Truth or Illusion?

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, what upliftment will You give us today?


See the truth. Untruth pulls you down. Untruth leaves you at the altar; you get jilted. Untruth does not exist, so in the end it is not there for you. It must always disappoint you.

The Big Lie is that you are helpless, worthless, and purposeless. That is the truth of the Big Lie.

The Big Lie does not go under those names. It goes under names that belie its truth of untruth. Various names are: success, glamour, happiness, sexual fulfillment, beauty, arrival, wealth, forgetfulness, victory, achievement.

I am in strong favor of all of those. They are all fine. I want you to have them. But pasting a name of another street onto a street sign does not help you get where you want.

We are talking illusion here.

The illusion is that you are mortal, fatherless, that life is neon and outside you, that you can wrest happiness and peace from someone or somewhere else, that you know it all, or nothing at all, that you are better or worse than everyone or someone else, that your life is dependent upon opinion and other outward measures, that life is a bluff or a sham, and that you must ride a roller coaster of sensation with your teeth clenched to enjoy life, or ignore it.

Life, as it is mostly known, is little pieces of gravel which you call diamonds and emeralds and rubies, all the while they are little broken pieces of gravel.

You may wonder how seeing the true picture of all the false advertising you have bought can uplift you, but the truth of truth always uplifts.

The truth is: you are not alone. The truth is: you contain everything. The truth is: you are My child, and you have a Father. The truth is that you are neither a lender nor a borrower. You are and possess all goodness and love, and you possess nothing that can be loaned or borrowed. When all are millionaires, who is there to borrow?

Now, giving is another story of truth. As you give of My love, your coffers become richer.

The secret of life is to seek Oneness and stop chasing after elusive uncatchable illusions. The minute you think you have caught one, you find your hand empty. That is what illusions are — empty. That is what illusions do — fade.

You are an immortal child of God. You are not a face in the mirror. You are not what others think of you or what you may think of yourself.

If you think of yourself as anything but My beloved, My purpose, My happiness, My peace, My honor, My truth, you have belied yourself, and you have maligned My creation.

Uplift yourself by stopping your crawling. Stand your spine straight and pick up everything I offer you today.

You walk on jewels, and you think you walk on gravel.

Whatever hopes and aspirations you have for yourself, they are not equal to Mine for you.

The wrapping of a package is not the package. I offer you an unwrapped package called truth, and I do not offer you what you cannot have. I offer you what you already own and could possess if you but would.


Dear God, I love everything you say, but how do I keep You with me all day? How do I translate You into my physical outward life?


Make Me a habit, Gloria. You have other habits of looking at the world that hurt your heart frequently, that cut it. Will you not slip Me more into your attention?

Intend Me today.

As you might purchase an object for yourself and one for your daughter — you are not thinking of her every instant, but she is always in your awareness.

Add Me to your awareness silently.

As you purchase a mango and buy one for Lauren also, consider what I might like as well. You would not buy Me a mango, but you might assign some of your joy in the mango to Me.

You might look for occasions to bless Me. You might look for occasions to bless someone for Me.

Yesterday, when you returned spoiled chicken to the store, the customer service lady did not apologize for your inconvenience, did not look you in the eye, did not hold a glimmer of a smile. Instead of your wanting her congeniality and her appreciation for your trouble, could you not have smiled at her?

I do not say this to make you feel bad, but another time, think less of what is owed you and more of what you can give on My behalf.

Switch your thinking to a slight degree, just a fraction over, and that fraction will make more room for Me.

Look to be pleased rather than displeased. Don't look to please, but look to give My light. Include My light in every transaction. Make every transaction your truth in My light. Such a little thing to do and with such great rewards.

If you feel pulled down, whom are you not uplifting?



Dear God, this morning after writing You, I learned that John F. Kennedy's plane is missing along with him, his wife, and sister-in-law, and I feel so sad. I guess those of us who cry, cry for ourselves, and the passing of time, and what we see as inevitable loss, and that death comes too soon.

I know these things we see as tragedy remind us that You, dear God, are the only True Certainty. As Lauren said, if they are still alive, they are fine. If they died, they are fine. In either case, they are with You. And yet I feel such heavy sadness.


Cry sorrow away. Let it go out with tears. I never said that My children should not weep. Of course, with awareness of the whole, you would see a greater horizon and know there is no cause for weeping. But you see the horizon you see.

Sadness shared with so many lets you know that hearts beat together in the world you do see, and that multitudes care. Beneath it all are hearts that beat and eyes that weep in shared love. An event has focussed the love that is shared and lets it be seen. Hearts shine in Oneness always. This event makes you see it.

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