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Unable to open Community Page

Last night and now this morning, I have not been able to open the Community Page! I can get to the forum page, however; thus I can post this.

Blessings and love,


P.S. Jochen just emailed me that he can't get in at all much of the time. He gets a message that says the server has cut the connection, possibly because of overload. I do not receive any message, just blank. Muchas gracias, Senor.

It is only temporary for me.

It is only temporary for me. At the moment there are no problems at all. I'm pretty sure Señor is busy working on our behalf and trying to find even better solutions all the time.

Thank you, Santhan and team!

Thank you for reporting.

Thank you for reporting. We're aware of this. Please post in the Tech Support section of the forum everytime you experience an error or bug creeping around the site. This helps us with tracking them bugs down. It's important for us to get these little creases ironed out before Heaven goes prime time.


Oceans of Love
p.s perhaps my choice of expressions is not the bees knees in regards to clear communication within this Technicolored community of international collaborators? I'll try to stay on the other side of the fine line between clarity and nonsense!

Oh, this is so cute,

Oh, this is so cute, Santhan. Took me some time to realize it's a real bug.

By the way, all the first comments seem to have popped up on the list in the meantime. Are we there?

Hi Santhan! I too have a

Hi Santhan!

I too have a little problem. I have received three subscription threads to things that I have posted earlier, but when I click on the links I can't seem to find them. They just take me back to my original posts, but with no replies added, so I don't know who sent what, or if I have to reply to anyone ~ if you see what I mean!?!

Love your cute little bug!

