The Yolk of the Egg of Creation

God said:

It is not that you are to bow down to Me. It is that you are to look up and within. When you look up, something good happens. The physical act of looking up does wonders for you. Peace descends on you. Love wells up within you. Remember to look up. It is not really that I am above, yet look up just the same.

It is not really that you find Me within either, although, of course, I am here within you. When you feel contentment, when you feel happy, when your heart is stirred with love, you are recognizing Me within you. I am always here. I am as much a part of you as any of your aches and pains - far more a part of you! I am an integral part of you, yet I am not a part. I am all of you, every atom, every indication of you. There is never a moment that I am away from you. Only your attention strays elsewhere. I am always everywhere. You cannot be without Me, not for one instant.

Yet you have a great imagination that throws roadblocks between Us, imagined roadblocks, that is. There is absolutely nothing between Us. Well, We could say that love is between Us, but how can love be between Us when Love is Us? We are all the love in the world forever and ever, and it has ever been so. If I am love, and I AM love, then you must be love also.

You have never been separate from My love, not now, not ever. I hope you do not feel that I am some kind of responsibility of yours. I do not add weight to your shoulders. Not at all. You are not obligated to Me. I am not an obligation, beloveds. How can I be an obligation when I am Yourself, when I am the boundlessness of you, when I am the heart of you? I am what you are made of. I am what you are. Therefore, you are What I Am. If I am That, you are That. If I am This, you are This. If I am Everything, then you are Everything too.

It is not that We become One. We are already One. We are the Yolk of the Egg of Creation.

We never went anywhere, beloveds. We never left Heaven, nor did We ever go anywhere. Of course this is so. Space and time do not exist except in the periphery of Our thought. Do you see how powerful thoughts are? Look at the Universe. Boom, there is a Universe of Thought, filled with the truth of light and magnificence, and yet, your imagination and thoughts espy this paraphernalia of the Universe and call it Life. Life is the Oneness of Our Love, beloveds. True life, that is. It is not this collage that you see, and yet We are, nevertheless, present in that collage.

The relative world is an Act of God in that it is a play, a made-up story that wandering minds hold as truth. Physical beings conjure that life is full of woe and trouble. I understand that you wonder what you are doing here on this imagined Earth, this travel of the mind that manifests as the physical world. You live in this imagined physical world as if you are an individual you, as if you have a life of your own, as if you can depart from love and truth, as if you are a singular being when you have access to and ARE the God in Heaven you sometimes can't conceive of. Beloveds, you can imagine everything else under the sun!

Now, imagine Me and imagine you as one beautiful Love shining shining shining through the interstices of the relative world when all the while We are ever the One Love We are. You are not on Earth, beloveds. You are in Heaven. We are in Heaven. I am in Heaven, and Heaven is everywhere. There is no where, there is only love, and We are It.

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So beautiful!: Now, imagine

So beautiful!:

Now, imagine Me and imagine you as one beautiful Love shining shining shining through the interstices of the relative world when all the while We are ever the One Love We are. You are not on Earth, beloveds. You are in Heaven. We are in Heaven. I am in Heaven, and Heaven is everywhere. There is no where, there is only love, and We are It.

Have a beautiful day everyone! Love, Jimi

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said within you
You are recognizing Me
When you feel happy

God said We are It
We are ever the One Love
Shining shining Love

God said I am here
I am always everywhere
Remember Me Love

Love, Light and Aloha!

My friend Cindra sent me

My friend Cindra sent me this message in order for me to be uplifted. Her hope is that I eliminate my demons, and find faith and hope again. Thank you, Cindra.


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