
God said:

Do not abstain from matters of the world, but know that your life does not depend on them. You think it does. You think you are a bouncing ball of life, up and down, depending upon the currents. You think all this physical is your life. It is only a part of it, and a small part at that.

You tend to think it is everything.

You try to believe Me when I say it is not the whole story. You try to believe Me when I say you can go nowhere without Me. You try to believe Me when I say you can go nowhere at all, that there is nowhere to travel to, for it is all encompassed within you. You are your destination. I am your Destination. And We are where your journey started.

So what is your rush? You are rushing nowhere. You are just rushing. Swim more slowly. Float a little. There is no hurry. There is no urgency. Don't rush away from yourself. Take time to know yourself and Me. Spend some time with Me. Suspend activity a moment and activate yourself with Me.

Sometimes you think you are doing too much. You may carry too much, but you cannot do too much. It is how you think about it that makes it too much.

Do one thing at a time, and then leave it, and go to the next. That is what you can do. That is what you do, but also at the same time, you are accustomed to your mind rushing ahead or back and forth. The desperation of rushing is of your making.

Do not make such haste. If you miss this train, you will catch another. If the work is not done today, it is not done today. Maybe it doesn't have to be done. Maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe other things matter more.

In what do you think lies the value of rushing?

If there were value, I would not object to it.

My children are caught up in rushing. That is to say they are caught up in accomplishing. But what is accomplished in rushing? Perhaps a task is completed, but what about love for yourself? What about love?

Hurry, hurry, hurry is a poor song for a day in the life of a child of Mine.

If you must live your life dictated by time, then be in time more than on time. Be in the fullness of time and not rushing to catch up to the illusion of it. You have all the time in the world. Time is only of the world. Your sense is that you have not enough or sometimes too much time to fill. Fill hearts. Fill your own. This computed time you believe in so dearly will take care of itself. I care about you. Time does not exist. You exist. I exist. We matter. Time is just some weird thought you had.

Timelessness is something else, although it is predicated upon time. True timelessness is infinity and cannot be identified by a less or a more.

Sometimes you gulp your life. You swallow too much too fast. Digesting is good.

All the time in the world is no time at all. Step out of time. Do not measure it with lines in your life. Throw away your clocks for a time. Listen to the crickets, and tell time by them. Tell time that you are not in its thrall. Tell time that you are in My thrall. Tell time that you are a child of God with better things to do than listening to it all the time. Let the clocks say ticktock. But you are greater than the ticktocks clocks make.

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Don't rush away from yourself

You think all this physical is your life. It is only a part of it, and a small part at that.
You try to believe Me when I say you can go nowhere at all, that there is nowhere to travel to, for it is all encompassed within you. You are your destination. I am your Destination. And We are where your journey started.
There is no hurry. There is no urgency. Don't rush away from yourself. Take time to know yourself and Me. Spend some time with Me.
Tell time that you are a child of God with better things to do than listening to it all the time.

Lovely lovely lovely .... thank You Father !


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