There Is a Realm
Of what is man made but of soul? What is man but a soul packaged in a human body? What more is there to say? My children believe in bodies fully yet not quite so much in their own souls which exist in and out of the body. This state of affairs may be called reasoning. Logic is given, yet, isn’t it only an idea that the body exists and the soul can’t exist because you can’t point to where the soul is? Isn’t this thinking out of the realm of reason altogether? And who cares where the soul is located? Care that you have a soul. Your soul represents you. You are your soul.
Is it reason to say that only what the five senses can embrace actually exists? Surely, there is more to you than meets the eye.
You can see words, and you can say words exist. You can write them. You put up pictures of them. You can say that words are evidence of thought. You might say that if there is a word for thoughts then thoughts must be said to exist. I don’t think anyone denies that thoughts exist, yet they often exist as will-o’-the-wisps.
There is a word God, and there is a word soul, and there is a word life. There is also a word for death and everyone understands its meaning. Young children already understand what death is. There is death of the body. There is no death when it comes to soul or spirit or God Myself.
Your precious mind can go only so far. There is a knowing beyond the mind. The mind does not know everything. In some ways, the mind knows nothing even when it is sure it does. Ego is a word, and it is a bona-fide word of illusion. Even there is a word illusion which stands for something that is not real. There are words that don’t encompass much, if anything, and then there are words like love that say it all, for love is all there really is to say. There is a word for exclusive and another word for inclusive, yet all words, even words you can point to, are not all true or true at all.
Lie is a word. It has meaning. Yet lie is a word for something that is clearly not true.
And yet, there are metaphors. Metaphors hold Truth. They mean something true. On one level, a metaphor can be seen as laughable. Who in his right mind can say that his beloved girlfriend is a rose. Surely, even a poet knows the difference between a girl and a rose. They are clearly two disparate things – and, yet, the metaphor My love is like a red rose is well-said and holds great meaning. Metaphors go further than any explanation.
Surely the word meaning means something. Meaning has power, and yet, how can the same word, mean, mean meaning and also mean unkindness?
It was correct in Alice in Wonderland. A word can mean anything you want it to.
Various languages may have words that sound exactly alike and will have different meanings or even opposite meanings.
Language is a strange land you live in. Language is vitally important even as language is made of sounds and meaning attached to the sounds. There are thoughts beyond words, and a land beyond thought as well.
What can be deeper than thought? Beyond thought can be deeper than thought. There is a realm where thought does not enter.
Of course. Being is deeper than thought. Love is much more deep and extensive than it is often touted to be in the world. There is a land where Oneness is understood and needs no explanation. You must know you are Being. And Being never stops.
Each of My children’s lives has great meaning and a Great Presence in the world. Each of you goes way beyond the World. You come from somewhere. From where you come is Majestic and Vaster than the Vast. Who you are is far beyond the recalling of words. Words can be like trains that can go only so far as the laid-out tracks will take them.
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