There is an important birthday coming up February 13
It is the birthday of one who has given more to Heavenletters than ever could have been dreamed of.
Without him, we would not have this forum. Without him, we wouldn't have this incredible web site. We wouldn't have the blog. We wouldn't have had a great guiding light for all the practical aspects of Heavenletters.
And he keeps doing more and adding more dimensions to the evolution of Heavenletters.
For myself, I don't know how I would be sending out 5, 000 or so Heavenletters every day. I don't know what I would have done the past four years without the friendship of this beautiful soul who has taken Heavenletters and Heavenreaders to his heart and decided to carry them on his broad shoulders. Maybe he didn't decide. Maybe God decided it all for him.
IIt is no secret who this gift to us all is. It is Heaven Admin, One, Oceans of Love, Santhan.
There is a triangle in Heavenletters, it seems to me. God at the top, naturally. And then Santhan and I equally supporting the triangle. And I know that all of you are inside this triangle.
Thank God you were born and ventured here for all of us to receive your many blessings.
Dearest Santhan, may this be
Dearest Santhan, may this be your biggest and bestest birthday ever...and happiest and most beautiful too. And may all of your unbirthdays be equally joyous! Loving you alway, Jimi. and ps...thank you for all of your great contributions to this web site.
Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...
Dearest Santhan, I know
Dearest Santhan,
I know it's early but .... I wish you a wonderful wonderful birthday dearest Angel of Heavenletters and Heavensite and Heavenreaders !!! .... How young you are dear Santhan, and such a blessing to all of us. May God shower a most wonderful day and all days to come on you !!!
My best wishes for a divine birthday !
With Love and Gratitude for the mircales you do.
Happy birthday,my dearest
Happy birthday,my dearest Aquarian Indigo Angelic friend and teacher! Can you feel the love I'm sending you? I'm one of your biggest fans, Sunthan! Your whole bearing radiates love and humbleness. We all love you here for your assiduous service to Light and we wish the best for you! Blessed to meet you,dear S!
There is hardly anything
There is hardly anything more important one can do in the world today, Santhan. I deeply appreciate the wonderful work you do.
Happy birthday!
Have a great party!
Happy birthday dear Santhan
Happy birthday dear Santhan ! :)
I wish you all the best and even better than the best.
You've done and you're still doing a great job with Heavenletters website.
Much love to you,
Congratulations, dear
Congratulations, dear Santhan on your 30th birthday!
You are still young, but an ‘old soul’ and a blessing to us all. Thank you, for your time, energy, creativity and enthusiasm in creating, maintaining and expanding the “Heavenletters” website! It is a great place to be.
Many blessings to you for today and all the days thereafter!
Dear Santhan Happy
Dear Santhan
Happy Birthday!!
It is always a pleasure to work with you and your kindness has impressed me deeply.
Your contributions are inmeasurable, and it is a great new that you soon will have a helping hand.
You really deserve a little break and as I understand you and Gloria will have a great Trip together to Argentina soon. It sounds like a great gift!
Thank you for beeing here
Dear Enlightened Heaven
Dear Enlightened Heaven Family,
May I offer my heart felt appreciation to all of you for providing the opportunity to be of service.
Gloria and I have written to each other on many occasions in awe of the community that has come together around Heavenletters. This community vibrates so highly. I am so happy to be a part of this gathering of awakening souls.
There was not much difference today other than I stayed in bed a little later this morning and enjoyed the smell of a organic chocolate wheat free/egg free cake (1) coming from the kitchen! Can you imagine? There's a pic at the end of this comment to feed your imagination :)
This was from Nomvula. Kaya and Nomvula (2) handed over 2 cards, a sprouting litchi seed in a pot, a ceramic bowl, a beautiful sea shell (4) and a cassette reading of Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton (Shanti (3) has a cassette player sound system). Cristina (2) gave me a pizza cutter, a classical music collection on cassette and pink flowers (4).
After sampling the cake, it was work as usual (5). We went over to the Krishna Consciousness temple in Chatsworth at around 2pm so Cristina could try some blessed vegetarian food. While the ladies ate, I stopped by to say hello to Ranchor, who runs the Govinda's restaurant at the temple. He gave me some traditional Barfi (6), which is a Bengali/Indian sweet meat made from boiled and evaporated milk. It takes 3 hours to make!
I've always wanted to be 30. I feel grown up now.
Oceans of Love
1) Chocolate Cake

2) Cristina, Kaya and Denise
3) Shanti
4) Flowers and Shell
5) Work
6) Barfi
Tell me Santhan, is that a
Tell me Santhan, is that a matero (a gourd from which one drinks Mate tea) that I spot in pics #4 & #6 along with a bombilla? It's a beautiful one. I have some of those from Chile.
Well it sounds like you had spoiled day with good friends and good food. I'm glad you did!
All the best to you,
Yes Xenia, I drink yerba
Yes Xenia, I drink yerba mate often. It's one of my favorite drinks.
When all of you come to South America to visit/stay we can share a mate!
Oceans of Love
Can I come to work with you,
Can I come to work with you, dear Santhan? Your 'office' emanates such spiritual peace and order that all that comes out from there must be highly spiritual. I work in the midst of a constant mess, but then they say we create our own circumstances, so I commend you for your creation.
Safe in My arms you're only dreaming. -
Al sicuro tra le Mie braccia state solo sognando.
Love is the Answer.-Amore è la Risposta
Cara Paula, You have it "on
Cara Paula,
You have it "on the nose" about creating a certain type of order and peace in the work environment. I usually work and live in the same place. Our offices in Argentina and South Africa are very simple. I find that when things are in place and my work environment is clean, I breath easily and am more relaxed. Things get into a rhythm. Living on my own is very easy.
Now that I am living with people I see that "a gentle order" is a must. I'm getting practice on understanding the dynamics of a community. I feel community living, sharing of resources and collaborating with our actions is the way of this new age.
You are welcome in our team Paula! I think you are already in the team!
One Love
Uh-oh, I'm in trouble. My
Uh-oh, I'm in trouble. My space is not orderly.