There Is Naught but God

God said:

Unless you put a piece of paper before you, or you put your fingers on the computer, you would not be Godwriting and My particular words through you would not be known. You trust in My daily-ness, and I trust in yours.

It is not a small thing that you lay down a golden carpet for Me, that you beckon Me, that you sit here inviting Me, almost egging Me on. And, yet, where My thoughts go, you follow. So you are a God-follower. You follow My voice, and you are enchanted with it. It is not so much that I come to you. It is that you come to Me. You stop in. And I offer Myself to you in exchange for Myself within you. There is Oneness alone, and yet Godwriting is not a solo act. It is an imprint of Oneness. It is a merging.

You have not realized the extent to what Godwriting is. You have not realized the extent to which I AM nor the extent to your service in My plan for Unity of the World.

Godwriters everywhere are tillers of the soil of Heaven. My words are not to separate Godwriters from those who do not Godwrite, and yet Godwriters are Godwriters. They embrace My light in silence and, therefore, spread My light. As it is received, it is spread. All who read do the same. Reading is like speaking. And sometimes readers shout.

Godwriters and Godreaders, you might as well know that you are doing just right. Keep tilling the soil. It is a simple act of devotion. Yes, you gain. You gain through receiving, and receiving is giving.

You are spreading the tablecloth for a great feast. I sit at the head of the table as your guest and, yet, I am the host. I am the Holy Host, and all are My Holy Guests who sit before Me in spectacular wonder. The feast is on its way. Free delivery.

We can call Godwriting a Godmobile. I speed toward you. I take you in My wake, and so you follow Me. And so is life on Earth when your heart hears Mine.

You like it when I come to you unannounced. You like it when you are ready to finish Godwriting, and I grab you by the shoulder, and I say: "Just a minute. I have more to say."

Then you know I have given to you without your asking. I have given to you before you can ask. Then I am a surprise visitor Who urges you to hear the stillness of My Voice as I hold you close and whisper My sweet nothings into your ear. My sweet nothings are Everything.

And now you have been swept up in My arms and I hold you high, and I hold you dear, and I hold you near, and I hold you like a light that is lighting My way, and so, what I do, you are doing. I hold you high, and you hold Me high, and We travel together from star to star, and We light up the stars like candles. Here, let Me kiss your hands that report Me to the world. Here, let Me kiss your heart that holds Me. Here, let Me kiss your mind so it will be stilled from an overload of thoughts that are not Mine. Let Us be of One Heart and One Mind and so bring the Earth Heavenward and I, the One of Us, can say:

"Earth has landed. It has landed in Heaven. Heaven and Earth are One undivided missile of love, landed in My heart of love, grounded in My heart of love, grounded in Heaven, risen to Heaven, risen to the bounty of love, risen to stay, hallowed be Thy love, hallowed be Earth as it is in Heaven, hallowed be My Name, hallowed be Our Union, hallowed be life, hallowed be Our love, dancing from heart to heart even as only One Heart exists. There are no two. There is One, and it serves all, and so My Will is done."

And now you can stop writing, knowing that I permeate the Universe and your heart, and My Name is Love, and your name the same. Holy, holy is the ground you walk on. Holy, holy are We, am I. And there is naught but I. And I thank Myself for you. And so I have said, and so you have written.

Read Comments

love and ligth,

dear God heavenley father,
i thankfulnes of your words writteng everywher and your words sopurt
me in my mind if nothing words from you i feel so nothing
and i love your words from you and reading your words from you untel
the end of my breath and am always try of one tought to you and one heart
from you i love you dear God deep of my heart because why
since i was a chaild you are in my heart, and you always be and nothing
seperate you and me, dear God,,

BEAUTIFUL, Carmen, straight

BEAUTIFUL, Carmen, straight from your heart.

How many Godwriters are there in the world?

This HL leaves me nonplussed. There are many "automatic writing" practioners in the world. But "Godwriters" seem very specific to Gloria's workshop of Godwriters. And this Heavenletter seems, for me, to specify Gloria's Godwriting's Godwriters. So how many of them are there in the world? For sure, I am not one of them. Even when I put a sheet of paper in front of me or if I sit at the computer, I don't have this sudden flow of sentences that Godwriters experience. I must do something wrong.

"My words are not to separate Godwriters from those who do not Godwrite, and yet Godwriters are Godwriters." Yes, dear God, but I feel I miss something of not being "Godwriting".

Beloved Normand, soon you

Beloved Normand, soon you are going to be taking a Godwriting™ workshop in South Africa with us! We are so excited that you and Pierre are coming all the way from Australia to attend. We're also excited that a gentleman from Burkina Faso wants to come. Desire is a beautiful thing.

This workshop will be right on the Indian Ocean on the Hibiscus Coast at Palm Beach. The dates are Wednesday and Thursday, December 28 and 29. What a way to bring in the New Year! Ring the bells!

Godwriting™ is easy and natural. It is nothing you have to strive for. Godwriting™ is not the same as automatic writing. Godwriting™ is also NOT channeling. There are no trances etc. You are simply you as you are hearing the faint whispers of God's Voice. We will talk about all this at the workshop.

And, yes, Godwriters™and Godwriting™ refer specifically to the people who take a Godwriting™ workshop.

Looking forward!

With love and blessings,


This is my consolation...

Dearest Normand,

This is my consolation...

"Godwriters and Godreaders, you might as well know that you are doing just right. Keep tilling the soil. It is a simple act of devotion. Yes, you gain. You gain through receiving, and receiving is giving."

Love to you.


Beloved Nancy, dear one, I

Beloved Nancy, dear one, I can't believe that God meant anyone to require consolation.

Both you and Normand do so much for Heavenletters. You have both made them your own.

Heaven Admin and I have to work on an on-line workshop.

Love and blessings to all,



There is an author I cherish so much whose name is Vernon Howard. He says: «YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LIVE FOR EXCEPT GOD» I see some similarity with the title of this Heavenletter which says:

«THERE IS NAUGHT BUT GOD» I really love this statement.

One day in a talk someone asked IF I was sure that God is or exists. My answer was:« I doubt the existence of everything I think that exists including myself,EXCEPT GOD. It means NOTHING EXISTS BUT GOD.

Timoteo , we hear you so clear!

We join you in heavenly places. Your words take us there.


We are the same piano

God’s Thought Echoes Far
Heavenletter #1672 Published on: June 18, 2005

God said:
My speech is silent. At most a whisper. My Voice is not thunderous. It does not need to be. I do not carry a big stick. I am like the flowing river, and I flow to you. I flow gently. Gentleness does not take away My power. Gentleness is My power. A loud voice cannot be listened to. Everyone turns away from a loud voice. So I speak quietly and gently so that you may hear Me calling your name. My Voice is so quiet that sometimes it is unvoiced. My thoughts speak for Me.

What is My thought but a vibration? And so you hear My vibration. When My vibrated thoughts reach the surface of your mind, they have turned into words. My vibration is love. I speak in the language of love. That is how I am universal. I bespeak love, resounding love that you translate into words. You have to. Your conscious mind has to. Your heart understands without words. I stir your heart. Your mind must make names of things.

In the depths of My speech, there is not language. There is Voice but not language. There is no French, no German, no Arabic, no English. You translate the hum in My throat to the language you know. My hum does not change. The origination of My thought is the same regardless of what language it appears in.

The silence of My thought echoes far. It reaches you, yet you are not far. You are close, you are so intimate to Me, I call you Myself. You are Myself. You are, so as to say, My outermost and innermost Self. You are My fingertips. You are what I cast My eye on. You are My third eye. You are a receptor in the world, and you receive for Me. You receive from Me and for Me. What a duet We are, so to speak. In truth, what Oneness We are. There is nothing else for Us to be but One, a single One of vibrating Oneness.

So it seems that I vibrate, and you hear and translate the vibrations of My thoughts into words, yet, all the while, you are attuned to Me. My vibration strikes a chord within you. You have the selfsame vibration within you or you would not resonate as you do. You do resonate with Me. What does that mean? It means We are the same piano. We are in tune. We are in perfect tune. You need no tuning. You just need practice.

Practice on the musical scale that exists within your heart. Are you shy to vibrate the highest chords in the universe? If you are shy or timid, now become bold. Vibrate you must. You have been searching for the chord within yourself.

There is the sense in which there is no out there. Where do you find anything then but within yourself. And so you are finding yourself. You are discovering unused rooms in a palace.

Seek Me with all your heart, and know where you find Me. I am looking for you to find Me, and you are looking to find Me, and here I am, right before you, and here you are, right before Me. Actually, we are merged. Actually, we are One that was never unmerged. Oneness seeks Oneness. Oneness seeks what it already is. You play Hide-go-seek with yourself.

Who is it who hides behind that big tree? Who is it who finds you hiding there? Who is delighted to find you? Who is delighted to be found? What is all this exploration of the inexplorable about? And yet you explore yourself and find MySelf. And yet you explore Me and find your Self.
God's Words
Heavenletter #509 Published on: March 15, 2002

God said:
When I speak, I speak to you, and I also speak for you. I say what you would say if you only knew to say it. When you read My words, and they speak to you, know that they are yours and could have originated from you had you only dared to escape the littleness of yourself and realize them. When My words speak truth to you and you hear, know that it is already your truth that you hear, or you would not hear it.

Truth exists within you, and you match it up to My words. We could say that your vibration is rising to Mine. But that vibration is already contained within you. A vibration cannot rise higher than the range of notes it already possesses.

When you look at a work of great art, it touches something that is already within you. If it were not already within you, you wouldn't be touched. The painting enters you, or you enter it. It comes closer to you, and you go closer to it. Your eyes and heart meet the eyes and heart of the painting and its artist, so to speak.

The same with great music — it awakens the music already within you. It strikes a chord. The chord is not something outside yourself. You do not have to compose the great music when you bring it and its original composer to life when you hear it.

Just so My words. They strum the chords that already exist within you. They reawaken you to yourself. And yet there are layers within you not yet strummed.

It is not that you must appreciate art and music and My words. Appreciation is not an accomplishment but a recognition, which is the same as appreciation. It is a treasure within you. And the time will come when you awake to all that is already singing in your heart.

How can you recognize something unless you have known it before? How can you recognize that which is new to you? You recognize it because it is not new to you. You have always known it. You let it be forgotten, or, perhaps you preferred not to bare it to the light and so you buried it deeper. Perhaps you thought you were not worthy, or you feared someone would take the splendor away from you if you let it be seen or you feared the world would deny you its worth or that it would be trampled upon. You might prefer to turn away from it yourself so no one else could.

Everything I tell you — you have always known. Buried beneath the coral-reefed barriers within you lies all the knowledge of creation. Art and music and everything beautiful merely portray layers of the beautiful knowledge that is already yours. Beauty stirs the responding beauty within you.

You could not know magnificence unless you were magnificence itself.

What is intelligence but recognition of itself?

What is love but love responding?

Everything responds to itself. It can respond to nothing else.

I cast My words upon the waters, and you catch them. You are like beautiful rainbow trout who swim in My words. You leap and dive in and out of My words. And you leap again. You carry them with you. You keep some of My words in your mouth and some deep in your heart. But My words were never Mine apart from you in the first place. My words are not apart from you. They are yours. Do My words capture you, or have you captured them? When are you not held and beheld in My words?

You swim in My words. Like fish in the ocean, you are immersed in My words. And what are My words but expressions of My thoughts, and what are My thoughts but expressions of love for you?

Beautiful selections

Thank you, Jochen, for taking the time to select these letters and put them here. You do this so well! These are wonderful and expansive additions to today's letter.

Chuck I join you in thanking Jochen!

Jochen, you are such a blessing to all of us.


George has no word for this Letter.

Without blinking God tells us the glory behind the story of Heaven Letters and God writing.

God lovingly tells us that we all can HEAR when we learn how to listen to Him. By reading Heaven Letters we can learn to be attentive to His most quiet whisper. Soon the God writing becomes God seeing, and God hearing and God loving. it's so nice to wake up and discover who and what we are as His very Form in flesh. What a super letter! Read it so attentively until His voice becomes your own consciousness. Wow!


WOW... thanks so much for

WOW... thanks so much for this. i have recently started channeling- in my case like god-writing, just letting the words form in my heart and flow onto the page... and this is just how i feel. thank you Gloria!!!

Very dear of you, Jennifer.

Very dear of you, Jennifer. I love that you share yourself and the words that come to you. It is a very beautiful thing

There is so much that your comment makes me want to say. So thank you for getting me started!

I do not think Godwriting™ is channeled, not as I understand channeled. I certainly do not give workshops on how to channel. I shy away from channeling. Maybe channeling is an overall word and isn't specific. What I know of channeling is what I had seen on TV years ago, where the person went into a trance -- the person was GONE -- and a different person was talking from inside the person. The person's posture was different. The sound of the voice was someone else's, etc.

I want to also say that Godwriting™ does not have to be taught anymore than someone has to come to it without a workshop, that one way is better than the other. Personal pride does not enter into it.

No one taught me how to Godwrite™ though there are certainly people and events that led me to it. In fact, I do not teach anyone how to Godwrite! I don't think it can be "taught." From my experience, Godwriting™ is not a how to at all. If it is Godwriting, God gives it to us. It is not a mechanical process. We don't have to prepare for it. We don't have to have certain qualifications. If we had to have certain qualifications, I would be out.

What I heard God Himself say is that we don't have to get dressed up for Him! We don't HAVE to do anything. It's more that we have to do less! No effort.

There are several Heavenreaders who at some point found themselves hearing from God or someone and writing down what they hear.

Bernie Siegel, M.D., told me that the word Kabalah means receiving. He thought the Kabalah refers to what I call Godwriting™. Well, yes, we receive when we Godwrite™.

I have been privileged to be aware of the process of Godwriting in two ways, primarily as what I describe here first.

I have seen my experience as a simple subtle sense of sound. The Voice for God, as David Hawkins, M.D., calls it, is not out loud. Do I hear the words or do I sort of translate subtle unworded sounds? I wonder. What I do know is that the words that arise are not mine. I, Gloria, this individual I know, could not have thought of them. I say Godwriting. I suppose I could say Higher Consciousness Writing etc. but I have discovered that I like God. I feel friendly to God. I relate to God. I love God. I don't have special feelings for my Higher Consciousness or Spirit or Divine Guidance etc. as I do for God.

I experienced once or twice the following very clearly:

I was at the computer, and my lower arms became golden light. My understanding at the time was that the Godwriting I am privileged to be part of comes from my DNA. It is in every cell of my body. I would call it memory. I remember. There IS something familiar about it.

But, also remember, that we're not about "experiences." We don't have to have them. And attention on experiences could sidetrack us. Better to put attention on what God says.

Anyway, I love Godwriting. I cannot imagine my life anymore without it. What did I ever do for so many years without it?

It must come from God's Grace.

The next Godwriting workshop is in South Africa where I am privileged to be now.

Looking forward,


P.S. Look on the right margin of this page, You will see a link named Story of Heavenletters. Click it if you would like to read more. :)

P.S. from Gloria Do you know

P.S. from Gloria

Do you know French? Can you possibly translate my comment above into French for an upcoming Godwriting workshop in South Africa? Also Jennifer's comment that prompted my comment? Our regular translators are doing more than they can do right now. Normand is translating thirteen Heavenletters ahead of time because he will be traveling to South Africa for the workshop.

God bless you.

With love, Gloria

Gloria Precious One:

Your innocence has me smiling. The word "Channel" is simply where the "Water" flows. We as human beings are part of the way God or Life or Universe "Channels" energy. The Love of God is "Channeled" through you.

No,no, you don't go into a trance and perhaps some do to hear a certain language of energy. Some seem to get things they call the SECRET or other fun things but what you get is simply "love" finding an avenue in an open mind. No trance, no hypnotism, no hype, just Gloria open to love, and to God and to Life. Yes I love you that way!


Beloved George, it just

Beloved George, it just isn't a word I'm comfortable with. The connotation of the word doesn't feel right to me..

LOving you, Gloria

Gloria Precious One:

Sweetest One, Feeling what we feel makes us real. What you feel is so beautiful and right for the Heaven Letters, you are always balanced and good for us.


You are a prince.

You are a prince.

Gloria Beloved:

A Lady you are.



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