to speak their inner truths.
With love


Thank You

Yasmin, you talk for all of us.

Yasmin, your words speak to us of what we try to think.


Yasmin, what a beautiful

Yasmin, what a beautiful name you have. Send more messages please! Thank you and Love to you!

" No longer will you allow something or anything to upset you."

Oh? When will that be? The questions flood into our wondering minds. Listen to how God answers your questions:
"Connect to Me. Give Me a spot of your time. Give Me what I crave for. Give Me you. Come right up to Me, and We will spin the wheel of life together. Yes, We can. Yes, We will."
How can you refuse a call like that? Do you hear what the Heaven Letters say? They speak to your inner self to quicken your insight to the call of God to his "BELOVED" children. Oh, how HE loves you!


Dear Georg! Thank you so for

Dear Georg! Thank you so for giving all of us your big loving heart as a present! Love you! Uta

Dearest George, Thank you

Dearest George,
Thank you for sharing your heart and thank you for your insightful words. When today got a bit harder your comment and quote from today's Heavenletter in my email served as a guide once again. You highlighted the how of it all: "Connect to Me. Give Me a spot of your time. Give Me what I crave for. Give Me you. Come right up to Me, and We will spin the wheel of life together. Yes, We can. Yes, We will."
I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank God for Heavenletters but also for the forum and All its participants.

There is a rainbow around

There is a rainbow around the corner. Have confidence in the unfolding of life and your ability to wait for the light to turn green. thank you for this HL.


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